2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumRecount could lead to civil war/white riots...
trump already has riled up his base prior to the election to look out for voter fraud.
now his tweets are inciting them again.
if this recount actually happens and if by 0.00001% chance it changes the outcome, i fully expect a civil war and many white riots and racial crimes to be committed.
americans are not to be trusted to act civilized.
will it be worth it?

(6,650 posts)still_one
(97,986 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)TrumpenTrolls saturated social media with fake "news" and innuendo prior to the election, and now it appears that they will continue their efforts in support of a very sick and weak racist "leader."
(34,648 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)...fear of a violent backlash is the worst reason not to do it.
(11,746 posts)hamsterjill
(15,674 posts)Like you, I seriously doubt that anything will change, but the process is going to prove important to have undertaken.
And...if it messes a little with Trump's head, how could anyone object? LOL
We need to be brave, this is a fight for the future of our country. We must do everything possible to keep Trump out of the White House, we must bring the country to a grinding halt if necessary.
(12,448 posts)but the recount still should be done, if only to validate (or not) our election systems for the future. I do think there will be :cough: miscounted :cough: votes found, though, favoring Dump. Wisconsin has already found 5,000 of them on its own.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)1000 incidents of hate based activity. We are supposed to roll over and ignore that?
(30,236 posts)they can't even win in a civilized manner.
(2,062 posts)SORRY BUT, we have very little voice to do anything about it. You see the results of this election. The election was a Russian hack fraud, that unfortunately a recount will do very little. Racial tension, well, we can protest, but can we? Did you see what happened to non protestors with different color skin at the Fuckump rallies? Their constitutional rights were tossed like the wet dishrag he is. It is up to our elected official who are actually democrats and not these shit stain DINOs, but true democrats to counteract these right wing alt/right pricks.
1. I want to propose paper ballots only for elections, electronic can be hacked and frauded to easily.
2. I want to propose an independent republican and democrat be present at counting of all ballots.
3. I want to propose any family member running for office, any part of their family CANNOT own, work for, contribute to, etc any aspect of vote counting machinery companies or affiliates of these companies.
(4,835 posts)Had a printout that I could see. It was like a cash register receipt. I could see it behind plexiglass. I could not touch it.
So, while the votes were, no doubt, tallied electronically there was also a recording of the vote, that could be verified afterward.
I early voted. In years past when I've voted at the regular place, they have paper ballots.
I'd like to see everyone go to this machine with a paper trail method, and a huge push for more early voting so only the people who hadn't voted on Election Day's votes are counted on Election Day.
We need changes, I'm not sure I agree with all of your recommendations.
Well we all have opinions, machines that keep a paper trail would be ok with me. Transparency is the key... Sorry, but no one who is running should have a family member own a company that make ballot machines, and independent accountability will keep elections fair.
(4,066 posts)If it comes to defending the integrity of our country and our vote then, YES!
Show me where to sign up to defend the people doing the recount.
(16,903 posts)wordpix
(18,652 posts)Augiedog
(2,607 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,153 posts)in my view
always skeptical of newbies floating duality - they are suddenly here
for a reason
(14,415 posts)I'll take those odds.
(9,539 posts)The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
(6,650 posts)motto from the right-wing?
(9,539 posts)If any rightwingnuts think liberals are not armed they are as stupid as we all think they are. /
(6,650 posts)clamor for a defacto war and the killing of more US citizens. Sounds just like the Trumpsters and their bigoted, racist, ignorant bunch. And you believe that we should take their bait and respond in kind?
Only the Congress can declare war, and anything else would be sedition and treason. We have the National Guard to take care of civil disobedience.
(5,872 posts)I've always assumed that since most active military and veterans lean right, they would not be of any help if it came to bloodshed
(6,650 posts)confident that military members (of any branch) would follow orders, and be loyal to their leaders. If not, our democracy is a sham. The right-wing claim that the Second Amendment was written to facilitate the overthrow of our government is pure bullshit, amounts to sedition, and is unconstitutional.
Lastly, who would make the decision to overthrow our government? Billy Bob Sixpack from the Defenders of the Ozarks?
(5,872 posts)Wish I had your confidence.
