History of Feminism
Related: About this forumIs anyone else as amused as I am by the big kefuffle currently playing in GD?
Decrying hidden posts and censorship while at the same time telling those who don't like it to stfu? I've been giggling about this for two days now.

(115,177 posts)I really don't get why it's so hard to see the difference between using bigoted words and insults to portray racists as racist and using bigoted words and insults to insult rightwingers.
Seriously you'd think people here could grasp this not-even-slightly vague difference.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)It seems to be a pretty straight forward concept. But the way that some people are absolutely losing their shit over it is just comical.
(115,177 posts)One threas got hidden ans it's like someone denied an ice cream cone to the most poorly raised, entitled brat ever.
(29,359 posts)randys1
(16,286 posts)But I like the George Carlin approach to words and censorship, and the goal should be as little censorship as possible, no matter how bothersome it can be.
No, we cant allow certain words to be used, there are only a few, and George would have disagreed with that even, so we do have lines but if this is about rude pundit and the phrase used there, it was very reactive to hide that or report it or whatever happened.
We have to be much thicker skinned than that, IMO...
But i completely understand that while we are allowing same there will be obnoxious and hurtful words or comments involved.
i just read the post above mine and maybe I am confused what this is about, i thought it was about Cheney and rude pundit and sucking things.
(15,522 posts)Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of it or freedom to be an asshole wherever you please. Cries of censorship, particularly on the internet, aren't always legitimate. Sometimes it's just a means to shut other people up. I don't think everyone, everywhere has to tolerate these assholes without saying or doing anything about it. It's telling that the "censorship!" crowd doesn't extend their philosophy of "freedom of speech" to everyone.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)and I think we fall short ...
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)I think I may have to go into every RP thread in GD right now and just post the word 'fart'.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Tears streaming down my cheeks, FUNNY Shit in that thread.
I really did laugh until I cried reading that.
(48,013 posts)And here I had always thought Australians were happy fun loving people.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)And don't get me started on Freezing Numbers
(48,013 posts)I googled how long does it take to freeze a cake and it is apparently a difficult thing to calculate with lots of variables that factor in.
That recipe looks incredibly amazing.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)need to crank it up a notch. These Aussies are making us look like a bunch of amateurs
(36,174 posts)
I usually only see comment apocalypse things erupt over at news.com.au
(48,013 posts)on our site, well you can just go @#%$# your #^^&%$ up your ^%$#%^ you stupid commie %^$#%$#! Misandry! Go hug a platypus! And you're a terrible mother! Every real baker knows that Washington, DC is the greatest capital city and Canberra is not! Obviously!
(36,174 posts)I'd jump boots and all into a 'which is a far crappier built on a swamp city than Canberra? Washington DC or Washington DC?' battle, but I'm vastly outnumbered and surrounded by Americans here at DU, so I won't
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)not so much the cake as the frozen numbers. That is what kicked it off and away they ran
How do you know who were the Americans?
Did it have where they lived? I missed that part.
(36,174 posts)If you were a real baker, you would already know the answer to that
Nah, I spotted some in the discussion of liberals and politics coz of the spelling and a few things like that...
btw, that whole thing was hilarious. Thanks for posting it. I've been dragged into one of those share a recipe email things at work, so I'm posting the link to the rainbow cake and the apocalyptic comments section tomorrow
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Real Bakers!!
I never thought about it but, I guess Aussies spell the English way with the "u" in places where Americans have dropped that "u".
Plus, we call things differently. I just didn't notice it in that exchange, I was too busy LMAO.
Literally, tears started rolling down my cheeks I was laughing so hard.
(96,605 posts)Liberal commies, Founding Fathers.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(22,336 posts)That's hilarious.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Archduke Ferdinand: *dies*
Jeanette Daniels Benziger: "I enjoy this motorcade and will recommend it to my niece."
I'm sorry, Jeanette, but it's far too late for this kind of sentiment.
I leave it to your own imagination as to which DUer.

