2016 Postmortem
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(13,303 posts)Cattledog
(6,542 posts)The 7-year-old uses his mother's Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer from her newly released beauty line every night after he takes a bath.
"It smells very, very fresh," said the current Mrs. Trump, who launched her skincare line, available at Lord & Taylor this week, to ABC News.
"I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it!"
(177,384 posts)He'd probably fight like crazy if his mother tried to rub that garbage on him.
(63,221 posts)Don't want the kid to get soft.
(4,937 posts)Plenty long enough with the so-called beauty products to prove them effective or (much more likely) a total waste of money.
(25,704 posts)Response to elf (Original post)
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(21,646 posts)Response to lunasun (Reply #9)
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(14,685 posts)Leave the poor kid alone. It's bad enough that he has an insensitive pig for a father. Do we really need to attack an Autistic kid?
(2,056 posts)Wait...nevermind.
People need to STOP saying shit about a child. Anyone...ANYONE who picks on or makes fun of a kid is a bully. Knock it off.
(14,685 posts)It has been discussed on DU many times that it is believed the child is Autistic.
(2,056 posts)How would you like it if someone saw your kid look like a deer in the headlights when exposed to hundreds of cameras flashing in his face and armchair diagnosed him as autistic?
(14,685 posts)If you have a problem with someone else responding in this thread, take it to them.
(2,056 posts)It was late and he looked tired, sleepy and bored...and he was rubbing his eyes and fidgeting. He was acting like any normal 10 year old boy would act. Because so many people despise the child's father they made shit up about this kid with the intent of pissing off his father. This is the idiotic shit is bullying and it's disgusting. ANYONE repeating it is also bullying that kid. Do you know what happens when kids get bullied? They often become suicidal. That boy is already going to get treated badly enough by society just because of who his father is. His older sister can't even fly on a plane with her children without getting attacked. What you did by spreading lies that were created with the intent to upset Trump that involve a child is wrong. Unless you are that kid's doctor you have no business saying or implying he has any illness or condition.
(51,308 posts)that makes it so?
Response to NoGoodNamesLeft (Reply #22)
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(21,646 posts)Obama's left Chicago school mid year and seemed to adjust
Wonder if he is a stubborn out of control asshole like papa.
(2,297 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)I'm sad to say that I see more ugly hatefulness right here on this site than I care to acknowledge. The right are the only ones who are jerks.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)
(14,685 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)Stop spreading lies and rumors about a child.
(2,056 posts)As much of a jackass his father is...Baron is a kid who can't help who his parents are. Best the kid is kept far away from his father's crazy.
(21,646 posts)appleannie1943
(1,303 posts)kid alone. Picking on him is par with mocking the reporter.
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)but every picture I've seen of him looks like someone who would like to go away and hide. He never looks happy or comfortable in public. He may need to be kept out of the spotlight for any number of reasons
(4,033 posts)On different levels of the autism spectrum. This young man has the glazed look I saw on many of my younger residents. When I see Barron it makes me wonder as to the true reason(s) Trump believes that vaccines can result in autism.
(2,795 posts)Trump not able to admit someone from his loins isn't perfect and "normal" blamed it on vaccines.
Melania making bullying her first lady issue. Why would a wealthy family whose children attend private schools care about bullying? My guess is because bullying knows no economic boundaries. Rich kids can bully other rich kids, especially if they have autism.
(54,770 posts)Fichefinder
(285 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)Even kids of assholes.
(23,968 posts)democrank
(11,261 posts)He's just a little boy and we shouldn't be slinging insults at him.
(11,686 posts)I said the same thing about Obama's girls. When they hit 18 have at it but for now just leave them alone.
(2,056 posts)JI7
(91,504 posts)cwydro
(51,308 posts)I used that line at 6 years old, "Wah, she did it first!"
(14,274 posts)That's exactly what it is.
(18,395 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)Do you always bully 10 year olds?