2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumConstantly labeling Hillary a liar worked
Saying something over and over and over again seeps into the
low information voter's head.
It works.
And simple works too.
Crooked Hillary, Make America Great
Few words, big impact.
Every Republican I know said they couldn't vote for Hillary because she is a liar. And, she is not....but they heard so much, it must be true
Tim Ryan says we need a new message to appeal to the people we lost. He went on to talk about a message. But, we need to take a lesson. Our message has to encapsulate it all - in just a few words - That they don't give a shit about them and that we do.
(10,173 posts)Sadly that is the mindset of many voters.
Even so called democrats.
Hillary does not lie any more or any less than even Obama ( just using him to illustrate the point) , and yet....
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)started with a riot over video, right? Which really was very very debatable during a fast moving time period. And, two, that she said she had turned over all emails? or something email.
Yikes. Bush lied about WMD and hundreds of thousands of human beings died.
This just go to show - we are not beat on our ideas - we are beat with the PR and marketing prowess of the GOP.
(137,251 posts)For YEARS, Dems have failed to adopt wise counsel of Prof. Lakoff:
GOP's Winning Frames -Lakoff
George Lakoff: "Conservative language, even when argued against, activates and strengthens conservative brain circuitry. This is extremely important for so-called "independents," who actually have both conservative and liberal moral systems in their brains and can shift back and forth. The more they hear conservative language over the next eight months, the more their conservative brain circuitry will be strengthened."
(13,729 posts)I heard quite a few people around here still complaining about that telling me "you know if someone is shooting bullets at you or not"
(10,173 posts)The brain does odd things in stressful situations - recall the Brian Williams effect:
"Clearly, Brian Williams is not alone when it comes to infamous false memories. In 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton recalled her experience in which she vividly remembered landing in Bosnia in 1996, under intense sniper fire, yet actual video of news footage showed that her group did not arrive under attack and in fact were walking calmly from the plane and in no apparent rush. Clintons critics accused her of deception, but she claimed she simply and honestly misremembered her experience and apologized.
George W. Bush also displayed some famous memory distortions, when, on several occasions, he told audiences that on 9/11, he had watched the first plane fly into the north tower of the World Trade Center on TV, just before entering that classroom in Florida to read a book to school kids.
All of these cases involved highly emotional moments that happened to people who are in the spotlight and doing very stressful thingsand all the more reason one might think they would be hard to forget, perhaps. But just the opposite might be true under the right conditions. For Brian Williams, his trailing helicopter made an emergency landing in the desert behind the aircraft that was in fact hit (so, in fact, he saw damage to another helicopter, just not his own). Prior to landing in Bosnia, Hillary Clinton was instructed that she might have to wear a flak jacket to protect her from antiaircraft fire, and she was told her airplane might not be able to land at the airport in Bosnia because of some sniper fire in the area (thus, she was thinking about this issue prior to landing and may have had a vivid picture in her mind). Bush was told by an aide about the first crash into the World Trade Center Tower just before entering the classroom (again, he envisioned in his mind what had happened but hadnt actually witnessed it)."
(3,335 posts)Having worked for DoD and having had many of my civilian colleagues (men and women) being deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, they discussed often times while being transported from place to place that they were told that they could possibly come under sniper fire, or that another copter ahead of them had come under fire and that when they landed they were to run and get away from the chopper as fast as possible. As civilians their emotions were real and based on the instructions they received. Just like Clinton, you take it seriously when someone tells you "when the chopper lands, to move away from the chopper as fast as possible", you move. If there is no sniper fire, you're grateful for that, but the adrenaline is real, and your experience is no less anxious and fearful as you run as instructed. So the hell with any armchair quarterbacks who want to pass judgement on Clinton from the comfort and safety of their living room.
(10,173 posts)Hillary has no leg room for anything, nothing, no benefit of doubt.
It's mind boggling..
(9,527 posts)being unqualified rather than focusing on her qualifications. I think in the debates she did a decent job of focusing on her strengths, but so many of the ads I saw were about how horrible a human being Trump is.
(10,173 posts)Her words and actions are hyper-analyzed and dissected.
It's nauseating.
I saw some ads focusing on her track record, but you could be right.. maybe the ads could have been different. Trump's sexism needed to be addressed though.
(27,835 posts)... about how she wasn't hitting Trump hard enough, and was letting him get the upper hand by not fighting back.
Just another case of damned if she did, damned if she didn't.