(54,515 posts)arikara
(5,562 posts)Series.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Generic Other
(29,020 posts)I guess we all need to go to Charm School.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)maybe I should open a Charm School ... yeah, that's the ticket
(34,648 posts)I read the whole thing and i was dying!!!! I see that conversation here all the time.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Frozen numbers ... ?
(34,648 posts)Dozens: [die]
Jeanette Daniels Benziger: "I admire this airship and will recommend it to my uncle."
I could not stop laughing!!!
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)along with Prudet
(34,648 posts)I must find it so i can enjoy myself as much as y'all.
(113,131 posts)And they never did say what they did wrong with the cake at the top of the page. It looks like it went through a firing squad, blood all over the place!
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(96,605 posts)
I've just sent it to my sister.
(15,522 posts)I thought of DU though when I read that
(55,655 posts)for hiding that post. When I pointed out that was not the case, at least not for me, I was told I wasn't a real feminist anyway, just a whiner. Then a juror insisted that someone who had been on the lines of planned parenthood earned the right to insult me.
(115,177 posts)Being an escort at abortion clinics doesn't give dudes a pass for anything. And it sure doesn't make everything they do feminist or give them special feminist dude privileges.
(55,655 posts)that pull that card. The ones who call women "skanky snatches" or think they have a right to call women c...ts whenever they feel like it, and no true feminist would object to being treated that way. I have never told another woman who considered herself a feminist that she really wasn't one because she disagreed with me on issues. Yet people who consider campaigns against rape and violence against women to be "whining" are the first to insist anyone who voices views that men don't approve of aren't real feminists. When a man insist someone has to follow his agenda to be considered a real feminist, something is seriously wrong. I get the feeling their ideal feminists are red pill women.
(115,177 posts)Gee where else do people whine about that shit?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)DU stares into its own navel way too much. Pull out the lint and move on. So much going on in this world to get tore down about some of this stuff.
As soon as some dudebro pulls out the feminist card I am outta the thread and moving on to other matters.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)If you read the responses they are childish, not very logical, ironic, and hypocritical.
It makes me chuckle..
(55,655 posts)as in a mini-prude?
boston bean
(36,720 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Does that make them a bidet ... ?
(15,522 posts)is that the favorite hobby of many abortion clinic escorts is to attack feminists and derail discussions of feminism.
(55,655 posts)

(4,035 posts)undermines our cause by using the same attacks on republican women as they do on liberal women. Not only does it give us a very big heads-up that this person isn't an ally, and doesn't want to be an ally (because he isn't interested in hearing the opinions of the people who are actually discriminated against,) it also makes it difficult for us to go on the attack against republicans. Republicans just say, but your side does it too, look at that "ally"!
A man doesn't get to decide whether to use the c-word is ok. Sorry, but that's how how being an ally works. I don't get to decide whether using homophobic slurs are ok, because I am a member of the privileged class when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity. I don't get to decide whether using the n-word is ok, and if it is, who gets to use it, because I am white. I have no problem with that...because I want to be an ally to LGBTQIAG people, and to people of color. So, when they discuss the use of slurs, reclaimed or otherwise, I shut up, listen, and try my best to respect their wishes.
What so many DUers are doing, is so very republican-like, I am afraid the board is in its last death throes as a a credible place to discuss progressive, liberal ideas. As a place that should be moderately safe for minorities, we have ample evidence it is not any of the kind. They whine that DU will become a place where only certain opinions are accepted (read: only 'harpy' feminist opinions, with a few "anti-white" threads thrown in for good measure) but don't realize that DU is already a place where only certain opinions are accepted - mostly Republican-lite in social matters.
The hypocrisy might be amusing, but it is also quite sad, because it is yet another nail in the coffin of the idea that was such a grand one, Democratic Underground.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(7,237 posts)It's like watching a room full of 3-year-olds have a collective temper tantrum. The ones screaming about "delicate flowers" and such need to take a hard look in the mirror.
So one person got a post hidden for posting homophobic/misogynistic term, and it's the death of DU, I tell you, the end times are here.
The thing that I think is truly hilarious is that the piece in question is extremely sex negative. It's portraying specific sex acts as being awful and shameful things, to insult people we don't like. That's the delicious icing on the (very tasty) cake... the free speech, sex positive brigade is shouting loudly in support of quintessential sex negative, shaming language.
Nothing in the world wrong with fellatio or vibrators, when used by adults in a consenting way to produce pleasure. But when you portray giving fellatio as a demeaning, shameful act, and portray the use of vibrators as some kind of deranged activity.... oh yeah, that's real "sex positive", DU.
And anyone not on board with everything about that rant loves Dick Cheney now. Or something.
I appreciate a good rant as much as many people, but in this case, the specific language used deserves to be criticized. What is staggering is the number of people who can't handle the suggestion that the language is problematic, and as you pointed out, are screaming at the top of their lungs that "the CENSORS who want to CENSOR US have to SHUT UP!!!". It's awesome.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I have to stay out of these threads.
I have my own rules about all this:
Rule#1. If ever I am tempted to ask how old is a poster, I lose. They win. Quit posting in that thread. Move on.
Rule#2. If ever I am tempted to tell a poster to Grow Up, I lose. They win. Quit posting in that thread. Move on.
Notice, I get out of threads pretty quickly in GD
(10,777 posts)and also that DU was being ruined by a bunch of "pansies" with their "panties" in a bunch and that maybe I would be better off reading the "Ladies Home Journal".

