Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumRoundup of long-distance Occupy marches
I love following these marches -- they're part Johnny Appleseed and part Dungeons & Dragons adventuring party. And where there were only a few people marching over the winter, as the weather warms they're proliferating and it's getting harder to keep track of them all. Here's a list of the ones I know about.
1. Walkupy, now redubbed Walkupy May Day. They started out from Zuccotti Park last fall, walked to Washington, DC, then set out again in December with Martin Luther King's gravesite in Atlanta as their goal. Now they're headed back north and are halfway across Kentucky, on their way to the festivities scheduled for Chicago this May. (Hence the current name.)
2. Occupy Walk started off from San Diego a couple of weeks ago on a 4000 mile trek to New York City and then Washington, DC. At the moment they're still in California, and the last I checked they were about to head into a hundred-mile stretch of desert.
3. The March to Untax Groceries is a relatively short one that started in Mobile 12 days ago and has just reached the state capitol of Montgomery. It's protesting the fact that Alabama and Mississippi are the two poorest states in the nation and also the only two with a tax on food, which disproportionately affects their poorest citizens. There's a rally scheduled in Montgomery tomorrow.
4. A West Coast march scheduled to start in Olympia, Washington later in the spring and wind up in Sacramento.
5. A trans-Canada march from British Columbia to Ottowa, supposed to take place this summer. I've seen mentions of it but don't have a link.
6. It's not specifically Occupy, but there's an anti-nuclear march specifically protesting nuclear plants with a dangerous Fukushima-like design that started at Oyster Creek in New Jersey on March 2 and is due to arrive at Vermont Yankee on March 21.
7. It's not a march, but Occupy Caravan is planning a mass cross-country drive from Los Angeles to New York between April 2 and April 8.
8. A truly epic march across Europe that started in Spain in October and has just crossed the Adriatic Sea to Greece, with a final destination of Athens.
9. A series of marches from various cities in France that are due to reach Paris next month. They just put up a marvelous zombie-themed video, with a YouTuibe description (in French) that says something like, "They are contaminated by hope. ... Their insanity spreads. ... They converge on Paris. The invasion is near."

(84,711 posts)
(12,977 posts)I was actually a bit disappointed at first, since I'd clicked on the link hoping for some more marches to add to the list. But I'm happy that they found it useful -- and their version has photos added, which makes it a lot cooler.
(84,711 posts)We are our OWN MEDIA...!
(12,977 posts)Bicycling from New York to Washington and then to Chicago. Leaving April 1, scheduled to arrive May 1.