2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI continue to believe tRump will not be the next president...
what are the remaining ways to keep him from taking office? What do you think the events to prevent him from taking office will look like?

(2,795 posts)and impeach him. They have a list of impeachable offenses to choose from.
They may already consider him a problem and a liability but have to handle this carefully so as not to anger the deplorables.
(78 posts)and there's that pesky conviction deal in the Senate...President Clinton was impeached but not convicted.
(26,467 posts)This shit is getting nutty as the repukes screaming impeachment over obama.
(408 posts)And if the jackasses in Congress don't know this then they really REALLY deserved to be thrown out of office.
(550 posts)Joe941
(2,848 posts)PoliticAverse
(26,366 posts)But they needed 1 Senator to join the House members to make the challenge constitutional and they didn't
get a Senator to join in, see:
(2,848 posts)onenote
(44,961 posts)First, it is far from clear that an objection based on the claim that the vote was "rigged" in a particular state provides an actionable basis for Congress to reject an elector (or slate of electors). That's because Federal law provides that if a state, under its established statutory procedure, has made a final determination of any controversy or contest relative to the presidential election in the state, and if that determination was completed under this procedure at least six days before the electors were scheduled to vote (i.e. December 13, 2016), such determination is to be considered conclusive as to which electors were appointed on election day (3 U.S.C. §5).
Second, even if the law permits the Congress to consider an objection based on alleged vote rigging, upholding an objection requires a majority vote in both the Senate and House. If only one chamber upholds the objection, the objection fails. The chances of getting the Republican majority House and the Republican majority senate to throw out the electoral votes of enough states to deny Trump the required 270 are basically zero. Keep in mind that Republicans were elected to Congress in those same states and the Repub party isn't going to anything to cast doubt on the validity of the election Repub members of the House and Senate.
(13,568 posts)to actually pull if off and that won't happen. We need to get over these fantasies that Trump can be stopped. He cannot. After the recount and faithless electors debacles we should realize that. It's over.

(95,914 posts)but it's probably too late anyway.
(27,995 posts)Otherwise he will be the next president. What are your thoughts on the remaining options?
(2,848 posts)DesertRat
(27,995 posts)But, I think that we can and should appeal to any reasonable Republicans to investigate the Russian connection and to block some of his appointments.
(82,383 posts)Finally lead his revolution. Where is he ?
(27,995 posts)Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)
(71,046 posts)Kotya
(235 posts)...gas in the tank and football on TV, America isn't going to rise up.
We're complacent like that.
(2,064 posts)government goons might pay you a visit. Trust me, I know...
And I believe the threshold for said "visits" will be extremely low under the Trump regime... be careful out there folks...
(26,366 posts)hadEnuf
(3,022 posts)They care about their agenda. End. Of. Story.
As long as Trump allows them to get away with what they want, they will let him get away with what he wants.
Response to Joe941 (Original post)
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(20,036 posts)our side needs to quit nominating jerky and brings in people with fresh blood.
(12,360 posts)I think it's going to have to be a physical health crisis, because a mental health crisis is obviously not working. Everybody just keep enabling him.
(20,036 posts)When I say drop dead this is what I mean.
Even though his insistence on private security is folly AND use of his own plane.
There are many paths to his untimely end.
(13,568 posts)worse than Trump.
(71,046 posts)Pence is unlikely to get us nuked...Trump not sure.
(26,366 posts)2naSalit
(95,914 posts)When I was getting up (for the fourth time since I haven't been able to sleep since early November) the very same thought came to me.
(959 posts)I have no hope.
(2,848 posts)You're dreaming.
(5,872 posts)Yellowstone supervolcano eruption
False vacuum collapse
Gamma ray burst
Grey goo
Captain Trips (or the lethal pandemic of your choice)
Zombie apocalypse
Reality dysfunction (ala Peter Hamilton)
Strangelet chain reaction
Nuclear war
Giant meteor
Eta Carinae hypernova
Solar superstorm
Canary Islands or Hawaiian islands megatsunami
Alien invasion
The Rapture
All of these are about as probable as the House rejecting the Electoral college results or SCOTUS intervention
I guess Trump dropping dead would also keep him from office, but I wouldn't count on that either.
(6,536 posts)to be imposed. On whatever was left of the population, that is.
I think it's highly probable that there will be some kind of major catastrophe under the new administration's tenure; I am not optimistic as to how it (whatever it ends up being) will be handled.
(5,872 posts)False vacuum collapse might be my favorite.
(15,126 posts)Yupster
(14,308 posts)He is 70 years old.
That's about all I can think of.
(25,080 posts)given his eating habits. Fast food practically every meal is a heart attack waiting to happen.
(65,590 posts)Trump also has other baggage, but that is the one likely to take off. Hope for resignation before taking office, electoral college being rejected, the Supreme Court getting involved, and the last one is likely impossible - but I would sure enjoy it. Obama declares an emergency due to the Russia situation and stays in power. That one is almost certainly dreaming, but I would love seeing Trump's face then.
(7,668 posts)totally unconstitutional.
(65,590 posts)would try and not us. It's really just a dream since there is no war or National Disaster. Boy I wish it could happen. But we have respect for democracy unlike the Repukes.
(10,291 posts)and he will nuke something...because he wants to be a war time president
get the red out
(13,696 posts)I believe he will be President, but his shit will catch up with him and he might not finish his term. This man has so much damning shit out there!
Response to Joe941 (Original post)
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(639 posts)HoneyBadger
(2,297 posts)The old guard is packing and the new guard is shopping.
(11,996 posts)Joe941
(2,848 posts)Amishman
(5,872 posts)If the voters were replaced, the new ones would come from the same pool of Trump zealots.
If they aren't replaced, it goes to the House, who pick Trump.
Nothing changes.
(44,961 posts)A quick review of their "findings" shows multiple mis-interpretations of state law. Plus, they suggest, but don't quantify that the same issues exist with respect to Clinton electors.
Tempest in a teapot.
(9,397 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)And if I were advising Mr T I'd say beware the Ides of March.
(2,848 posts)so don't lose hope yet.
(7,668 posts)The votes get challenged, and the Republican House and the Republican Senate reject the challenges, so the votes stand.
Next idea?
(44,961 posts)Challenged on what basis?
(2,848 posts)onenote
(44,961 posts)There is no way the repubs will support a challenge on that basis. Remember, republican members of Congress got elected to the Senate and/or House in the States where "rigged" vote counting claims would provide the basis for a challenge. Plus, if someone starts down this road, what would stop the repubs from challenging California (based on Trump's absurd claim that he actually won that state if you don't count the millions of votes cast illegally for Clinton)?
(44,961 posts)So I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find those who believe in fantasies here on DU.
He's going to be inaugurated as president.
He's not going to be impeached, not soon, not later.
Better to lose sleep facing reality than sleep like a baby dreaming about the magic pony that will come save us from him.
(7,668 posts)It's a magic unicorn, and it farts pixie dust.
**edited for spelling
(44,961 posts)sarisataka
(21,598 posts)
(1,049 posts)then I will really want someone like you to be there too because you have hope that we'll be rescued. Quite unfortunately, the Repukes are the only ones on the lifeboat ... rowing away. It's so depressing.
(3,049 posts)that doesn't involve were congress gets to either keep Trump or install Pence. That would be the supreme court. Some argue they don't have the constitutional authority to order a re-election or install a President themselves. I think they have the authority to order a re-vote or install a President if they wish. May not be anything in the constitution dealing with re-elections,but there is also nothing in the constitution forbidden such a thing either.
Lets be clear though it's not going to happen.
(2,848 posts)I refuse to believe that.
(47,230 posts)
5 Stages of Grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance

