History of Feminism
Related: About this forumOk, I have noticed several threads in GD about women killing men
apart from being pretty obvious flame bait is there any particular reason for that?

(55,655 posts)The same story about the SC wedding stabbing, though a different article. I don't know if a post about a women killing or attempting to kill a man is necessarily flame bait. It does happen, though women comprise about 15% of killers and men 85%.
(8,170 posts)It is just the posting of these stories in GD given the current MRA assault
Maybe I'm being oversensitive ...
(55,655 posts)That clearly is driven by an agenda.
(6,045 posts)Who would have guessed?
(37,748 posts)"Who would have guessed?"
Anyone and everyone, one may presume.
However, I think the point being made is not denial that it ever happens, but rather if statistical aberrations are being posted in order to appear much more typical than advertised.
(860 posts)The reason why female murderers make the news is because they're a novelty item, though.
(11,344 posts)Make love not war.
I don't really get this MRA thing.
(8,170 posts)by the radfem controlled media and do not realise how oppressed men are and how they can no longer give in to their natural need to protect, dominate, hunt elk, go into sweat lodges and grab those "Sobbin' Women"*. if needed
On the other hand you could be a normal person ...
* reference to "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" the video of which I will not post
I just like and love women.
(8,448 posts)Also, of course, the hippies were right. Let's create a flash market for bell-bottom jeans.
(8,170 posts)Not bell bottoms just NO, Nay, Never ever again. The world only just survived last time
(54,515 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi (woman artist of Baroque era)
(54,515 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)rendering of this scene, altho as you may note, hers is bloodier. The back story on her was that she was raped as a young woman.
Here is Caravaggio's version:
(847 posts)that's what freedom from oppression looks like.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)I did a whole grad school paper on Caravaggio and spent some time on Artemisia's version of this work, rape history and all, back in 2003 (yes, I went back to get a master's as an old person).
I think the reason for all the realistic blood in Artemsia's version is because of her earlier rape. The blood in the Caravaggio version is just not as realistic.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)but I know absolutely nothing about art... LOL
(65,820 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)seemed more realistic, rather than one doing the deed by herself. You could feel the feelings of rage more with the first.
The second the woman doesn't look like she is even breaking a sweat! LOL
The first woman with the sword looks much more determined where as the woman in the second one looks confused and really a bit blaise.
I'm so ashamed to even speak about art when I know nothing of it, and I probably sound like a fool, but there is a laymans opinion for you.
(65,820 posts)AS you know, art is my thing. It is, however, over the years, often sexist (altho not as much as you might think!).
So it is a bit of a bittersweet feel that I have.
Here is what Sir Kenneth Clark (art critic and onetime Director of the National Gallery in London) had to say:
It's a curious fact that the all-male religions have produced no religious imagery--in most cases have positively forbidden it. The great religious art of the world is deeply involved with the female principle." Sir Kenneth Clark
boston bean
(36,720 posts)It has such an influence on culture.
(65,820 posts)England Protestantism later in life. He was a big deal back in the day.
I think the Female Principle is an issue in the history of art that should be researched. I did one in a grad course. Interestingly, it was at a Roman Catholic College! My art professor was so cool about this! I did this whole thing around the goddess stuff and she loved it. In fact, all the professors in my grad school course were terrific, except for one (an old nun with a doctorate in Economics...I was afraid of her...and hid when I saw her coming in the halls...).
(65,820 posts)somebody might take it into their head that my posting these paintings here in HoF was some sort of dire plot against men...like, OMG, mankillers extolled by those awful Feminists, see what they're doing now!!!
I must say I wouldn't be surprised...
(13,324 posts)And I agree that the Artimisia (spelling?) one is far more striking.
(65,820 posts)from her victim, almost afraid of what she is doing. Artimisia seems to know exactly what she's doing...
(37,748 posts)From where I sit, it's either Bait (as you said) or validation-- depending on the particular poster (I've seen three today-- two for validation, one for bait).
Bait-- just to get a flame war going.
Validation-- so that the MRA's may continue to irrationally stroke their shrinking sense of dominance in the hope that it gets bigger one day.
(110,159 posts)very good. interesting
(65,820 posts)Some people just aren't subtle, are they?
P.S. How are you feeling?
(110,159 posts)effort to correct or influence. it gives them something to talk about
worse. i think i did something to my ribs and that is why i have so much pain. i thought it was the effects of bronchitus. now that i have had another day to localize and the pain growing, i think it is a rib issue.
anyway, thanks. i am a baby. i never experience anything so the few times i do.... it makes me cry, lol
(65,820 posts)Which is why some of these younger misogynists are so funny to me. They think old birds like me haven't heard it all before? That, and then some, fellas...
(110,159 posts)i ask them, what do you think you know i do not already know,... have done, experienced. let me teach you a few things. it is trippy. and i am sure? we did it when we were young. actually, i do not think i did when young. i was under no illusion
(115,177 posts)
I dunno if that was intentional but

(37,748 posts)Just a little bit...
(847 posts)EEWWW!
Even though it's entirely accurate
(63,221 posts)I see the usual suspects are still at it. God, will it never end?
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