History of Feminism
Related: About this forumDOOR!
Sorry,couldn't resist.
Recent research out of Purdue University suggests that many men experience lower self-esteem after having a door held open for them (particularly if the door holder is another man sorry, ladies, I was jumping the gun before) because they either a.) feel feminized or b.) think that the door-opener is suggesting that they're too weak to do it themselves....
There is a down side to "seemingly innocuous but unexpected helping behavior that violates gender norms," Purdue University psychologists Megan McCarty and Janice Kelly write in the journal Social Influence. Their results suggest even a simple act of kindness can convey a negative messageHe thinks I'm weak!which can lead to increased self-doubt.
For their research, McCarty and Kelly observed 196 people as they entered a building on campus. A male member of the research team accompanied each unwitting subject as they approached the door. With half the subjects, the male researcher got a few steps ahead and held open the door for the person behind him. With the other half, he would enter the adjacent door at roughly the same time, not interacting with the subject at all....
For the most part, there was no notable difference between the women who had had the door held for them and the women who opened the door for themselves. Male participants who had had the door opened for them, however, reported much lower self-esteem than those who didn't.
My favorite comment from the article:
I'm not freaked out by a woman holding a door for me, but I am horrendously terrified walking beside someone you don't know while heading for the same door, that causes a ton of stress in my life. Should I hurry up to get there first then hold it open? Is that weird? What if I drop back a step or two? Will they open it for me? How thankful should I be? What if someone is coming out and the door is already open? Should I say after you? Or maybe just do that sweeping arm half-gesture? Should I take off at a dead sprint to open up a gap? What if there are two layers of doors? If I go in first should I hold open the second set? What if I let you in first, should I expect the second set to be help? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(22,871 posts)"ba ha ha ha ha."
(38,613 posts)Jeez, it's a freakin' door. Maybe I'm just accustomed to it- the one who gets to the door first usually holds it. Gender doesn't even enter into it.
Some people must have very fragile self-esteem.
(22,871 posts)the door for the person behind them. I think opening the door for "the weaker sex" went the way of the fedora and the girdle.
(6,445 posts)It makes no sense. Over my 43 years, I've had many an opportunity to hold doors open for others at all sorts of events that I was going through to myself, and men, women, kids... everyone holds doors open for each other and have for quite a long time. I've never seen anything untoward about it, whether at a store, the movies, school events... It's like they must be searching these kinds of people out or are just lucky enough to find them each time.
(3,180 posts)It seems to be a favorite derailing tactic. Makes me wonder if their might be a surgical procedure for removing a door from ones' craw.
(22,871 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)It's just the polite thing to do. When somebody holds a door for me, I say, "Thank you."
(22,871 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Gender has nothing to do with it. We are in the 21st century, right?
oh yeah ...
(40,416 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Sarah Ibarruri
(21,043 posts)to avoid that.
I'll continue to do it - I don't care what anyone says, I'm not about to let a door slap anyone in the face. It's just simple politeness and kindness, and we are supposed to live in civil society, so it makes perfect sense to hold doors open for others.
(115,177 posts)BWAAAAHahahahahahahaha!
(54,515 posts)

(55,655 posts)I want to post it everywhere. Can I? I'll give you credit. I probably can't wait for permission. Okay, I already posted it once, but I want to post it another time.
(227 posts)
(55,655 posts)I do site my source. Footnotes are everything.
(54,515 posts)Do you want to do the honors with TSS?
(54,515 posts)RBStevens
(227 posts)if you know what I mean...
Actually I'm not a big fan of posting pics/memes instead of taking the time to write out a cogent post, but in this case I make a big exception - a DOUBLE DOOR sized exception.
(54,515 posts)what you mean about it being unlikely to come up again, so maybe we should let it lie.
(227 posts)I mean that Bains Bane has used it already and I do think that the meme should be used at will when the stupid DOORS thing comes up in order to mock it!
It's a lot better than yet another picture of another scarecrow.
(54,515 posts)cinnabonbon
(860 posts)
(51,079 posts)Now we have to get gay married.
(42,607 posts)Know what we do? The doors to the stairs--We give the door a extra "push". So whoever is a second or two behind can grab it---gender means nothing. People in wheelchairs or other devices or have children have precedence in the entry doors-- which are automatic.
Occasional you'll find a polite women or male open the for for a crowd of nurses or Residents obviously headed in the same general direction. I have experience such politeness by both women and men.
I hold doors open for people all the time. It's called "courtesy"
I don't get the door thing. Why some guy would hold open a door in the name of gender, but not courtesy?
(55,655 posts)It's just a door. Whoever gets there first holds it open. Don't stress. It's only a fucking door!
(3,180 posts)I see the tuffs are beginning to swarm Bjorn's thread to discredit the issues the OP is addressing. So very clever to insinuate that the recs are coming from sock puppets, don't you think. Of course, that may be strictly for the benefit of anyone who hasn't yet caught on to their agenda.
(55,655 posts)Desperation is the mother of invention.
(3,180 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)No shock about who the poster was.
(3,180 posts)A-Schwarzenegger
(15,650 posts)when it's a door of perception.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)
(110,159 posts)me me me, i did it.
i have to admit. i am the "door" issue woman. totally my bad.
i just did not know that men held onto this cry of DA DOORS. "da doors. i hold a door open for a woman and she has a melt down. THAT is what feminism gives us". i didnt know. has never been in my life. never heard a man flip out over it. never saw a woman have a melt down over a man holding the door open. OMG... i even taught my very young boys to hold doors open for all. they loved the experience of independence going into the convenient store at 5 and beyond, by themselves... they would struggle opening that ole door and then wait and wait and wait holding it open for anyone that appeared they may be approaching that door. until i would finally yell at them to GET IN THAT STORE and let that door go. it was a hoot. and loved it. the boys would have a blast and the little old ladies would melt all over them. well, there you go. i guess that is a different version of a melt down, but it was all in beauty, kindness, fun.
i was totally clueless.
when i walked into the thread of benevolent sexism and a poster asked what it was, i put little thought into my post. i gotta admit. cause i was pretty sure the man didnt give a shit. and he didnt. so i thru out a couple fast, non thinking examples. easy to grasp. opening doors, holding out a chair. you know. women can open a door, and they can seat themselves without help. i held no judgment on these acts. simple example, only. and i did give a thorough definition and link to more indepth thought on benevolent sexism. and boom... that was it. the end.
all about da doors.
how many years has it been?
no one ever talks about the other example holding the chair for a woman.
so.... my bad. didnt know this was gonna end some people world, simply saying, da doors. my bad.
(8,182 posts)
(227 posts)
Ah, the power of a silly meme.

(227 posts)nobody talks about that because it is totally antiquated and people don't do it anymore except maybe a maître d at a fancy restaurant.
Everybody holds doors for each other all the time so some people can say *well, in my experience women have been bent out of shape because I held a DOOR for them* and that's kind of hard to dispute except for to say that it's not your experience.
IOW it'd be silly to say *women get all bent out of shape when I hold the chair for her* because well, nobody does that anymore.
ETA - I think I'm going to shout DOOR every time I type it from now on
(55,655 posts)Heart attack ensues:
(227 posts)
(22,871 posts)
(227 posts)but I couldn't find a funny enough bear.