(25 posts)I've been in combat and you KNOW definitively, without a doubt, 100% if you have taken fire or have not taken fire. You know if it's small arms fire or rifle fire. You know the sound of a sniper rifle versus an AK47. I'm sorry but there is no room for error here. She didn't land under sniper fire but said she did. One more tool they used against her and as a veteran, rightfully so. I have no sympathy for someone who lies about this, regardless of who they are. I'm sure my veteran brethren will agree.
(10,173 posts)The email fiasco was just that - a fiasco. The larger problem there was the clunkiness of communications across departments. State Officials always look like idiots trying to streamline their correspondence. Hillary chose the easier option, sent emails from the wrong server, didn't understand the fuss about it all and at first treated the whole hulabaloo with contempt. The problem with the email fiasco was the poor explanations of very complicated methods of communications - I don't even think some on her staff or any of her aides understood it all but they understood the political implications, it was going to be a ripe Clinton Scandal, inspite Clinton's attempts to explain and her repeated apologies. For a woman who despises the press ,sometimes with good reason, many in the press were not prepared to give her any leeway or benefit of the doubt. So this thing - like all Clinton scandals - mushroomed into a nuke sized scandal with ridiculous comparisons to Watergate - And Republicans have been itching to find a democratic equivalent to Nixon and who better than a Clinton.
(847 posts)Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)I kept wondering why people didn't discuss this FACT more often. Why did we let him get away with that? I believed calling him names was being juvenile and beneath us. Big mistake! There were so many appropriate names we could have given the juvenile name caller. He got all his oponinents out with his name calling. We've got to call him names in 2020.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)have known it was coming. Duh. Don't we have ANY game? And whenever that is said a whole bunch DUers chime in with - we have the right side of the issues - well look how well that did us.
(2,531 posts)With all due respect for the hatred of Trump and hard feelings, what exactly did he lie about?
(47,209 posts)His tax returns being audited, releasing medical records, his intention to form a "blind" trust.
The list is endless but those are al pretty popular ones.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)JI7
(91,030 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)Do you know how to use Google?
Look it up.
(10,721 posts)Literally. Because he lies a vast majority of the time he speaks.
(1,272 posts)told the truth, was when he said he wanted to "date" his daughter.
(9,048 posts)Its the same idea as her being a liar.
They just dropped that BS into every pundit session as if it was absolutely true.
And it was not.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)when only he was. I remember thinking back then - where the hell are our supporters - drumming into the media every day - that she is honest. she is brilliant.
(11,119 posts)a media platform from which to catapult this message. It will always be drowned out by Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. As a group and a movement we are stuck in place and destined to be losers because we can't get enough people to listen to our message...
(20,016 posts)was right.
(27,844 posts)Clinton had a serious "honest and trustworthy" gap eight years ago (if not longer).
(10,173 posts)Why did that smear live on? I'd honestly like to know... It originates from saffire calling her "a congenital liar" because he couldn't deal with a First Lady who was a firebrand. Saffire was desperate to fling anything at her...
I think we forget how sustained the attacks against her have been.
(423 posts)Simple minds- can't handle nuance.
(10,291 posts)Like we do
(113,024 posts)Because we know they are going to lie.
Call them on their lying at every opportunity.
(56,972 posts)I saw posts and even heard from Democrats that swallowed the same thing.
(3,093 posts)Keep It Simple Stupid works well on the mindless masses.
(11,649 posts)for 30 years. now look what they got -- a racist, misogonist, xenophobic liar who acts like a 12 year old.
Historic NY
(38,184 posts)LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,018 posts)The GOP did a survey about Clinton (who was incredibly popular) and found the only thing that bothered most voters was that he had lied about having sex with an intern.
Hence they used the "Gore is a serial liar" meme during the election: "Gore claims he invented the internet," etc.
In the end that, plus choosing Joe Lieberman as VP nominee, plus not using the Big Dog during his campaign, put his vote totals close enough for Bush (with the assistance of the SCOTUS) to steal the election.
Another case of the person who won the popular vote losing the presidency. The Electoral College sucks the big one.
(5,745 posts)Gore and internet, Kerry and the Swiftboats.
What they all had in common was not much charisma. If you have charisma you can get away with being a "bad boy or girl"-- think Bill Clinton or even Trump, to whom little seems to stick.
(20,973 posts)take the time to "inform/educate" themselves on what the truth is. What were they called "Low information voters"??
(9,359 posts)effectively push back.
Bill gets impeached and his popularity rises. Hillary gets lied about and her numbers go down. Dealing with these things is part of the art of politics.