History of Feminism
Related: About this forumJust posted on the admin thread
about the hide of Seabeyond's post in HoF
http://www.democraticunderground.com/12594470 I've also tried to send a PM to Sea but obviously I am unsure if she will be able to get it. Any of you with other ways of contacting her might like to spread the love.

boston bean
(36,720 posts)dipsydoodle
(42,239 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 28, 2013, 09:55 AM - Edit history (1)
from reading past questions in ATA jury results don't get overridden.
I don't normally post here because my knowledge of the subject is insufficient. I do however look at the context of some hidden posts in all sorts of groups and forums because context is everything.
Fucked if I could see anything wrong with her post.
(8,170 posts)the previous hide was pretty poor.
(42,239 posts)who the jurors were on each occasion. There have been allusions elsewhere in other groups/forums to what might best be called set ups. 'Nuff said.
Am I correct in assuming that only juries can hide posts and not hosts too ?
btw - I don't personally do juries at all nor hosting.
(28,749 posts)Hosts can only lock,
(860 posts)hide-worthy. Is she being alert-stalked again?
(42,239 posts)is despicable and largely of interest only to those with no other life to speak of.
(860 posts)I hope the admins are going to recognize that there's a serious flaw in the jury system, if members can be harassed in this way, even in safe groups!
(22,165 posts)I know that I was called to a jury for her (again) ... the alert was odd and out of place in the context of the thread.
I don't always agree with her; however, I always admire her. She has taken it upon herself (to her own on-line peril) to address sexism and misogyny head on.
If one doesn't "like" her don't engage with her. I do not use the DU ignore function but I am very capable of using my internal ignore function (not directed at her) when I dislike a poster
(860 posts)they're not satisfied with not responding to her. She's too 'uppity', so they actually go out of their way to silence her. That's not a good way to handle disagreements, in my opinion. In the end, it is DU that will suffer for it.
I agree with your second paragraph a lot. I think it might be hard to see for some, because they become defensive, but she has a lot of good points.
There are certain places on DU that I find awful, so I simply ignore them. In some cases it's better that way.
(66,282 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)It says you cannot make a viable alternative argument so your voice must be muffled.
It does not win in the end...
Historically, we've seen what happens in the end.
(19,964 posts)Don't always agree with her but admire the hell out of her for tackling the issues head on. Nothing like an "uppity woman" to bring out those alerts, huh.
(110,159 posts)even continue to disagree after listening. that is all good for me. i appreciate that, not bothered by that. but... i wanted to thank you. because i am trying to figure out what in the world i can do to post differently to not get hides. and for the life of me, i cannot see.... lol. maybe it is the heads on. it is how i address life. live in RL. talk to boys. talk to their friends. who i am.
i do not know that i cannot go it head on.
my family has talked about the different way we game. my husband and oldest are strategist. my youngest and myself run out into the middle of battle and take down as many as we can before taking a hit. lol. we kinda live life at that. probably good and bad in it. but, i think we come by it honestly.
thank you for a comment you probably thought not a big deal. that i value cause it made me pause and think
(40,416 posts)Your one of the good people here on DU. You present your opinions with passion, but respect.
You have nothing to be ashamed of from what I've read of your posts.
The women's groups here are increasingly being pushed into the corner by people who see them as a threat... One might ask... To what? (I won't post what I am thinking right now, but it concerns insecurity of ones anatomy.)
Keep on keeping on. DU women are our highest, most noble asset.
(110,159 posts)thank you longship. i so appreciate you post. thank you.
(40,416 posts)FarPoint
(13,867 posts)We occasionally disagree...but we are always friendly and engage in healthy discussions.
(19,964 posts)Its not you, sea, who has a problem. You just keep on keepin' on. No fear!
(110,159 posts)tblue37
(66,282 posts)She is fierce about what she cares about, and some people get furius about those who post with passion. I don't always agree with seabeyond, but I am disgusted by the way certain people so obviously make a hobby of trolling her and alert-stalking her!
(860 posts)Really just disgusted. We need more people that are passionate about their pet causes, the injustices they see - not less!
