History of Feminism
Related: About this forumScary: Did Hillary really laugh about getting a child rapist off?
This discussion thread was locked by boston bean (a host of the History of Feminism group).
This has bothered me since I heard of it a few days ago. I promise, I skipped ALL the Right Wing blogs on this article and went to Daily Beast.

(3,639 posts)the ACA was passed, individual right wingers were coming out it droves giving misinformation about how their coverage before the plan was less and covered more than after the ACA. However, when several reporters looked into the details they found that the plans before covered much less, and the costs did not go up in most of those cases. Also, it was found that many of those were being financed by the Koch brothers.
Keep in mind I am not saying this is valid or not valid, but I want more information as to its validity. Just because it is posted on the internet does not make it true, and with the massive republican campaign right now to "get Hillary", it is important to verify this, including the political associations of the person making the accusations
(30,107 posts)what the background of the accuser has to do with it, as she was only 12 years old
at the time.
Again, from the Daily Beast: Here is the audio tape of her discussing the incident
with a veteran DC reporter. It was done in the 1980's for an article which never
went to print:
(3,639 posts)the victims political affiliations. An audio tape may or may not be sufficient. I want witnesses who can corroborate that Hillary did what she did. There are enough Hillary haters out there who would have no problem misrepresenting the facts, and it is only proper to confirm that is not the case here.
If the veteran DC reporter is around, will he come forward? Who is he or she?
That would go a long way to demonstrating the validity.
(2,012 posts)The right wingers are pretty desperate if they are dragging stuff like this and posting it on the Daily Beast.
(3,639 posts)Citizenship, it has been demonstrated time and time again that right wingers will misrepresent and lie to further their cause.
(30,107 posts)It's why I skipped over all the other rags.
boston bean
(36,744 posts)I am of the belief it is a right wing meme after researching and listening to the interview myself.
However, I am not going to lock now, but if other members of this group object, I will lock. I not, it will remain open.
(30,107 posts)I am no right winger, and had certainly planned to vote for Hillary if she's nominated.
Instead of locking the thread, why don't you just tell us what you found from
researching and listening to the interview -- Believe me, I'd be happy as hell
to discover that this story is BS.
boston bean
(36,744 posts)I listened to the interview myself, the entire thing. It is on the net somewhere. I listened to it about two weeks ago. When this bull shit reared it's ugly head again... It was completely and thoroughly debunked in 2008 when rwingers tried this the for the first time.
Go and listen for yourself, then we can discuss.
In my opinion this is a right wing meme, and I don't particularly like it being posted here in the group. However, I am a huge Hillary supporter and I recognize that others may want to discuss.
That is why I will leave it up to the group and by reviewing the responses to this thread as to whether this is something we want posted in here.
I think that is pretty fair, don't you?
(115,183 posts)whathehell
(30,107 posts)and I don't remember it being discussed in 2008 at all. If I had I can assure
you I'd have no reason to post it again.
This being the first time I'd heard of it, I was concerned, and thought it would be better
to post it HERE (where I foolishly, it seems, imagined I'd be trusted) than put in in
General Discussion.
(3,639 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,612 posts)And typical of Hilary bashing-- not you what the hell, buts it's at that level. Any look at Hilary Clinton's very open statements about women's rights shows this up as crap.
(3,811 posts)doesn't reflect in any way whatsoever on the person she has become, nor does it erase or take away from the extraordinary work she has done on behalf of women and vulnerable people worldwide.
I'm far from agreement with Hillary Clinton's political views in many areas but I utterly reject the suggestion that she is the kind of reprehensible and disgusting person who would "laugh" at the thought of a child rapist cheating justice.
Little Star
(17,055 posts)you would not only bring this RW bullshit but also rec your own post. Why don't we feminists just help tear down a woman?
I'm sure in your Google search you noticed the obvious, that this is a smear RW sites are promoting because I did.
You should delete this OP, imho.
(30,107 posts)foolishly it seems, imagined I'd be trusted.
As for bringing "RW bullshit", if you'd read the OP, you'd noticed that I SKIPPED those
and went to Daily Beast which I believed to be a credible, left-leaning site.
boston bean
(36,744 posts)LanternWaste
(37,748 posts)I imagine that were you honestly and sincerely bothered, you would take the initiative and do that very same research you are implying others do...
(30,107 posts)so If you doubt my sincerity, I'm afraid that will have to be your problem.
(55,713 posts)She had to do it under her responsibility as an attorney. The laughing thing strikes me as ridiculous.