You can't make that shit up.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)good lord, the stupid on here.
I'm readinf this shit thinking do you even see the words you're typing now? Do you understand what they mean?
(10,777 posts)"clutching pearls" and "delicate flowers". I can see how those could be gender/orientation neutral.
But I did take a little umbrage to the person who posted a picture of Aunt Bea.
(55,655 posts)but I think I know who you're talking about. Now I have to find out if I'm right. Was it Boston's thread or another?
(10,777 posts)I can't even begin to sort them all out.
(42,607 posts)Speechless
(6,785 posts)Apparently the PC police are totally making this like a conservative or Republican site!
And what comes up on a google search for PC police?
After the obligatory wikipedia and urban dictionary links that show up first on everything, we have, in the order they appear:
Fox News.
Daily Beast quoting Ben Carson about his defiance of the PC police objecting to him defining marriage as one man one woman
Renew America.
Daily Caller
Washington Examiner
townhall.com quoting Ben Carson
And finally a link that isn't a far right shithole...and it's The Guardian reporting on uh....a Police Commissioner and abbreviating his title.
(115,177 posts)
(115,177 posts)
You can't make this shit up!

(3,109 posts)Along with cute/heroic animal posts and other stuff I deem to not be news. Ok, I'll view an occasional animal post, but not rec them. Except maybe once. But I come here for policy, politics, and progressive news and I'm overall happy with what people post.
(55,655 posts)essentially, and it wasn't hidden. All this talk about HOF being "protected" is bullshit.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)oh lord.
We should write a story = Prudette, The Ugly Old Bat
(53,661 posts)One thread, I was hit with an epic barrage of loaded questions for a neutral reply, posted to me by a very long time member who had never talked to me before but I had Rec'd and thanked him and suggested people go to his OPs for a long time. I'd never seen him make long replies to anyone before, so I was surprised to get his undivided rage as my very first reply from him. Let's just say I found the compliment lacking.
I spent an hour answering the furious questions and inneudoes line by line in my reply. When I asked a few questions as to where I'd ever posted anything in line with his accusations, he didn't answer, just said, oops, he didn't understand after being so verbose.
But when a man said the exact same 5 words I did, further downthread, same poster high fived him.
Huh. Makes you wonder.
Another 5 word response stated a legal situation I'm very familiar with but it generated a full batshit attack of how I was aiming to take someone's rights away, that had nothing to do with what I said. I was going to spend time to answer the wall of yelling, then thought, WTH, I don't have to answer an OTT comment like that. I mean, it was ugly. At least the poster had gotten their daily exercise by jumping to a conclusion and flailing about wildly.
So when another poster responded to the poster, I explained to him in full on the topic, after he received a respectful reply from the accusing poster. I wasn't about to answer batshit, but batshit could read it. And no doubt did, but left his post to me stand. His post got the attention of some of my 'fan club' as well.
In every case where I've been gone after, a string of people on my Ignore list show up to respond to my post after the first one. Since I don't see them, I guess it's just another pile on fest. Which you seem to get a lot of here.
It gets tiring trying to tailor one's responses to avoid what some poster wants to vent on, because it's not the topic, it's you. Most of my 'fan club' is on my Ignore list, my 'talk to the hand' place for them.
It's not that I don't want to read their opinion on the issues, but I won't put up with personal attacks, not about disagreeing with my views. It's their opinion of me as a person, name calling, OTT stuff, FU's and threats to get me banned. The reason I have that rule is I don't make personal attacks, not even snark, so I ignore those who cannot control themselves. After all, we're supposed to be here to talk about issues, not each other's lives unless they want to bring it up. Even if I think a person who makes OPs or tells things about their own life may or may not be honest, I don't 'go there.'
DU is like real life in that respect. There are people in real life I don't choose to associate with and it's the same as DU, which is not something I'm forced to be apart of, but am here for information, opinion and fun. I'd advise you to not answer such stuff at all and remember you have a lot of friends here who respect your views and your passions.
(55,655 posts)You are always so civil. Would you mind PMing the names of some of your fan club?
(13,218 posts)I call it the "my dog doesn't bark" rule. Also note I've already mentioned in a couple of posts that DU is getting very thin-skinned and becoming a bunch of fuddy-duddies.
(54,515 posts)I think some of them can't distinguish between censorship and "she disagreed with me and now I am sad!!!!!!"
(42,607 posts)After one reply in one. Too much dumbassery, and too many trolls.
Do you think they know what they sound like?
On the other hand, TRP makes no bones about who he is. I never read him.