2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe recounts are driving Donald batshit. I fully support all recount efforts!
Fuck it. The IDEA of recounting the votes is driving Donald out of his damn mind, and has the awesome effect of making the media do it's damn job! Nice to see the news calling Donald a liar without having to find a Democrat to call a liar too. He doesn't seem anywhere near as good on defense as offense.
Can't stand Jill Stein anymore, but I love watching Donald get all up in arms about how he is being picked on. The bully feels bullied. Good. Time to sue Pence for his emails and then we can sit back and enjoy trolling them just as much as they enjoyed trolling us about Obama's birth certificate and other assorted bullshit. At least our concerns are real, not imaginary.

(3,100 posts)How incredibly thin skinned he is. President Obama has an iron hide with all the bullshit he has had to put up with. If something like this bothers Trump, imagine what something much bigger would do to him.
(34,648 posts)They picked a thin skinned maniac who cannot let a slight pass him. Oh boy are we dems in fr a fun time for four straight years. By the time he's done nobody will admit to voting for him.
(3,100 posts)Will love it because there will be so much to write about. It's going to get uglier.
(34,648 posts)I bet he thought his rant at them would shut them up. Maybe it woke them up, lol
(3,100 posts)I know. I hope it was a wake up call. We don't need anyone else to be kissing his ass.
(3,335 posts)I'll get one just to join in the fun to see what makes the Orangeman's head explode. As long as he's tweeting he can't be working on other presidential business like eliminating the Inheritance Tax, Cutting the Corporate Tax Rate, and furthering the Trump Enterprise company issues.
(34,648 posts)We can tweet him and he can block us and we can get another twitter. I had that same idea, keep him busy so he gets nothing done. And we need to sue pence for all of his emails.
(45,728 posts)Different Drummer
(9,050 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)Too depressing to not try to fight back. I think we can break him, we just need time and dedication.
Baitball Blogger
(49,487 posts)Someone on DU posted a good rant about it. All it takes is one military scenario to bring on the same police state that we went through after 9/11. Then, we'll all be subjected to loyalty tests. From flag pins to Dixie Chicked.
(34,648 posts)He broke the old system. All we can do is try to drive him bananas. He wont be able to trick democrats into war like GWB did. Like he said, fool me once, whatever the rest of it he said. It was a jumble but you get it.
(28,835 posts)The recounts are just a convenient target. I think his underlying issue is that his "mandate" is nothing of the sort, and he can't believe he lost the popular vote by such a large margin. Or at all.
Wash. state Desk Jet
(3,426 posts)is anything can set them off. It is never one thing in particular although some little senseless thing can set off the spark.The spark leads the kaboom on. They can also talk themselves into the kaboom similar to one who psych's ones self up in preparation of some kind of task,presentation or something other. You know the Roy Chone thing Trump likes, strike back ten times harder at those you think have wronged you.Trust no one all that. The thing about crooks and thieves is they always worry about being ripped off because they think everybody on some level or other is the same crooked thing. And that's the not so funny thing about the philosophy of power.
(34,648 posts)We need to tweet him about his popular vote loss. He hates her being more popular.
(90,322 posts)Tweet the shit out of it along with #NotMyPresident. Perhaps, (bad on me for saying it) he will blow a gasket.
(34,648 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)sheshe2
(90,322 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)He better hide good because he is not photogenic
(26,331 posts)EEEWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you get one, please post a warning so I know not too look.
(34,648 posts)My eyes will be sore for days but, gotta take one for them team sometimes
(90,322 posts)Post this one.
(90,322 posts)Will get back to you soon.
Not ready yet,
(92,498 posts)DesertFlower
(11,649 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)He is melting down on twitter because cnn is being mean to him. Funny as hell
(1,009 posts)Hes facing some real hard issues, like what to do with his businesses to avoid charges of conflict of interest, how to place his despicables in high places without everyone screaming bloody murder, and much much more.
He knows theres s snowballs chance in hell of the EC count being overturned and will enjoy every minute of the effort, as media will eat it up and ignore above issues.
