History of Feminism
Related: About this forumLadies, listen up
Last edited Sat Dec 21, 2013, 04:01 AM - Edit history (1)
No more posts from Jezebel making fun of MRA types. No more making fun of "misandry," the word that even spell check doesn't know. You "in your face feminists" are a royal pain because you make some men feel bad. The most important lesson for being a feminist is that you must never under any circumstances make a man feel bad. So if you post about far right-wing MRA ideas, and some random DUer can't be bothered to read the article or figure out the context and therefore takes it as a condemnation of all men, that's just your fault. Don't recommend threads because if they end up on the home page or greatest page and someone can't be bothered to read the OP or see which group its in, that's all your fault.
So here are the lessons for proper "feminist" etiquette:
Don't broad brush. Now one might think broad brushing means leaping to conclusions about all men are this or that. However, as has been pointed out to we slow learners of HOF, broad brushing also includes any discussion of sexism or patriarchy or any critique of MRA Groups. What is not broadbrushing, however, is when a man uses an example of his ex-girlfriend as evidence of what is wrong with all women. That's okay because he's a guy and you're just a woman.
Stick to the ERA. Acceptable feminist "tactics" involve limiting your speech to what men find acceptable. So rather than talking about social norms, sexism, and misogyny, keep it simple, focus on the ERA. We were told that at least three times in a recent thread, so we must learn.
Don't talk about rape: Rape is a big bummer, unless of course it's the subject of porn, then it's totally cool. Discussion of real rape bums some guys out. Remember that rape really isn't that big of a deal because it's numbers are in decline. So no "haranging" men about how to prevent rape. The only acceptable rape prevention campaigns are those that lecture women on their behavior. Men have absolutely nothing to do with rape. Rapists have absolutely nothing to do with rape. Rape is entirely a function of how much a woman drinks, what she wears, and where she goes.
Don't talk about violence against women. If you aren't talking about violence against men, you have no right to mention violence period.
If a man claims to be a Democrat, he is your ally. What he says or does is inconsequential. That he claims to be a Democrat is enough. You have no right under any circumstances to suggest anything about him is anything other than perfect.
So final lesson: Focus on the ERA. Be nice. Smile. Don't be overly forceful in stating your opinions. Don't talk about stuff that bums guys out. Work only for those rights men agree are necessary or acceptable. Remember ladies. This isn't the Congo or Saudi Arabia. They let us drive and wear clothing that shows our legs. Remember how lucky you are. Above all, stay in your place.

(122,596 posts)
(55,655 posts)
(110,159 posts)
(110,159 posts)knees now.
it is always nice when the men lecture the women that we only do this cause we need something to mouth off about.
thucythucy pretty damn smart
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)They like that.
(55,655 posts)and don't show your cleavage unless you're prepared to put out.
Edited to add in case anyone's irony meter is on the fritz.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)NuclearDem
(16,184 posts)
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)
(42,607 posts)

*snort* *sniffle*

Oh god now my stomach hurts.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)really excellent. Bains and MrScorpio have been knocking it out of the park last two nights.
(16,184 posts)I had a bad experience with a now-ex girlfriend a few years back. Now I know it's not only logical but acceptable to broad brush all women based on that, and what's better, NEENER NEENER NEENER, you FEMINISTS can't call me on it lest you become the dreaded INYOURFACE feminists.
(13,792 posts)this is sarcasm ala Third Way Manny?
Now that can be a title, instead of third way manny, be non feminist feminist
(55,655 posts)
(13,792 posts)from a fan of third way manny No need to make the puppy sad
(55,655 posts)Thank you.
(110,159 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,350 posts)
(54,515 posts)we actually kiss their feet then?
I have so much to learn!
(55,655 posts)which means he knows everything about all women and exactly what we need to do. Not that he would broad brush.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)
(115,177 posts)
Men telling women how to do feminism...never gets old.
(847 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)flash your tits.
(110,159 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)and attached to 115 lb bodies. You know, Femen style. No chubby chicks allowed, and large breasts make you look stupid. I learned that last one on DU.
(110,159 posts)my little pet peeve.
(55,655 posts)Meant to invoke the dainty tea drinker they think we should all be.
(110,159 posts)that might have been deliberate.
thank you
Response to BainsBane (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(38,613 posts)xulamaude
(847 posts)
(115,177 posts)
(110,159 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)You need us, we don't you. I could quite happily live my life without feminism. I don't need feminists, and I'm not asking anything from them. You, on the other hand, have a big list of demands, and things men should or shouldn't do or say, but you're offering me nothing in return. You have nothing to negotiate with, so you rely purely on my goodwill. YOU need to convince ME, and you're not going to do it by being rude, aggressive, sarcastic or dismissive. It's as simple as that. You don't care about men's feelings or problems? Fine...makes no difference to me....but in that case, why would I care about yours?
Therefore, if you want me to listen to anything you have to say, you *WILL* conduct yourself appropriately and kiss my ass. If you don't, I'll simply ignore you.
Now, I'm sure your finger is already reflexively reaching for the alert button...but be aware that all you're doing is proving the stereotypes about feminists to be true and further eroding your credibility. If you can't defend your claims and views when questioned, or you think anyone who disagrees with you is a "misoygnist" or an "MRA", you probably shouldn't be posting messages on a public forum.
DU isn't your personal bully pulpit.
(110,159 posts)second... fuck human decency, got it.
third, how is the "not needing us" working for you, grasseaters and angry men cause you do not get any
third.... i will OBEY you? fuck that shit too. coward.
(55,655 posts)Evidently he thinks DU is his personal bully pulpit, yet he lacks the courage of his convictions to make his claims under his regular name.
(42,607 posts)We'll never know.
A few psychological problems there.
(55,655 posts)and never will.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)must not know about safe havens for that kind of attitude here
(55,655 posts)xulamaude
(847 posts)He knew all right.
(115,177 posts)Like others said, it's either someone too cowardly to use their usual du account, or a zombie with a fixation on this group.
(847 posts)'Mr. One Post'
(34,502 posts)but that has to be the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
What was it I heard a couple of days ago? Talking to this one would be like trying to discuss physics with a grapefruit. I can't remember if it was one of you or somewhere else but it was something like that.
That was pure, unadulterated trolling from someone with the emotional state of a 2 year old. I am guessing this person does not even merit qualifications for an MRA, too stupid to be productive even there where actual thinking is not exactly treasured.
Ahhh well, an amusement on a snowy night.
I was actually looking for something to stir me up, make me warm a bit. I know there are other threads I just happened on this one.
*clap clap* LADIES, Oh LADIES ankles crossed, knees together, skirt down over your knees. Chest out, neatly bound by a wired contraption that hurts but provides the appropriate lifting for visual pleasantness and support. Hair nicely styled in a fashion most pleasurable to the opposite sex, makeup carefully applied. Now, on with the show. Who wants to talk about the best way to prepare lamb?
Anyone who remembers those days will fight against them as if their very lives depend on it, and they do. If that is not serious enough for some men to understand then we leave them behind and stop listening to it.
Love you all. You make life a learning experience, an experience of love and caring, fun and silliness all bound up with the strength and intelligence needed to keep our heads above water. When I am down I come here to read your responses. They always help. Thanks.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)should also be banned.
(34,502 posts)Squinch
(54,515 posts)obsolescence.
One could almost feel sorry for him.