History of Feminism
Related: About this forumI'm aware of the spate of woman kills someone stories in GD recently
Usually posted by the usual suspects. Here are a few counter measures. Please feel free to use any and all of these links in responding to posts that highlight the violence of women. add more in thread if you want.
Selfie saves battered Kentucky woman
Ex-husband of missing pregnant mom arrested after body found in Texas creek
Husband arrested in wife's shooting death
Mumtaz Sattar murder: Husband Abdul formally arrested in Pakistan
Missouri City husband arrested in connection with wife's murder
Husband Arrested, Charged With Capital Murder in Wife's Death
Shotgun goes off in home, wife dies, husband arrested
Boyfriend arrested in death of Monterey Park woman
Woman Found Stabbed To Death After Posting Facebook Warning, Ex-Boyfriend Arrested
Boyfriend arrested after death of Moravia woman
UPDATE: Boyfriend arrested in death of Lakewood woman
Womans Death Ruled Homicide, Man Arrested
Police: Woman beaten, raped inside her home New Year's Eve
Woman beaten to death by in-laws, kin stage protest at Police Lines
Woman beaten up by cheating husband

(3,220 posts)Flamebait threads exist only to pick fights. Don't feed trolls.
(8,170 posts)especially when they regard themselves as "justified"
(3,220 posts)There's nothing to be gained by arguing with them. The purpose of most flamebait threads in GD is to perpetuate drama and get attention. By just ignoring them, you're not giving them what they want, and their threads will sink to the bottom without any responses.
Not every stupid statement needs to be challenged. Most will just trash the thread or ignore it and move on.
(8,170 posts)The truth is that some trolls rely on you not feeding them to create an atmosphere of acceptance for their ideas - "see, no-one disagrees with ..." Trolls like bullies must be faced down.
Check out this blog post on FTB "Don't Feed the Trolls": Reexamining a Tired Maxim
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)it is the ironic laugh I make when I see those OPs.
DU3 ... how I love thee.
let me count the ways.
(8,170 posts)When you come across stories about abuse, rape and murder of women post the link in HoF or even to this particular thread. We need some nice ripe tomatoes to throw at the unthinking.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)intaglio
(8,170 posts)"Open discussion is the best way to get round this ..."
"I didn't think you wanted to make this about gender ..."
"But I'm trying to discuss this - do you want no discussion?"
"But this is part of the same topic, it is about violence in relationships,"
When several try attacking you,
"But I thought we were supposed to be the bullies ..."
"Like myself I see you have talked about this with your friends ..."
On the other hand my response is different; there is my personal response and a serious serious response. Personally my response is, a great big grin - poor little mites, their bitter tears are a real taste sensation.
But a serious response is that they accuse posters in this group of ganging up anyway and they rely on that sort of accusation to drive people with empathy away from discussion. As noted above it creates an apparent acceptance of their ideas. Check my link in post #4 to Free Thought Blogs
(42,607 posts)What they attempt to do, to insinuate that violence against men by women is the same as violence against women by men.
Why it's hard to argue with is that the examples are of course awful, but the sheer scope of violence against women is overwhelming, and society (at DU) is so used to hearing about it, that the posting of women's violence of men is "news"
But thank you for the examples. I've trashed about 50 "woo" threads lately, a couple of which have been compared to "gender wars" I mean what the fuck? How is opinions of acupuncture, or whatever in anyway analogous to the daily violence including rape and systematic oppression of women?
(8,170 posts)What I see attempt - be it real or imagined on my part - to make it seem as if female on male violence is at least as prevalent as male on female. This makes the response to any thread about battered women, rape or intimidation an immediate "Ah but women do this too ..."