Occupy Sandy: Join Us for the People’s Recovery Summit – FREE – Fri 2/1 Thru Sun 2/3!
Occupy Sandy @OccupySandy
Join Us for the #PeoplesRecovery Summit - FREE - Fri 2/1 Thru Sun 2/3! http://interoccupy.net/occupysandy/?p=18147
Over the past three months, weve seen people from all over the city and the country come together in response to Sandy. We turned entire churches into holy warehouses of donated items and distributed them to dozens of hubs all over the city, working shoulder-to-shoulder with community leaders and residents to care for the most vulnerable among us.
On Feb. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd were organizing the Peoples Recovery Summit, a gathering of residents, volunteers, organizers, performers, and community leaders ready to strategize on the recovery effort.
We hope to springboard an equitable and sustainable rebuilding process with workshops, trainings, and discussions on grassroots organizing, economic justice, environmental sustainability and much, much more. See our Summit Goals below.
Peoples Recovery Summit
Feb 1st 3rd, 2013
9am 7pm Daily
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be provided.
Nightly entertainment begins at 8pm
Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew
520 Clinton Avenue
(between Fulton Street and Atlantic Avenue)
TRAINS: C and G trains or 15 min walk from Barclays Center (2,3,4,5,B,D,N,Q, and R trains)
Visit our website for more information! http://summit.peoplesrecovery.org/
If you have any spare time at all, please sign up on this form to volunteer!
Our Summit Goals are as follows:
~ Connect environmental + economic justice issues and concerns.
~ Better understand what the City/State/Federal agencies are/arent doing, and what we need them to do.
~ Present a Recovery Statement for equitable/accountable development based on Human Rights and Environmental justice.
~ Further develop a toolkit of best practices for organizers + affected residents.
~ Debate the role and relationships of a social movement to community organizing and post disaster recovery.
Together, we can restore power to the people and build back better!
The Peoples Recovery Summit Planning Committee