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Let it be known that my daughter can lift more than I do. Because she's on her school's weightlifting team, and also because she's awesome.
1:58 PM - 30 Jun 2014
This naturally aroused the derision of the hooting pack of status-anxious dudebros who let me live rent-free in their brains, prompting a predictable slew of tweets and blog posts about how this is further proof of my girly-man status, hardly a man at all, dude do you even lift, and so on. I noted this to my daughter.
John Scalzi ✔ @scalzi
ME: Some dudes online are making fun of me because you lift more than I can.
DAUGHTER: That's because they're pathetic losers, dad.
8:58 AM - 1 Jul 2014
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Should it be a surprise that my daughter, who has been on a powerlifting team for three years and has taken medals at competition, can lift more than I, who has not seen the inside of a weight room since high school? I dont think so; I think it would be mildly surprising if she couldnt. She has training and endurance that I dont. Its also equally possible that even if she had not had her previous training, if we had gone into that weight room, she still might have been able to lift more than me. I would have been fine with that. If I keep at it, over time its possible Ill lift more than she can. Its also possible, however, that I wont.
And if I never lift more than my daughter? Well, and if that happens, so what? One, Im not sure why I should feel threatened or belittled by my daughters abilities of any sort. Call me nutty, but I want my daughter to be accomplished and capable, and even more accomplished and capable than me, whenever thats possible. Its a parent thing. Two, Im not using the weight room to express my manliness, or as a zero-sum crucible to measure my personal worthiness against other human beings, because that seems, I dont know, kind of stupid to me. Im using it because I want to be in better shape than I am now. I fail to see how collapsing into a testerical pile of insecurity over the fact my daughter can lift more than I can will help me with my actual goal of becoming more fit.
I love this man. I'm going to go buy his new Sci-Fi book.

(7,822 posts)I like Sci Fi, plus he sounds awesome. As does his daughter
(12,739 posts)I've heard his writing described as taking the classic military and space opera sci-fi from the 50s and 60s and removing all the right wing politics, racism and sexism. Old Man's War takes "Starship Troopers" and turns it into an examination of love and marriage. "Redshirts" is a hilariously meta look at bad sci-fi TV. Everything I've read of his is great.
And he's apparently a great guy - I recently went to a con where he was a guest and I didn't manage to see him speak. I posted something to that affect on Facebook and he posted on my page "I hope sending you a message on Facebook makes up for not seeing me speak".
(7,822 posts)The title Redshirts had jumped out at me right away. Might start there.
(12,739 posts)Old Man's War is his big series - the idea is that when people turn 75 they enlist in an interstellar army with the promise they will get their youth back in exchange for fighting aliens. He's also rebooted H. Beam Piper's "Fuzzy" series, and his new book coming out next month is entitled "Lock In" as I understand it, it's about an epidemic that makes people completely paralyzed but still fully responsive to stimuli - or something along those lines.
(42,607 posts)I love "Old Mans War"--I have the whole series, he's a very interesting writer, not as intense or battle design detailed as some military Sci-Fi, very readable for someone new to the genre
(12,739 posts)It was a beautiful book and you can't say that about military sci-fi too often. I haven't read the rest of the series yet though.
(42,607 posts)And the last book tells the story from the perspective of the protagonist's daughter, Zoe-- which is very cool--
(38,531 posts)(If you're not familiar with it already, look up the etymology of "hysterical" sometime.)