(34,648 posts)He cannot focus on anything because he gets mad about everything. Anything that keeps him from doing any work is good for me. I want him so busy getting twitter crazy over nothing that he gets no policy through and also has a nervous breakdown
(26,331 posts)...so he can continue to avoid having to face the reality that he has no damn idea what he is doing.
There has to be a tiny part of him, somewhere, no matter how deeply buried and denied, that recognizes that he is in way over his head.
(34,648 posts)He needs to read the constitution, a few textbooks, learn how to president, defend himself in court. So much to do. I say we attack him everyday. Never stop
(26,331 posts)...totally, spectacularly ill-equipped to do any of it.
(57,417 posts)[URL=.html][IMG]
That ought to do wonders for his blood pressure
(34,648 posts)DFW
(57,417 posts)Make sure they are available in all sizes, and the photos don't fade when machine-washed!
(34,648 posts)Then I could donate it to my candidates and help out during campaigns for way more time for free.
He might be the gift that keeps on giving.
(57,417 posts)Why shouldn't we follow "the leader?"
(34,648 posts)I better save up now so I dont end up eating cat food
(57,417 posts)A couple of million European, Canadian and Asian tourists visit the USA every summer. I think it's not unrealistic to hope for one or two sales to one in ten families, maybe with the words "Not MY President" displayed under the photo, especially keeping in mind that to the visitors from other countries, it will be the truth.
(34,648 posts)I Could probably do pretty well with just an online store and a tshirt machine.
(57,417 posts)I'll even be your first customer! I'll get you a bunch of orders from my friends here in Europe, and then let the idea go viral over here.
(34,648 posts)I have so many ideas, I'm just the worst artist I know. But I know some kids in my art classes who are great at drawing. I bet I can get help, these kids are depressed over Donald. They loved Bernie. Poor kids.
(57,417 posts)Hmm, on second thought, better make those T-Shirts bulletproof!
(34,648 posts)I also see they are removing the Trump sings way faster than they did the Obama signs. I'm seeing a bit of buyers remorse. I could probably sell them shirts pretty soon here. Especially when they go after medicare. Oh boy!! We might get rich!!!
(57,417 posts)......to have used Trump's intention to get rid of Medicare to make enough to finance your own private medical insurance!
(34,648 posts)DFW
(57,417 posts)BigDemVoter
(4,587 posts)And if it is ONLY to get under Orange Ass's skin, all the better. . . . .
(34,648 posts)He is cracking up under the pressure. And he's not even presidenting yet. We can do it! We can drive him to quit!! Even if we cannot make him quit, it seems like it must be our duty to try
Still In Wisconsin
(4,450 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)He wont last four years
(26,331 posts)...image.
(285 posts)Think I'll donate again.
(34,648 posts)C Moon
(12,736 posts)Plus, I think it is very necessary, so it can possibly be combated in future elections.
(34,648 posts)We need to start demanding recounts everytime there is suspicious activity. Maybe they will think twice about hacking
(30,058 posts)To draw attention away from the conflicts of interest with his companies and nation's he will be dealing. I don't think for one day he should be r lived of criticism and he is proving himself unfit for the position. RW friend said we should give him a chance, I said we will give him as much of a chance as Obama was given. His attention span is very limited, he will never be the Cool Handed Luke Obama has been, drive him into perpetual tantrum stage.
(34,648 posts)I never seem him being considered legitimate or getting high approval. I just hope he doesnt start a war
(30,058 posts)Will explain this to him. I am preparing for your years of embarassing situations in dealing with other nations.
(34,648 posts)hurple
(1,335 posts)He was actually born in Nazi Germany. He needs to show us his birth certificate to prove otherwise.
Oh, the long form one...
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)Never so much as driven a nail in any of his buildings.
(34,648 posts)mia
(8,447 posts)In the jungle,
The mighty jungle,
The cry bully tweets at night...
