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loli phabay
Account status: Posting privileges revoked
Member since: Thu Jul 12, 2012, 02:45 AM
Number of posts: 5,580
Number of posts, last 90 days: 862
Favorite forum: General Discussion, 635 posts in the last 90 days (74% of total posts)
Favorite group: Men's Group, 26 posts in the last 90 days (3% of total posts)
REASON: Previously banned troll.
Account status: Posting privileges revoked
Member since: Wed Dec 11, 2013, 02:23 PM
Number of posts: 1,805
Number of posts, last 90 days: 1805
Favorite forum: General Discussion, 1694 posts in the last 90 days (94% of total posts)
Favorite group: Education, 7 posts in the last 90 days (0% of total posts)
Last post: Fri Feb 28, 2014, 06:57 AM
REASON: Previously banned troll.

(22,336 posts)That makes sense.
(55,655 posts)Those were two bad ones. I wonder what the final straw was?
(34,544 posts)nailed it. Seriously- totally nailed it!
(55,655 posts)Or that they were previously banned trolls?
(34,544 posts)being trolled by el_johns. . .
(108,333 posts)Despite the attempts by some to make "hay" with our blocked list and totals...
I wonder, especially what finally "did in" loli phabay...
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)

Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)I never encountered El_Johns.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)RW misogynist, racist creep. As far as I'm concerned.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)and fiercely pro-Woody Allen. Basically just plain gross.
(18,101 posts)according to Sid. He posted that on Facebook on January 12. Like or dislike him, he's an excellent zombie hunter.
(4,035 posts)Why was he banned before?
And who was loli a sock for? Do you know?
(32,884 posts)NuclearDem
(16,184 posts)Truly disgusting.
(4,015 posts)If I remember correctly.
Response to pintobean (Reply #21)
DURHAM D This message was self-deleted by its author.
(110,159 posts)Response to DURHAM D (Reply #37)
BainsBane This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,655 posts)Male or female? Anyone know?
You know. I don't really believe that. I had conversation with point HIPointDem and El_Johns, and while I disagree strongly with what El_Johns wrote, his analytical and reasoning skills were much greater than HiPointDem's, who couldn't construct an argument to save his or her life.
(110,159 posts)in the post right above you.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I know I am Johnny Come Lately to this group and, got here by default and all. But, really WTF just happened ... ?
(110,159 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Some of us work for a living ... and I have had a perfectly shitty day.
I am pretty happy over all about what I have seen taking place on the board.
About fucking time and I hope there is more to come. And I am not kidding about that. I can not believe I have watched this place sink so low. Used to be one of the best sites on the web.
Honestly, sea ... shoot me a PM if need be ... but - what did you all get figured out up above that needed deleting?
(28,749 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)Looks like the top one was a Mens Group regular.
(55,655 posts)They had to have known loliphabay was previously banned for sometime. It's possible El_Johns had gone unnoticed, but not loli. He's been here too long. I think there must have been a failed alert or Earl G read something in the threads that led him to say enough is enough.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)DD3 standards have sunk so low that a lot of returning trolls meet community standards and are no longer considered disruptive and as long as returnees are not considered disruptive they are allowed to stay.
The jury thing is what bugs me.
Also, I think 100 post count may be set too low for MIRt.
I would consider going higher 250 ... maybe.
Giving newbies the benefit of doubt and all.
There are some obvious Republican/Libertarian ideologues being given Much leeway and Tolerance on DU3.
(37,748 posts)Two of them did have direct knowledge that Loli was previously banned and working under the guise of a sock.
On edit: reading further into the thread, it appears that enough of the story has been collated here to offer a pretty good indication of what happened, so anything further from me would be redundant.
(55,655 posts)I think you can probably share info through PMs, but you of course must exercise your own judgment.
(4,035 posts)do they lose their position on MIRT?
(55,655 posts)I have no idea. How could you prove they knew?