(34,544 posts)I have sweet pea on email. PM if you have more info.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)one post here in this subthread:
And another here in HoF, in which she was trying to explain what she was saying and how she was being treated in the above subthread:
(11,110 posts)worthy of being hidden.
It seems like DU is becoming more and more a place of angry discourse these days.
(115,177 posts)That is what is going on.
(34,544 posts)And I'm pissed for her.
(110,159 posts)
love the sweetpea. made me smile this morning
(34,544 posts)
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)athena
(4,187 posts)Making "over the top" one of the possible reasons for hiding a post ensures that any comment anyone finds remotely challenging to their way of thinking can be alerted and hidden.
(54,515 posts)(But don't worry, I scooted them right back to ignore afterwards.)
boston bean
(36,720 posts)The pure anger with some of those posts, and the personal nature of it..... It's just not worth respdoning to.
(54,515 posts)in my world.
(55,655 posts)Their entire presence on the site is about attacking others. I miss nothing by having them on ignore. I suggested Sea put two in particular on ignore when she returns. It does no good talking with them, and everything is an opportunity for them to alert to try to get her and others they don't like off the site.
(34,544 posts)Thats what I've done. Put a few folks on ignore because they don't like women, blacks, non Christians, and gun control.i have nothing to gain by reading their words.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I will post them with sea's permission. Let me check although I don't think she will mind ...
My opinion it needs to be exposed, lighted up for transparency for all.
(54,515 posts)Sorry. I'm researching witch hunts right now. The parallels are pretty amazing.
It was genereally the outspoken woman who said to the men, "you're cracked!"
And we know that's something our beloved Seabeyond never shies from.
(860 posts)amiright. if those women would just stop being so loud about disliking rape and abuse, then we'd all get along.
Reading about witch hunts is interesting stuff, btw. I used to do that when I was younger.
(115,177 posts)It sounds very interesting.
(54,515 posts)compile the court proceedings. But you can get most of Cotton Mather's works online. He was a minister who completely believed that the accused were witches and who wrote a lot of contemporary books. The one dealing with witches is called "Wonders of the Invisible World."
An interesting work by him not related to witch trials is called "Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion." It's about how he (and mind you, he is in his early twenties when he writes it) thinks women should comport themselves. It's a total scream, not least because you hear some of the same statements today. On DU.
But what the court documents and the statistical data show is that the accused tended to be women who were single, past childbearing years, and who had inherited or would inherit property, or they were involved in property disputes, and they were outspoken. The inference being that they completely stepped out of their places, and needed to be put down.
I think it's not a coincidence that, in New England, the witch trials intensified after Ann Hutchinson began preaching in her home and was banished, and after the entrance of Quakers into the New World. Both of those are incidents in which women usurped the role of the men who controlled society, namely the religious leaders.
Fascinating is right!
(115,177 posts)I'm definitely going to be reading those.
After I finish this completely frivolous horror fiction I'm reading.
(54,515 posts)nomorenomore08
(13,324 posts)
(115,177 posts)I completely forgot to answer your question! I saw it late and meant to answer the next day... I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you.
It's YA fiction. But I thoroughly love this series so much I can't even tell you. It's something about the way he writes. I just love it. I hope he writes more. I want at least three more.
(13,324 posts)
(8,170 posts)and was accused by one juror of "Alert Stalking" the perpetrator.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)edit but that is for the five hiddens in 90... maybe it is different when flagged for review... I don't know...
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)She went into that thread to pick a fight, got one, lost, and got a post hidden. Now she comes back here to call several DUers stupid, lazy, weak, petty and liars. I think there are plenty of personal attacks here for a hide. Her hidden post is at the top of her transparency page, which will take you to the thread she's talking about:
JURY RESULTS A randomly-selected Jury of DU members completed their review of this alert at Fri Dec 27, 2013, 09:48 PM, and voted 4-2 to HIDE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: Sounds like a brawl going on between several DUers and this is just escalating it.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: I am not always a fan of seabeyond's posts ... however, this is starting to look like a concerted effort to harass her/ silence her. If you can't win debating her, resorting to these alerts is simply small
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT and said: Poster should have alerted on an insulting post rather than replying in kind
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT and said: Sigh... this poster's ongoing paranoia is tiring - and results in such childish accusations when both sides would appear to be stalking each other and she's clearly not innocent. I wish I could make the whole mess go away... but perhaps I can at least make this one post disappear.
