History of Feminism
Related: About this forumFascinating: In a women's sports clothing catalogue just received in the mail
This appears on the first page:
Our models...
Our models are not models at all. but real women, friends and friends of friends with real jobs and full lives.
Our "make-up kit" is a comb, a brush, a spray bottle, concealer and some hair ties.
Sometimes a "model" shows up for a swim shoot 5 months pregnant.
No air-brushing. We us Photo-shop to fix fly-aways and spinach in-the-teeth. We do NOT use Photoshop to build bigger breasts, higher cheekbones, longer legs or thinner thighs.
Our photostudio is the great out-doors. The sports and stunts are all real, and yes, things can get a little messy. Sometimes there are bumps and bruises involved. But always, there is courage, humor and good will in full measure.
We hope you like what you see.
The catalog is appropriately named: "title nine"
If only SI would learn to celebrate athletic women in such a non-exploitative way... BTW, the models are all naturally photographed, beautifully engaged in athletics. I'm sure their website must be equally refreshing: www.titlenine.com (and no, I have no interest in the company beyond my being impressed that they are setting a good example.
Progress, I hope.....

(58,162 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Anybody who's taken an outfit to try on when it's looked really super on a store mannequin knows the problem well, that what looks good on some ideal is not going to look very good on the real thing.
If the clothing industry doesn't wake up soon, they're going to start losing money hand over fist as women over 25 just give up on fashion completely.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Simply Stunning!
Thank you for sharing this. I may have to spend some money at Title Nine.
(32,884 posts)I just made a catalog request.
(34,544 posts)
(51,907 posts)Duluth Trading is a little better, with some items 18-24.
(108,333 posts)but at least they are moving in right direction...
(7,237 posts)Beautiful, real, women.
(3,300 posts)and treated like freaking human beings. It's another thing that goes unanswered year after year. Body sculpting type Photoshopping should have to come with a label.
** Since when don't we get a red message that we've edited the post?
(39,210 posts)???
on edit: seeing for myself.
(3,300 posts)
(544 posts)guarantees women the right to compete and participate in sports. Look it up.
(108,333 posts)Why, pray tell, do you think I said it was "appropriately named?" A company celebrating the equality of women as REAL women engaging in sports?
Sorry, but I can not believe that you felt the need to point that out.
On edit, seems several didn't know that so it is good you brought it up... Mea culpa
(20,234 posts)I didn't know it.
I saw title nine in the post and mentally linked it to something about sports, and somehow converted it into something about golf. (titlest golf balls? I don't know.) I didn't look at the link, I just assumed it was a catalog for women golfers.
Then I read the post about stunts, and was trying to envision what golf stunts would look like.
(108,333 posts)
(544 posts)The things that are now taken for granted as a right, we did not have then. We fought for it. Every time I see Phyllis Schafly I want to hurl since she fought so hard against everything that benefited females and then used those benefits for her own self gain.
(108,333 posts)today.
I have to really take a deep breath when I see young women either taking for granted, or worse, denigrating those whose fights preceded them and to which they should owe a great debt. I can only hope our younger women are aware of the risks if they do not pick up the baton.
(47,451 posts)
(108,333 posts)
(544 posts)Hang around DU and you'll find out about the women that broke all the "rules" - my generation.
(47,451 posts)Thanks for the tip about it.
(39,210 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)sheshe2
(90,322 posts)Triana
(22,666 posts)Always appreciated their respect and realism when it came to sportswear - and women.
(846 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)Thank you
(16,232 posts)but - I think I'm missing something.
I looked but everyone still seems super slim. Granted they're selling "sports wear", but I know some very athletic and "sporty" women who aren't even close to looking like that.
Did I just miss those models? I very well could have, if so, please point me in the right direction. Like I said - their statement is wonderful, but I'm trying to figure out if it goes far enough?
(108,333 posts)But their emphasis on "real", non-photo-shopped, non-anorexic is surely a start...
(16,232 posts)Don't get me wrong - it's a great idea. I just think maybe they should include some women a little larger.
(39,210 posts)So anyone even a little larger than me is out of luck.
Agree that it's a start, but it would be nice if the clothing manufacturers were a little more in tune with real women's sizes. Our culutre has this tendency to think that larger women are not fit. I dare say that when I was 40 pounds overweight & exercising everyday, I was more fit than I am now, getting out to walk only 2 days a week, if that.
Love those tankini's! With the boy shorts, that's better than a one-piece.
(5,239 posts)Women over a certain age do not want low riders that show off their belly or tops that are skin tight and don't reach their waist. Even skirts and dresses are geared for young people. Finding clothes has become an headache instead of a treat. And why don't they make petite clothes that actually fit short women or even sweats that do not need 4 inches cut off the bottom? Short women do not have 5' long legs. They have short legs that go with their short stature.
(108,333 posts)(specifically ski pants for downhill and cross-country skiing/snowboarding) at REI. Given I have spent up to $100 to have this type of clothing professionally altered, complete with re-sealing Gore-tex liners, I am thrilled.
But, it has been a damn long time coming and more is needed, I completely agree. We have to keep pushing.
(5,239 posts)a finished product and then have to cut and hem it or shorten the waist in a dress as well when it is is supposed to be petite.
(1,805 posts)objectification.
In social philosophy, objectification means treating a person as a thing, without regard to their dignity.
According to the philosopher Martha Nussbaum, a person is objectified if they are treated:[1]
as a tool for another's purposes (instrumentality);
as if lacking in agency or self-determination (denial of autonomy, inertness);
as if owned by another (ownership);
as if interchangeable (fungibility);
as if permissible to damage or destroy (violability);
as if there is no need for concern for their feelings and experiences (denial of subjectivity).
(108,333 posts)Either way, a big FAIL to this post.
(1,805 posts)under capitalism.
(108,333 posts)El_Johns
(1,805 posts)taken from Marx.
evacuating that background pretty much ensures that people will conceive of "objectification" as equal to "admiring/desiring the sexual attributes of a person," as one poster here already said they did.
IOW, omitting that background will lead to stupid clusterfuck threads like this one, essentially about nothing.
(10,745 posts)Any progress in this department is good, IMHO.