(110,159 posts)now. people were pissed. but no, not kicked out.
i have known people are sock and i do not feel right snitching nor saying nothing when on mirt.
that is delicate cause, skinner has stated that a person can come back and if behaves then meh... but some get kicked off right away.
so i kinda sit with, ya i know a sock, when the name comes up. otherwise saying nothing.
very hard to get it right, i think
i knew loli was vadawg. i think many did.
(32,884 posts)A request for IP check? A laundry list of negative posts?
I see that neither one currently has a Hidden post.
Here is the part that irks me the most - loli has served on 121 juries.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Confirmed he was a previously banned homophobic.
(108,333 posts)sigh...
(32,884 posts)Bet I am not the only one.
(55,655 posts)comes into full focus.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)DURHAM D
(32,884 posts)I am retired and have the time.
(18,101 posts)but you wisely self deleted it. I'll reply to that here.
That facebook post was the last thing I've seen him post.
There's only one active zombie, or sock, that I know for sure. She's been banned twice and has been back since DU3 started. I confirmed this with her in Meta, long ago. She has had me on ignore since then. It's not BK and I won't disclose who it is.
I'm sure there are a lot of active socks and zombies, but like everybody else, I just have my suspicions. If Sid posts something, you can pretty much take it to the bank, though. Sometimes it's just saying hi and the waving emoticon. That's what he did with hawkeyeX's most recent zombie. It was pretty funny to see hawkeye whine about it on Facebook.
(32,884 posts)Let me know if anything changes.
(18,101 posts)

A couple of other things. Skinner has said people can just abandon their account and start over with a new user name. It wipes out reputations and any hidden posts, as well as any blacklists that they were on. I know of two people who have done this, but I'm sure there are more. That really sucks for anyone who would want them on their blacklist.
The other thing is this:
(32,017 posts)It occurs to me that we're all a lot older and wiser than we were when DU first got cranked up.
Kudos, Mr. Allen.
(110,159 posts)Laelth
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
(110,159 posts)seaglass
(8,182 posts)I believe he was vadawg. I don't remember him from before.
(3,180 posts)Sexist, homophobe, troll. Looks like Skinner and Earlg are getting serious about cleaning house.
(55,655 posts)
(3,180 posts)William linked in his ATA post.
(32,884 posts)Called MADem a boston fishwife and it got him a Hide - http://www.democraticunderground.com/10024577046
(32,884 posts)to ask he he was under review.
I have another one for the returned Troll list.
(3,180 posts)Hopefully, a wake up call for some of the nastier posters.
(32,884 posts)had the privilege of serving on 128 Juries.
(3,180 posts)taking jury comments into consideration, looking at the whole picture.
(32,884 posts)I did a spot check of the recently removed members and noticed that for the most part they stay just below the nuke radar so it it occurred to me that they may be looking at their Alerting history.
(22,871 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)Last edited Fri Feb 28, 2014, 05:37 PM - Edit history (1)
And said this
50. I hope you do.
It's all up to people like you that allow people like me to make money by manipulating people like you.
I was destitute and on the verge of homelessness six years ago. Thank you very much.
BTW, Today, I'm trying to decide whether to risk a purchase of 100 acres or so in a purple state with drastically under-valued land, or whether to buy a piece of southern Oregon and count on people like you to keep increasing the market value of a smaller, and an objectively less valuable property. Which way do you think I should go?
And this:
86. Au contraire, mon frère.
No more progressive for me.You corporocrats have convinced me that intent and objective are irrelevant. Barack has the right idea, get what you can, while you can, because the vermin rule, and fuck everybody else.
You have no interest in making the world better, you just want something for yourself. There's no point in helping your fellows, for they are nothing but more vermin seeking only to steal from me. Winning is not the most important thing, it is the only thing.
What you all forget to include in your plans is the fact that so few of you are good enough to win in the world you advocate.
That doesn't include the weird include sexist crap like called MAdem "a fishwife"
It was a flameout
Or a troll. I don't know a anything about "cavers" but I wonder
(22,871 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)They sometimes reference their banned trolls. The problem it is hard to know if they are on the level or engaged in some disinformation game.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)KitSileya
(4,035 posts)It got Skinner and EarlG to sit up and take notice, that's for sure! It was like a mass lemming drive going further and further to the right in reaction to people's calm and reasoned objection to the T&A threads, and they couldn't help themselves, I guess.