(57,417 posts)Either our elections are legitimate or they're not. If they're not, and we let them continue to be fraudulent to avoid Republican riots, then we deserve the Stalinist regime we're looking at with Trump now.
Keep in mind also, that Republicans are largely cowards. They like to invade places like Panama and Grenada. They do not like to fight with places that will shoot back (Iraq was a major miscalculation), which is why they never attacked Iran under Cheneybush, and will not do it under Trumppence. Cowardly snipers hidden in some abandoned building with broken windows, maybe, but white riots will dissipate when the first large well-equipped SWAT team shows up and yells "BOO!"
(5,417 posts)womanofthehills
(9,549 posts)They must know something..
(2,748 posts)the outcome, the states' votes can be challenged by congress. On January 6th the electoral votes are delivered to a joint session of congress. All it takes is for one senator and one house representative to agree to challenge the votes from any particular state. Then the joint session can vote up or down. Republicans would grandstand and claim that the votes from these recounts are compromised and tainted, and since they have the majority in both chambers, reject them. If no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, then the house chooses the President, and the senate the Vice President. There's no way the house republicans are going to allow Hilary Clinton into the White House.
(15,109 posts)if some some miracle there where actual recounts, by some miracle there in fact would be more Hillary votes than Trump vote in all three states and by some miracle they got correctly tabulated that way, Rs have enough power in congress and will, 100 percent prevent the recount from changing the outcome.
AND, given that this country has been perfectly fine with Russia blatantly tipping the scales of our election to Trump, the country will absolutely be fine with the Rs doing this.
(7,142 posts)Some states have already certified their votes, like Florida. I don't believe that Wisconsin, Michigan and Pa. have certified their votes yet. I am no expert but it would seem to me that those 3 states have yet to certify their vote count. It isn't up to Congress to decide who won in a particular state. If an audit shows that Hillary won instead of Trump in those 3 states (unlikely) it's up to them to certify who won. Hold onto your bingo card granny the bingo game is about to begin.
(15,109 posts)Whatever states certify, there are going to be ass hole republicans in the mix. You think scott walker and the other rs in wisky are going to let it go any way other than Trump?
(1,423 posts)Trump morons will likely burn themselves with their torches.
(73,525 posts)Trump needs stopped
(5,644 posts)...or should we continue to run scared and give the bullies everything that they want.
I say that we should fight for our rights.
(18,652 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)can't handle that, well just too bad.
(18,124 posts)he is still one of my heroes. Yeah won't be another Rosewood or "red summer of 1919 where there were race riots in 26 cites and localized genocidal racists killed and destroyed black lives and property. Yep the racists want to kill blacks and others. Ain't going to be that easy.
(497 posts)johnp3907
(3,959 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)kacekwl
(8,018 posts)with now. It's going to happen sooner or later with Trump in office and Fox news stirring the pot.
(1,397 posts)Bring it on!!
I picked up another 400 rounds for my AR15 and three dozen 12-qa shotgun rounds last Saturday.
Bring it on!!
(67,112 posts)hard to predict what will happen. But my guess is, it won't be good.
(16,873 posts)Some of the trumpians will turn violent regardless.
If the choice was between a duly elected Trump and a hacked election that gave us Clinton, I'd swallow hard and pick the first. But that isn't the choice. We had an election with massive voter suppression for sure, and possible hacking. Taking away the vote is a crime as egregious as violent assault.
(9,206 posts)Makes me flash back to SNL past: 'The Walker Brigade.'
(16,565 posts)It'll be a refreshing scene to watch white racists being hit with tear gas and shot with rubber bullets!!!
Maybe they might even learn something!!!
(104,070 posts)That would be a very short and one sided war.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)when you won't be the target of their attacks like those of us of color
(47,113 posts)Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)

(1,770 posts)it's ALL about YOU.
(67,112 posts)is the leader of the white nationalist movement, alt-right. Trump, is a disgusting person, truly evil and disgusting.
It will be.
(1,392 posts)HipChick
(25,539 posts)I'm already tired of Bully Twitter Twat face
(77,097 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)a damn fool, and not a very smart one at that.
