2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe Achilles' Heel - Obama "reaching across the aisle" and appointing Comey
(Republican) as FBI director. This was really an unforced error; there were numerous Democrats he could have appointed instead. I never get why he felt he had to "reach across the aisle"--this just seemed rather dumb to me.

(6,542 posts)StevieM
(10,561 posts)at the State Department They did a lot of damage and in some ways were more partisan than Comey. And more dishonest.
The O.I.G. report was scathing--and deliberately deceitful. It did a lot of damage, even if it is largely forgotten due to Comey and the FBI overshadowing it.
(4,518 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)It was to maintain clout and keep the ball rolling. It was not necessary.
(13,506 posts)crucial positions like sec of defense. That was the moment I began to wonder what he was doing.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)From December 18, 2016
What Obama should have said at the press conference.
(From this OP)
"I am.. instructing James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, to arrange for briefings to any elector who wants one.
Fifty-six electors have signed a letter asking for an intelligence briefing on Russia's role in this election.
They want access to the best possible information before they cast their votes.
As President, I see it as my duty to provide it."
This goes deeper than Obama choosing neo-con Republican James Comey as FBI Director.
Obama could have allowed the 56 electors who asked for a briefing to be briefed on the Russian interference in the election' but he chose not to!
Thank You, Mr. President!
(44,239 posts)uponit7771
(92,498 posts)... ever
(34,845 posts)I can't fault Obama for doing what he thought was best at the time. None of us should. We should learn and move on and I'm sure that's exactly what Obama is thinking, too.
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