I'm glad they stated outright that Egalitarian(Ha!)_Thug was banned for being a homophobe - the LGBTQ crowd has had to suffer through so many homophobic threads in the last half year, like the Sochi Olympics, salvation army, Pope Francis threads (and I say that as a devout Catholic - I can recognize bigotry even when it reflects badly on me and my group) that they deserve to have it affirmed that there are homophobes posting on DU.
(42,607 posts)So relate to that very well.
I don't seem to have the internal circuitry for religious faith, but I support her-- she sounds much like you do.
(54,515 posts)(But my next thought is: "Don't stop there! Keep the momentum going!"
(23,340 posts)as it devolved into something that reminded me of a little kid responding with "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" to every question.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)The surgery needed on DU3 is major and the knife should cut wide and deep.
I have never grave danced like this before but, the place is infested and, stinks to high heaven.
I really do hope this is just the beginning and that there are more coming.
I can not believe that some of you knew these were zombies and did nothing.
(110,159 posts)then he kicks people off and we ask for clarity. when that person HH comes back, do we go after him? HH gets tos'ed every time.
he does not make the rules clear at all. that is why when X got kicked off it was like, why? she behaved. skinner said, behave, you can stay. yet, some people cant stay.
who the fuck knows.
i think there was even a thread where it was discussed loli was vadawg.
(42,607 posts)There's no way they'll let him back. The rest? I don't know
(110,159 posts)they behave, they are left alone. i can name ten men today with different names, that are returnees. not to mention the ones with a couple hundred posts for ten years, that pop up just every once in a while to throw a jab.
(16,184 posts)UtahLib
(3,180 posts)one of HOF's, and in particular sea's, most avid fans had another nasty flame out. Old and In The Way's hate filled transparency page is on display.
(108,333 posts)That one is something...
(3,180 posts)hlthe2b
(108,333 posts)One I certainly won't miss during his exile...
(110,159 posts)i do not really buy into that. the last time was an Op dissing me particularly, in an ugly manner, and hof in general. jury let stand. a long thread of ugly insults. and took too long for host to hide.
the reasoning? the man was drunk. i should be accommodating toward the insults directed at me.
so that excuse simply does not fly with me any more.
(3,180 posts)is the vicious hatred eating at his insides.
(108,333 posts)I hate to speculate, but his behavior is pretty stereotypical...
(110,159 posts)at least i understand what he is doing there. but that beer thread? totally over my head. i did get the part about red wine, and dissing me... well, i got that he was dissing me. not really seeing how it was a diss.
he is cute though isnt he, lol.
(3,180 posts)hlthe2b
(108,333 posts)even if he does end up being banned under this persona...(given his obsession with this group and with sea)
(17,208 posts)That was epic! he needs to put the booze down. Geez-o-peat!
(110,159 posts)TDale313
(7,822 posts)Drunk posting never a good idea. But, honestly, *so* not sorry he's on "vacation"
(110,159 posts)their wife. my hubby doesnt do social network but i was thinking, if he did this then came to bed, ... and i knew? it left an impression.
i mean if you are treating a woman like filth, would that extend for at least a period, in a persons thinking? we hear that hearing sexist jokes stays with men and effects how they would dole out govt money and women issues take a huge cut. i read about a study feeding men porn then putting them in the work space, and for about an hour they crowded into the womans personal space.
hence, why i thought about what i did.
(55,655 posts)and I wouldn't post crap like that. I would get silly though.
Alcohol doesn't change who people are. It only loosens their inhibitions.
(17,208 posts)I think he is just an angry person in general.
(7,822 posts)mercuryblues
(15,470 posts)yellow snow when there is beer
That thread was a crash and burn.
(91,504 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)I had with an admirer of his. The subthread begins here. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=4597724
(22,871 posts)JI7
(91,504 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)All worked up about the loss of his BFF.