(25,539 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)HipChick
(25,539 posts)are not descriptors for a US President
beachbum bob
(10,437 posts)Paladin
(29,692 posts)Fuck Trump and his idiotic voting base.
(77,097 posts)colsohlibgal
(5,276 posts)Civil unrest will be a given against Trump going forward, unless the audit shows HRC won those 3 states. At that point the crazy alt right base will go even more nuts than they are now and we may well see Civil War 2.
If this stands and an adult with the maturity of a petulant 13 year old is installed we will be closer to jumping the shark than ever. And the non mouth foamers who voted for him will quickly regret doing that.
I do not see a sane way forward. Of course if you look at history things change, sometimes drastically.
(9,651 posts)Once you let a corrupt leader have his corruption then you can never get belief in the system back.
Trump has already damaged the United States with his ability to corrupt anything he touches.
(4,542 posts)PufPuf23
(9,323 posts)Disappointing.
(72,523 posts)And the Trumpsters decide to riot, they can exercise their white priveledge in the criminal justice system.
(8,284 posts)why were they counted "wrong" in the original tally reported. If there is evidence of criminal activity, or of "adjusted" counts it will also depend on at what level and in what ways the vote was "adjusted" in favor of Trump, and presumably the GOP Senate seats.
Each state will have to account for that. It is both a state and federal crime to interfere with the elections. That may allow some federal response.
The right wing zealots will not approve of any of it since they already believe Obama is not their president and his administration is full of criminals. Whether they take action on the ground is another matter, though if Trump stirs them up it is more likely. If it is clear that the numbers found on the ground dispute the previous tallies there are mechanisms which address this. If the states in question refuse to accept it that is the point of ignition.
It will very much depend on how involved the GOP in those states was in the cooking of the numbers. I suspect they had far more to do with it than the Russians could have. I suspect they have a great deal to protect and will do anything and everything they can to derail a correct count.
I have seen trucks in the street with a huge black "Don't Tread On Me" waving behind it. It resembles the pictures of the ISIS flags on the news and it gave me a very distinct chill when one drove through the lot at my favorite restaurant. My gut reaction was to consider burning it on sight. That reaction is what all this depends on.
They have been told that "we" are the enemy, and they believe it. We are not their enemy. An enemy is someone you kill to make sure you are safe. While it may be necessary to defend against their acting out of fear they are not someone I believe needs to die.
If we also act out of fear then we will lose. The only successful response to fear is the truth.
(2,531 posts)The term 'adjusted' votes is new to me. How can a re-count be able to discern whether that happened?
(8,284 posts)"Adjusted" is my sarcasm for those processes.
In North Carolina we have paper ballots that are scanned as they go into the bin that holds them. The scanner produces a paper readout of the results. The scanners can be programmed to flip votes as they are read but can't alter the paper ballots. Such programming can be buried in the ballot layout code that determines how the ballots are read. It can also self-delete after a certain date, time or number of runs. This much has been proven possible. We do not yet know if that is what happened to the NC vote or not. The vote counts can also be modified at several points along the way to the tabulator, as has happened in Ohio.
One outstanding difference that suggests the vote in NC needs review and recounting is that the voting numbers for US senate and President don't come close to matching those for either Governor or Supreme Court Justice. In a state where party loyalty is strong and where those two positions were fought over so intensely it is highly unlikely that those numbers would vary as much as they do. It would also mean that in certain locations Democratic voters would have had to vote Republican in numbers that make no sense given the strong feelings about the Fool of a Governor and the Racist Republican Justice.
A hand recount or even a machine recount would likely show that there are discrepancies in the original count as reported.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Could this be any more obvious?
(7,024 posts)The National Guard will be called out to calm things...you can bet on that.
(49,153 posts)in their dirty T's and SUV's
What a traffic jam
(15,539 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)hamsterjill
(15,674 posts)It's inevitable anyway at this point. The minute that the base doesn't get its way from this point forward, the threat of violence is always going to be there.
So, let them bring it. Might as well be now and get it over with.
Baitball Blogger
(49,487 posts)If we yield now, they have a pattern they can repeat.
(18,124 posts)and the genocidal racist that runs this country now unleashes his "storm troopers" on PoC, Muslims, immigrants, uppity women, Jewish people, yes with bannon/goebbels spreading the propaganda, even with trumps Jewish son in law, Jewish people will still be at risk.
