Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumProtesters take over TPP office, drop banners.
who says activism is dead?
"Protesters Demand Transparency for the Trans-Pacific Partnership at Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with Banners, Lockdown
Washington, DC This afternoon, September 23rd, protesters concerned about the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) covered the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with banners calling for a democratic process and a release of the treatys text. The group, which included members of FlushTheTPP.org, Backbone Campaign, Veterans for Peace, CODEPINK, and Earth First!, say that the TPP will have vast consequences for U.S. laws, workers rights, the environment and many other aspects of life."
(cross-posted in a general discussion thread)

(7,044 posts)I reckon. Since there is apparently a Royal Ream Job, Inc. being concocted occultly.
(15,882 posts)MichaelKelley
(55 posts)No one can say that activism is dead, it is from long back and will be there forever, Definitely there will be opponents everywhere and in every activity else this will turn into dictatorship. We need to keep activism alive.
(53,475 posts)fasttense
(17,301 posts)Many of the horrendous ideas (like a closed door tribunal only corporations and government lackeys can attend, like forcing all member countries to accept risky and dangerous stock trading, elimination of all regulatory controls on banks and corporations) come from WTO agreements. I think Obama and the organized money (about 300 very greedy people) behind him want to get these WTO agreements in trade deals to ensure they are enshrined in concrete for the benefit of corporate capitalists.
(5,610 posts)I hope so.
I hope they get a spokesperson like Krugman, Sanders.... to inform everyone why the TPP is so evil and dangerous for the world.
Thank you good citizens for protesting and being Americans. I am ill and poor but would love to help.
(50,983 posts)But they would be outraged to know that the President and others are pushing a new trade deal that could do more damage than NAFTA.
Spread the word.
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)doing the work to awaken the people to what is going on.