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Related: About this forum"Mayor-for-Life" Bloomberg's NYPD arrests French bagpipe players at OWS Zuchotti Park
(This is sort of a running thread..a bit disjointed from Lambert..)
Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg's NYPD arrests French bagpipe players at OWS six-month celebration in Zuccotti Park.
Sun, 03/18/2012 - 11:45am lambert
Jeebus, Mike, who's handling the PR on this Occupier thing, anyhow? That "Jake" kid that couldn't shut Smith up? See, brutality is one thing, everybody understands that, but bagpipes? French bagpipes? What's WRONG with you guys? And those Feds you've got downtown; wasn't anybody watching the screens? Do you want the NPYD to look like your private goon squad?
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From the New York Observer:
The N.Y.P.D. was holding back regarding Occupy Wall Street protest actions on Saturday night until they put the smackdown on a band of European bagpipe players* in nothing flat. The pipers showed around 11 p.m. and began playing for the assembly, but within 5 to 10 minutes they had been arrested, resulting in a sharp rise in tension in the crowd.
And also under "dog bites man" we find Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg's NYPD beating non-violent Occupiers:
1:20 @ShawnCarrie, arrested tonite in NY, tweets: "Police broke my left thumb and possibly my jaw. My right ear is bleeding and theres a bootprint on my face." Posts cop's name and badge number in another assualt. . ...More arrests on march going on now. One guy (medic Jose) pushed into glass which cracks--right where I was walking earlier today. Ryan Devereaux: "Just saw police slam a protester into this door, 55 East 10th. Arrestee was punched in the face."... @Jeff Sharlet: "At what point can we call this a police riot? Broken bones, broken windows, blood on the streets."
And also under "dog bites man" we find Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg's NYPD refusing to take the handcuffs off a woman (Cecily McMillan) having a seizure (Greg Mitchell):
Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg's NYPD arrests French bagpipe players at OWS six-month celebration in Zuccotti Park.
Sun, 03/18/2012 - 11:45am lambert
Jeebus, Mike, who's handling the PR on this Occupier thing, anyhow? That "Jake" kid that couldn't shut Smith up? See, brutality is one thing, everybody understands that, but bagpipes? French bagpipes? What's WRONG with you guys? And those Feds you've got downtown; wasn't anybody watching the screens? Do you want the NPYD to look like your private goon squad?
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From the New York Observer:
The N.Y.P.D. was holding back regarding Occupy Wall Street protest actions on Saturday night until they put the smackdown on a band of European bagpipe players* in nothing flat. The pipers showed around 11 p.m. and began playing for the assembly, but within 5 to 10 minutes they had been arrested, resulting in a sharp rise in tension in the crowd.
And also under "dog bites man" we find Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg's NYPD refusing to take the handcuffs off a woman (Cecily McMillan) having a seizure (Greg Mitchell):
At one point, a woman who appeared to be suffering from seizures flopped on the ground in handcuffs as bystanders shouted for the police to remove the cuffs and provide medical attention. For several minutes the woman lay on the ground as onlookers made increasingly agonized demands until an ambulance arrived and the woman was placed inside.
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Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)Not even gonna make a joke about French street performers.
In fact, I'd like to see what these mimes can do when their back is up against the wall. Send in some especially burly performers...
Y'all heard about Crony Capitalist Bloomberg's personal visit to Goldman Sachs to apologize and denounce one of its own executives as a whistleblower, of course.
If Bloomberg had ties to Unions instead of Wall Street, he'd be denounced as the ultimate example of inner city corruption.