History of Feminism
Related: About this forumYet another example of rape culture.
Last edited Thu Feb 6, 2014, 07:53 PM - Edit history (1)

It is so sad that some can manage to delude themselves into thinking it doesn't exist.

(110,159 posts)if not, i will try reading glasses and sticking face into the puter, lol
(115,177 posts)I'll try to find another one.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)Either that or my phone is messing with me.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I still post like this from my phone: U r 2 kewl.
I have no clue and don't even want to buy one
(115,177 posts)They're actually pretty handy!
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I have an iphone - upgraded from a Sony Erickson Smartphone last year.
It is handy but, I still hate posting on DU or FB with it and I have never posted pictures with it.
I know it can do a lot more but, I just am not interested/have the time. yanno.
(115,177 posts)I get where you're coming from now
(110,159 posts)but that mentality feeds in so many different areas that truly pisses me off.
how about taking her word. and if she regrets, ah, well.... her lesson to learn in the future to KNOW what she wants. and the "nicely" force is fuckin rape bullshit men are taught from a very young age. why putting a head in a 7 yr olds lap is ignore and questioned and dismissed.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)The Art of Seduction.
(115,177 posts)This is why it is important to call out this vomitous PUA shit.
Most just ignore it, and hey presto, now it's general dating advice.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)redqueen
(115,177 posts)Which is another name for desperate creeps who resort to sales tactics and neuro-linguistic programming in order to get sex. (Some have argued with me on this and insisted its just a way to improve communication skills with women and develop a relationship. Talk to a few of them and do some reading about it, and you'll see right through that nonsense.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Users. Losers. and Tools.
(5,714 posts)...genuinely want to have meaningful relationships with women, but are simply shy/awkward/clueless about how to do that (I could be wrong, though...)
However, the actual PUA "teachers" themselves? Fucking assholes, the lot of them. And what's worse-they are teaching countless men how to be predators. That's not OK.
(5,714 posts)Thanks for bringing this example to our attention, redqueen.
(115,177 posts)Fucking nasty ass rapey pieces of shit.
(2,978 posts)Honestly, I have to say we've come pretty far when they actually recognize that women don't want to be forced and they spend hours (and gobs of blog space) discussing how to overcome the objections of a living, breathing human being.
It's still really gross and manipulative, but honestly, compared to 70's mainstream semi-pornographic advice literature to guys (mostly in men's mags) it's an improvement. They'd just say get her drunk and screw her.
Or maybe I should say it's an "adaptation" rather than an improvement. They've been forced by the feminist movement to not appear to be rapists. Date rapists have to work a lot harder at it now. Basically, what they're struggling with is how to rape without raping.
At this point, it isn't rape, but it sure is objectifying, dehumanizing, manipulative, misogynistic, etc. Can't they just let sex grow out of a natural loving relationship without plotting about it like it's something to steal from a woman without her knowing?
Good find, but you have a stronger stomach than I. I just took ManBoobz off of my bookmarks. I just can't read this PUA stuff without getting so enraged I'm non-functional.
(115,177 posts)And yeah, I have a very strong stomach. I have two teenage daughters, I'm not about to shy from doing my level best to make the world safer for them and every other girl.
(2,978 posts)Or Omni. Seems like all the "liberal" ish magazines had seduction articles aimed at men--but I was a kid reading whatever I could get my hands on. Omni always had cool futuristic stuff to an 11-year-old nerdy girl like me--I didn't understand the Penthouse connection until later.
I too have two teenage daughters and I'm also trying to do my part. Being informed to protect them is one thing. However, we all have triggers, and knowing one's personal limit so that one stays functional to actually make change in the world is part of the balance of activism.
I commend you for being strong in this area. The whole world of PUA and pornography upsets me so much and I often have to take a break. I was part of that anti-porn activism group in the late 80s here in CH out of which grew a number of current scholars on the subject (and before that volunteered a lot in the battered women's movement), so it's a long term thing with me. But as pornography got more brutal over the ensuing two decades and in fact affected (nearly destroyed) a person close to me, I just had to check out at times, or else I couldn't have provided other things for my daughters to get them to a happy, productive adulthood.
(115,177 posts)This just happens to be one subject I can handle easily that's all. Other things, not so much.
IMO, taking breaks is essential. Even if you're careful to avoid triggering stuff, just discussing it can wear on your nerves after a while. It's important to step back now and then to avoid getting burned out.
(110,159 posts)adn this is why i just seem them as pathetic human beings. it is simply old and tired.
(1,557 posts)"All women have a natural fear of being forced to do things sexually with a man before they are ready." What the fucking fuck?
(2,978 posts)First, all humans have a natural fear of being forced to do anything with anybody, right?
So, they appear to be politely educating date rapists about, ahem, rape, by subtly telling them that "being forced to do things sexually with a man before they are ready" (aka, RAPE) isn't the best approach.
However, getting them not to rape is couched in a way to prop up their male ego/"difference", because those silly emotional women have this odd natural inclination to be "afraid" so you've got to expend special effort to get them have sex due to their weird, non-male problem of not wanting to be forced to do something they don't want to do.
(110,159 posts)fun. cause it is not like the first time is all that smooth for a boy, or that he isnt feeling the anxiety ect... but it is never about the virginal boys.
all of this stupid ass stereotype is equally being fed to our girls literally creating the bullshit, that our girls have got to learn to just say no to.
(110,159 posts)knowledge, aggressiveness, or self determination for our women, but little hesitant girls that need the ole so whatever male to guide them.
vomit inducing for sure.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)and feeds into that crap that they must know and show the way. it is not OK for them to hesitate or that girls might want to pursue, initiate have healthy feelings. to investigate together as a part of growing loving mutually respecting relationship.
the whole article just feeds into itself.
the circular cycle.
Break it.
(919 posts)Why not also suggest alcohol and a ruffie? Jesus...
(115,177 posts)It was describing the way to make a drink that wouldn't taste like it had much alcohol in it, so that the girl would drink more and pass out.
I just tried to find it and found a bunch of other disturbing shit instead.