History of Feminism
Related: About this forum28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013
Agschmid had this in gd, and thought it fun. so, here it is in hof, who has not seen it.
I always get asked, Where do you get your confidence? I think people are well meaning, but its pretty insulting. Because what it means to me is, You, Mindy Kaling, have all the trappings of a very marginalized person. Youre not skinny, youre not white, youre a woman. Why on earth would you feel like youre worth anything?
Back in May, we finally started having a conversation about Facebook's very evident woman problem thanks to a powerful campaign launched by activists Soraya Chemely, Women, Action & the Media's Jaclyn Friedman, and Everyday Sexism Project's Laura Bates. After the women joined forces and wrote an open letter to Facebook asking for it to remove its gender-based hate speech, it went viral and so did their petition. The letter was co-signed by Equality Now, Hollaback!, Fem 2.0 and many other women's organizations. Seeing the potential damage this could do to the company's brand, Facebook issued an official response. In it, the company recognizes that "systems to identify and remove hate speech have failed to work" and vowed to correct the problem. This was hailed as a huge feminist victory.
(28,749 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,486 posts)I saw this but I'm so glad someone posted it. Very, very cool