Yet one thing is guaranteed, no more Rosewoods or "Red Summers", or 1906 atlanta(reason:black men allegedly assaulting white women), 1917 E. St. Louis,(reason: it was RUMORED that a black man killed a white man-200 black people killed, many homes burned, Tulsa-Greenwood section-1921- one of the wealthiest black communities(known among blacks as "the Black Wall Street" in ameriKKKa at the time really pissed off the local genocidal leaders, so a woman claimed that a black man grabbed her arm in an elevator and genocide ensued. Shooting started and by the time the national guard put down the black people protecting themselves--6000 black people in prison, 300 dead. 26 white people dead and on and on it has gone in this genocidal nation of racists for generations. Fuck them goddamn trumptroopers--let em come. I may go down, but I'm going to do my best to take some with me. I am sick of this racist ameriKKKan-KKKhristian bullshit-- Infoplease.com--race riots- is a source for this--don't take my word for it.
(21,646 posts)Yes to your question and and what makes you think there will not be worse racial crimes if his reign continues ?
(10,291 posts)Red Oak
(699 posts)If Hillary wins by recount there would be a bunch of pissed off people on the right, and the blogosphere would go ape shit, but there would not be any riots and life would go on.
Whoever ends up winning this election better take care of the 99% and not focus on fat cat CEOs, Wall Street and tax reduction for the wealthy. The election in four years will get ugly for the party in power.
(20,036 posts)........
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Response to djsunyc (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Else You Are Mad
(3,040 posts)Is the number one tool of a dictator. No, being afraid should not keep us from doing what is right.
(7,004 posts)since his bigots have been emboldened by his rhetoric. If these hate crimes can be reduced by a switch, it will more than balance out the nuts who listen to Trump. Again, these nuts do not consider that he will not have their backs, will not bail them out or fund a lawyer to help with their travails.
(18,124 posts)because he said he would pay the bail of those attacking anti-trumpfurer protesters that they got their free pass. Bunch of dangerous idiots and there is nothing worse than that in my book.
(135,425 posts)oasis
(52,077 posts)

(5,126 posts)violence is a reason to stop any recounts? Don't think so. If they threaten with THAT, it just proves our point, doesn't it? We cannot cave in to threats.
(5,915 posts)The "ZOMG Civil War!!!!" statement has been brought out for every event as of late, probably including Jeb Bush stubbing his toe. In reality, nothing is really going to change. The recount thing is wishful thinking anyways.
(47,113 posts)First of all, there is nothing unusual about recounts.
I am not sure why someone is going to civil war over recounts. And there is pretty much no chance recounts will actually overturn the election.
(10,721 posts)It would be absolute chaos. The powers that be won't allow it.
(1 post)I dislike the racist rednecks that voted Trump in as much as anyone here. The fact that Trump is now the president elect disgusts me.
On the topic of civil war, aren't all of these imbred Trump supporters the ones that hoard guns and ammunition?
I don't own a firearm, and I never will. I don't want to fight a gaggle of rednecks with 87 guns apiece. They could shoot me, and there's not much I could do about it. I'd call the police, so they could take the report afterward, but I'd still be dead. I really don't want that.
(11,110 posts)It could be very viable if they chose to secede and form their own union. Imagine Trump losing Silicon Valley and all the high tech companies and all of the west coast ports.
It would be interesting if the New England States and NY formed another colalition taking with them the New York Stock Exchange, the UN and the Statue of Liberty while putting Trump Tower in another country.
I am no longer convinced that the USA needs to stay United.
(615 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)It will be fun too see if they get called thugs and shit or just oppressed victims of evil democrats
(14,722 posts)Chemisse
(31,046 posts)It's so much better to be ruled by a racist madman.
(1,798 posts)That the people who might actually do it need to be deferred to as a result? That gradient is a very negative one, leading to naked intimidation as a de-facto system. Where would it stop?
(57,596 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)
Different Drummer
(9,050 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)LaydeeBug
(10,291 posts)The republic spills blood from time to time. Those who would not offer theirs don't deserve to be here.