(34,648 posts)riversedge
(74,463 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)In 2001, prior to 9/11, Comedy Central ran eight episodes of a sitcom called "That's My Bush!" It was a satire on sitcoms more than a satire about the president, but I was thinking that it's time for "That's My Trump!", a weekly satire about Don the Con.
I'm sure it wouldn't bother him at all, given his great sense of humor.
He's already got a catch phrase: "Grab 'em by the pu**y!"
(34,648 posts)He will watch it every week just to cry about how unfunny it is
(40,099 posts)is losing it and we need to see this as much as possible before he's annointed.
(34,648 posts)I bet he embarasses us the first day in office
(11,833 posts)I've been tuning out the news.
(34,648 posts)I want to see them. How do we put in an foia request?
(26,243 posts)if I can get some info on it.
Is FOIA the best route? And which emails of his...as Governor? I'll go google Indiana state government now.
(34,648 posts)He really wants them hidden forever. Must be some choice shit in there. He's already fighting it so maybe we can find out how to sue him too
(26,243 posts)I can look it up.
(34,648 posts)cilla4progress
(26,243 posts)OK, I am going to write a letter and email it to him. No special form required.
Go back 5 years or ???
(34,648 posts)Oh it would be so sweet to read what he is hiding. I will write him too
(26,243 posts)He was as US Representative before then.
Here's my letter:
November 28, 2016
Office of the Governor
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2797
Dear Honorable Governor Pence:
Please consider this my formal Freedom of Information Act request for all your emails during your time serving as governor of the State of Indiana. This period includes but is not limited to 1/1/12 through present.
I phoned your office and spoke with Kristin. She informed me that no special form was required for this request, and advised that a written letter was preferred to simply an email. I am sending this letter request to you by email, in the interest of timeliness.
Thank you.
(34,648 posts)cilla4progress
(26,243 posts)However, I couldn't find a way to attach my letter in an email to him. I sent him an email through the Governor's office. I also went to the Indiana state "transparency" website (!) and sent this to him.
(34,648 posts)I might email it and also print and mail it
(26,243 posts)I will, too.
(11,833 posts)How to make an foia request.
Aimee in OKC
(161 posts)That way you've a signed receipt that it was received.
(11,833 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,651 posts)D23MIURG23
(3,121 posts)We need to keep trolling, criticizing, questioning for his entire presidency. Keep him pissed off, keep him miserable, keep him reacting. He looks worst when he's reacting to petty slights. He'll over react and over reach, and we'll find ways to beat him that way. Just like Christy.
(34,648 posts)Coyotl
(15,262 posts)
Popular vote win projected to exceed total of Trump votes in 11 states combined.
(34,648 posts)GregD
(2,267 posts)Why do you hate Jill Stein?
For those concerned with Election Integrity, and want the public to recognize our concerns with the proprietary/secret software in the voting machines, and the inability to audit the touch screen systems, this is a huge opportunity.
She is doing what she said she would. The recount is happening. Why the hatred?
And yes, I'm thrilled to watch DT flip out. What a freaking trill it would be to watch his reaction if a state actually flipped. He'd melt down.
(34,648 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)and for reminding Republicans he is not the popular choice for the full 4 years.
(34,648 posts)I will tweet it at him daily
(44,143 posts)We have so little fun these days.
(34,648 posts)After how they hounded Obama from the day he won until now, I wont feel one but bad hounding these losers until they hide in shame. We need to scream 'Lock him up!' everytime we see one of those idiots giving a speech. Time to start raising money to protest him.
(44,143 posts)I never, ever did that before, even though most of my "friends" are Democrats. I'm linking to cabinet appointments and asking how the swamp draining is going for everyone.
It's a reality the RWers and BoBers can't deny.
(34,648 posts)We might be able to prevent the fuckery we got this time. I will use this four years to make graphics saying how fucked we are and treat it like it's already campaign season. Trump should never be allowed to relax.
(44,143 posts)Our children are depending on us. I tell mine I'm sorry for what my generation (boomers) have done to their world.
(34,648 posts)No more weak ass nice democrats. I'm tired of losing by getting millions more votes. Time to take back the states too.