History of Feminism
Related: About this forumJohn “The Other” Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports:
I was going to let this issue drop but I recently changed my mind.
John The Other Hembling on MRAs spamming Occidental College with false rape reports: Go forward, brothers, and f*ck their sh*t up!

The backstory here: the commenter in question is none other than John The Other Hembling, the Number Two (or Three? I cant tell) boy at A Voice for Men. Hes responding to an article on Raw Story thats indicative of the incredibly (and justifiably) bad press Reddit MRAs have gotten for spamming Occiental Colleges anonymous rape reporting website with false reports of rape, some of which may have named real people at the school as the perps.
At this point in the story, even the normally obtuse Mens Rights Redditors realize they have a disaster on their hands, and are trying to blame anyone else they can.
But Hembling thinks its the perfect time to cheer on the false accusers amongst the MRAs.
Thats right: apparently jealous of all the attention Reddit MRAs have gotten for their cloddish activism, hes decided to jump aboard this train after its left the station, derailed, and fallen into a ravine.
That response is classic, too

(13,792 posts)let manchildren like this waste of protoplasm define your view of all of us. There are many of us who find the MRA's a bunch of tools.
(110,159 posts)many for sure, but far far from all men.
thanks for stepping in. i hear ya.
(42,607 posts)These guys are scum. I'm married to a great guy, and he's the one who sets my standards. Not these hate filled excuses for human persons.
The problem is they're gaining far too much publicity with these stunts so I don't turn down chances to mock them.
There is more than a couple of them here at DU, BTW.
(115,177 posts)However, there are growing numbers of women who see the widespread tolerance that these MRA types get from most men, and that definitely does seem to be coloring their opinion of all men.
(847 posts)you're telling us what to do...
(110,159 posts)i LUV
(13,792 posts)to tell anyone what to do, and if that is the vibe given, apolgies offered, however, I still thought it was good to say that people like the mras do not speak for everybody. Should I have said "ladies,please do not...etc"? No sarcasm meant, because I genuinely do not want to offend when the whole point was to say that the mra's do not speak for the people they claim to speak for.
(110,159 posts)and that would have been perfect.
even i had to check myself when reading your post. i do not know about the others. but, we know and like you and get that you meant well. but, of course none of us really use this to define all men. we have men in our lives. and if a woman does? well it is hers to do. even i would not tell her not to. i wouldnt agree either.
(42,607 posts)A man being likened to an MRA would be like a liberal woman likened to, say, Sarah Palin.
Both big Ick factors. There is a misconception feminists have to battle. Something to the effect that lumping men in the same category is useful. It's not useful and it's not what we do.
Even feminists, have to think about their philosophy-- for instance, right now I'm carefully listening to or reading the opinions of, feminists of color. It's often very uncomfortable because I'm a cis hetero white woman. But to learn to communicate, to grow and to problem solve, being 'uncomfortable' is an easy price to pay to see the places my own privilege causes harm.
(15,470 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 22, 2013, 02:13 PM - Edit history (1)
has been set, whether you meant it or not.
It is a common ploy to suggest that women should not view all men through this prism. As you can see by the follow up posts the females are automatically pushed to defend that they of course understand this. It is a practice that is so subtle that it is viewed as a norm, even by men and women who support equality.
Don, this is not directed at you, but to the people who think that because women hold this type of male in contempt, must hate all men
Of fucking course women are smart enough to know that this type of man is in no way representative of ALL men.
(110,159 posts)yes.
you said it well. more explanation, but blunt and accurate. X said it well too, with few words and blunt. me....? i went to nice mode. wink.
(847 posts)a man comes in to a feminist group and tells us 'all about' something that we are clearly very well versed on and there is the immediate focus on that man, explaining ourselves, defending our position, etc. and all of the energy is sucked away from the original conversation and is directed toward the man.
Time after time.
What I actually wanted to say to Don upthread was: No shit Sherlock.
But I try to avoid acting like a dick.
(110,159 posts)if i didnt call it, we would NEVER hear the end of it. though they are clear at stating they do not find dick offensive. when agenda works in that direction. but, they surely use it when agenda works in THIS direction.
ah women...
i didnt get on the shopping yesterday. make me..... lol
such the damn procrastinator.
(115,177 posts)You've inspired me. I'm off. Have fun shopping sea ttyl
(110,159 posts)xulamaude
(847 posts)Get out there and do what comes naturally to you, girl!
(110,159 posts)dontcha know. lol
(13,792 posts)as far as setting a trap, that was not my intent, but I suppose that does not matter. C;set La vie, because somethign is still right or wrong, and the mra's are still fools regardless of whatever sauce they pour over their food. However, I will admit I kind of bristled at the idea that i was tryign to "suck" energy away when I was trying to add to it.
C'est la vie, I suppose.
(110,159 posts)really being said, until it is a gotcha moment for me. then it is so clear.
but, do you get how every woman responded to you and the first thing said is ya... we know. we have men in our lives that are not.
how that does a couple things. firstly treats us as ... well, .... unintentionally, .... as, stupid. lol
and the second is that it does put us in the category that we are so often, regularly, repeatedly, told we are man haters. in the last week i must have been told by ten men, that i am a man hater. i have all men and boys in my life. right now, one niece. i am taking care of 7 men/boys. i love them with all my heart. i have been taking care of them for a lifetime. and i am accused of being a man hater.
that is kinda why is is petting the fur in the wrong direction.
nothing personal. and not a personal attack. just info.
i can remember when i suggested that civil unions would work. hell, i would even make mine civil. well, mine is civil, since married in court house. but.... i was educated. and i thought about it. and i amended my beliefs people the people effected took the time to explain it to me. why it was offensive what i said.
this is no different.
i have had this experience in a lot of things
you have always been a voice with women.
(15,470 posts)I was just pointing out how it works. The defenders of the MRA types consistently say this outright. Consider this. It may be the 1st time you said this; but this is not the 1st time women have heard variations of it. over and over and over. The result is, women stop talking about the issue at hand to say ... of course not.
(115,177 posts)It's ... yeah.
This is why so many feminists are really against the label 'male feminist'. Because this kind of stuff is so common, even among our allies.
(115,177 posts)were trying to claim it wasn't MRAs.