(55,655 posts)There is a thread of over 400 posts, a good percentage of them talking shit about Sea. It is far from paranoia.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)With that comment, IMO.
(55,655 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)dipsydoodle
(42,239 posts)
(110,159 posts)

(110,159 posts)would have done. thank you for the moment of being my voice.
(847 posts)Seriously, it's like I heard you say it and it felt wrong not to have it there.
(110,159 posts)cinnabonbon
(860 posts)

(110,159 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)
(110,159 posts)you feeel so good to me. thank you
(55,655 posts)Welcome back!
(110,159 posts)ya. me, too
(19,964 posts)Your voice is always needed and appreciated!
(110,159 posts)thank you
i really really do not know how to dial me down so i will not get in trouble. i think about it. i do not know... really. lol
(8,267 posts)That would be giving in to those who keep trying to silence you (and some of the rest of us). You can see that the alert-stalkers are being/have been scrutinized and exposed. I hope you will continue to post! Your posts are so vital!
(110,159 posts)
immersed in the womans voice, is the undeniable strength of support. i am ready to rally again, woman.
(3,180 posts)I can only hope this indicates that Skinner has decided an investigation is in order.
Upon seeing your last two hidden posts last night, I was brought to angry tears and was debating ever returning to DU. When your post was the only one hidden in the midst of nasty attacks directed toward you, something is seriously wrong with the jury system.
May you always be here speaking truth to those who would rather not be bothered hearing it.
(110,159 posts)i appreciate skinner getting me back on quickly. i read nothing more into it.
thank you utah... i always appreciate you and your posts.
(110,159 posts)though, i was not gone long enough for the names to change, lol
thanks BB
boston bean
(36,720 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)
(110,159 posts)
(7,822 posts)Very happy to see it. I was so sad-angry to see what had happened. We need your voice. Welcome back
(110,159 posts)your enthusiasm put a huge smile on my face. thanks.
(7,822 posts)hugz....
(55,655 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 28, 2013, 09:50 PM - Edit history (1)
for recognizing Sea's hides were bullshit and lifting her flag.
(110,159 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 28, 2013, 06:13 PM - Edit history (1)
(65,820 posts)I have quietly thought that Skinner might not want to have DU go in the direction it seemed to be going against her. But I, of course, could not and would not appear to speak for him.
My sense is that there is an Admin feeling that it would not be a good thing to piss off Feminists on DU. So many of us flocked to DU in the early years because we believed in the humanistic virtue of DU, largely supported by a strong Feminist group. It was part of DU's dna.
(55,655 posts)But her flag was lifted today. From what Seabeyond said, I think Skinner lifted the flag, though it might have been EarlG.
(65,820 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)and in this thread, where one of the hides occurred. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=4234697
I also encountered a horrible level of gossiping about her in another thread, but not by the OP of course; http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=4218190
I came across all that too late to do anything but tell them what I thought about it.
(65,820 posts)I think I missed a chunk of all this.
(110,159 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)What do people think they are going to see?
(159,670 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)So never ever ever read Hellblazer. I might get in trouble....
(110,159 posts)now, i am gonna go get the book. lmao

Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Welcome back woman
(110,159 posts)
(13,324 posts)*sigh*
(55,655 posts)Surely I can't be the only one that finds that strange.
(8,170 posts)It's not unusual for over 300 views
(55,655 posts)There is nothing to see in yours. The question is not visible.
(55,655 posts)Despite the fact no text is visible.
(4,035 posts)It hasn't, yet, not that that says anything, necessarily. A lot of us are keeping an eye on it, tho'....
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)When I saw it was the ATA post, I had to go looking for sea's.