(3,063 posts)But I'm not very hopeful.
(15,720 posts)Election officials who know where the ballots are buried so to speak. Will they? History has shown that common sense, Occam's razor and other wise saws do not describe GOP pathology and that thousands can and do take their dirty secrets to their graves with none the wiser about their connection to Jack, Bobbie, Martin etc.
What's slightly different this time is the religious element, i.e. the cognitive dissonance required to believe that Trump is some kind of Christian warrior. Maybe he's capable of shutting his yap for four years but it's doubtful and sooner or later he's going to offend the conscience of one of those Indiana apparatchiks and with any luck their tearful confession will hit the twittersphere before the VRWC can kill it.
(51,726 posts)Install Pence, move Ryan to VP and all is reset in Deplorable World again.
(4,059 posts)the 45th President.
If he resigns, Joe Biden can take the oath and will be the 45th. Trump would still be sworn in on 20 January, but he would be the 46th. All the T shirts & hats would be wrong. And Joe would get better perks for life.
Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)Tanuki
(15,663 posts)eventually, and he will be forced from office. The events of Watergate took a couple of years to unfold and reach a tipping point. Trump's misdeeds are much more varied and numerous, and his presidency will collapse under the weight of the plethora of evidence of corruption and his sheer incompetence and inability to meet the minimal demands of the office. Pence, of couse, is a bastard hybrid of theocracy and libertarian extremism, and his presidency will be a nightmare for civilization in its own right.
get the red out
(13,696 posts)And hope that Pence would be damaged by just being Trump's VP, and that the Reps would find themselves in a bit of chaos. These people are just bad.
(2,848 posts)not be the next president.
(7,668 posts)sweetapogee
(1,201 posts)magic!
Your not a believer?
(71,046 posts)Senators getting in the paper...many who plan to run in 2020.
(71,046 posts)If he is alive, and I see no reason he won't be...he will be sworn in on January 20th, 2017...a date that shall live in infamy...perhaps the beginning of the end of this country.
(2,848 posts)Demsrule86
(71,046 posts)But we have no real power in DC now...that is the reality. What do you think we can do? The house worries more about primaries than elections with the gerrymander and the Senate is not really that risky for the GOP in 18 unless we somehow get a wave election. I am going to the Woman's march...and working here in Ohio as well...but in order to fix something you must view it realistically...this election was a disaster. There is no silver lining.
blue cat
(2,446 posts)As long as trump plays along with whatever they want.
(15,119 posts)It's too late, baby, it's too late.
(9,727 posts)sets off for interstellar space. Barring that, I fear we're stuck with him.
Of course if that happens, my first question is "How much money does he owe THOSE guys?".
(2,848 posts)can't let tRump take office!
(7,581 posts)On Russia. I KNOW his campaign was involved with Russia. Treason.