History of Feminism
Related: About this forumThese Hilariously Witty Comebacks To Sexist Comments Are Perfect
http://www.upworthy.com/these-hilariously-witty-comebacks-to-sexist-comments-are-perfect?c=upw1If you are a living, breathing female of the human species, you have probably (regrettably) experienced some kind of sexual harassment or sexism in your life. Those catcalls, cars honking, and "jokey" one-liners are all a little bit too ... well, how can I put it ... creepy.
The Everyday Sexism Project knows that when it happens to us and men, too we feel a mix of fear, shame, and shock, and they also know that it's not a victim's duty or responsibility to shout back. But what about the times where you wish you had an "oooohh you need ice for that burn!" comeback?
They asked their Twitter followers for their best comebacks to those moments where you wish you could fire off a witty reply.

(55,655 posts)If we're being accurate.
(42,607 posts)
Little Star
(17,055 posts)Squinch
(54,515 posts)
(16,184 posts)
(22,439 posts)When I was 17 or 18, I worked in the "family business".
I used to have to go downtown to a shop where they made magnesium
plates for printing...
For a time, there was a huge construction project going on across the street
from the mag plant. The guys in the plant, who were very close business associates
(and friends) of my father, warned me that the construction workers were assholes
and likely to offend me.
I couldn't get into the plant without walking past the construction workers.
One sunny afternoon, as I walked past the construction zone, the workers started
yelling and cat-calling to me. One of them shouted "Wanna get lucky?"
I yelled back, "No thanks, If I wanna get lucky I'll go buy a lottery ticket!"
I looked up and the guys from the plant were all looking out of their open windows,
calling out to me..."Thata girl!" "She's her father's daughter!" "Lottery ticket!!"
Now THAT'S the kind of attention a woman appreciates!