History of Feminism
Related: About this forumNo matter what happens, no matter what they say or do.....
....they can't take our humanity away.
(They know who they are, by the way. The bullies and assholes, the baiters and apologists for rape, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and violence against oppressed groups, not to mention for oppression and privilege itself. But I will not waste words on them here.)
All of us-feminists and allies of feminists, women and men, cis and trans gendered, straight and gay, white, black, and brown alike-ought to remember that at the end of the day, despite our differences and different experiences and differing viewpoints...
....we are all human beings, each deserving of respect, dignity, and whose lives ought to be valued. We are not mere means to ends, but ends in of themselves. That goes for ALL of us.
Do not let them ever get you down. That's their problem, not yours. Encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and be bold and courageous in fighting against injustice and oppression.
My $0.02 for today.

(42,607 posts)
(54,515 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)Last edited Sat Jan 11, 2014, 09:05 AM - Edit history (1)
Particularly after dealing with a few people who are driven to do whatever they can to make sure feminists stay in their place and never under any circumstances challenge their inalienable right to degrade and insult at will. One even told me that the poll I posted asking if sexist insults were okay on DU was illiberal. Apparently liberalism means men can insult women in any way they please and if we dare to object, we are authoritarian. The idea that this version of liberalism espoused by a few reactionaries guarantees unfettered rights for men and denies women the right to voice concerns is a strange one. It brings to mind the schism in the abolitionist movement of the 1840s that broke apart over men's refusing to allow women to speak at meetings and women's refusing to be kept silent. It's also eerily similar to far right wing ideas of gender relations. The only difference seems to be they like abortion because they like being free of the consequences of childbirth. Of course even right wingers who ostensibly oppose abortion have no qualms about forcing a woman to have one when they find a child inconvenient, whereas here some argue that if a woman refuses to abort the fetus, he shouldn't have to pay child support. Tell me how that isn't isn't reactionary?
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Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
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Sheldon Cooper This message was self-deleted by its author.
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Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
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Sheldon Cooper This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,655 posts)but that doesn't mean it's justified toward me, and I will not accept it.