2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumShut the f*ck up and #resign: Olbermann blasts Trump anti-recount tweetstorm
Love this one - YOUR EIGHT CHINS - good one Keith
And look in a mirror, @realDonaldTrump, and let your eight chins break it to you: you're blowing this. You've erased your dignity #GetOutNow
Honest to God, @realDonaldTrump - shut the fuck up. #Resign
9:36 AM - 27 Nov 2016
Trump is melting down again on Twitter over the recount with 9 tweets in 12 hours. Why so upset, Donald? There's nothing amiss so who cares?
John Aravosis
We found Trump's Achilles heel. He's in a meltdown on Twitter over the election recount. His biggest fear is being illegitimate. Use it.
9:25 AM - 27 Nov 2016

(26,243 posts)USE IT!
Provoke him to a full out PUBLIC BREAKDOWN before 12/19 so we can keep him from ascending to the Presidency!
(15,262 posts)
@HillaryClinton popular vote win projected to exceed total of Trump votes in 11 states combined.
(9,527 posts)Ignoring that those 11 states are all small, 6 of them voted for Clinton.
(7,581 posts)Maybe 24 electors will flip on him.
(675 posts)He knows massive voter fraud and likely Russian hacking will be exposed costing him the Presidency.
Don't count Hillary out just yet, she's kept her cool the last 2 weeks knowing this was coming.
WI, MI, and PA will now be tied up in recounts and their electors won't be able to vote Dec. 19.
This will be unprecedented and I believe Hillary with her nearly 3 million vote win in the popular vote and the disaster that is the unfolding Trump transition will show congress that putting Hillary into the White House is the only sane alternative.
(1,657 posts)One step at a time...let get Wisconsin underway and see what the audit/recount reveals. Then on to Pennsylvania and Michigan. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that something is found to sufficiently question Trump's legitimacy in the public arena.
(58,724 posts)And all the electors will be able to vote on December 19.
(58,724 posts)He tweets - people respond. Everyone talks about his tweets and the responses to them. He controls the discussion.
No one is asking about his tax returns anymore...
(65,742 posts)Meamwhile Hillary emails day after day.
Asking the media to act like journalists now is hopeless. IMO.
(135,425 posts)It's not like he looks tough or in charge--he looks weak, whiny and unhinged.
(18,101 posts)in meltdown mode, too.
(39,441 posts)radius777
(3,891 posts)he's an agent provocateur doing the job that other journalists failed to do during the election.
If Trump can be so easily rattled by honest questions about our democratic system, then he isn't fit to lead it.
(18,101 posts)Other "free" countries hate that term. It's very condescending.
But, KO is always outraged about something. Pot and kettle - that was my only point.
(6,096 posts)K.O. mentions eight chins and it's not more than 4-5.
(24,655 posts)Now, if we were talking lies, it would be such a Yooge #, so bigly, it would just blow your mind, believe me!
(31,046 posts)What matters is what he does and what he says. He has an ugly and mean spirit, and that is what counts.
We need not be as shallow and brainless as the Republicans, and ridiculing someone ONLY on their looks is exactly that.
Making fun of the way a fat-shaming bully reacts to perceived ridicule about his looks? That is absolutely fine. It's practically a patriotic obligation to needle him in this way!
(28,290 posts)showing chins. hence the relevance
(24,655 posts)Looks matter a lot to him, that's why he's freaking out at the pictures. He is totally awful, inside and out and you are right, looks are the very least of my worries. I was just dogging him because he's so sensitive about being an ugly fat boy. Unfortunately, he doesn't mind the low information, hater, assaulter, criminal fraud and treachery that are the truly worst things about him.
(82,383 posts)When has he ever taken the high road on anything? He can dish it out.
(2,328 posts)Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)
(35,363 posts)We need to work on those that set him aflame. Go Luke warm on the rest
(26,355 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)dRump will be fit to be tied! Watch for the next Twitter storm. He's already told the media not to use unflattering pictures of him. "Eight chins" will drive him nuts!
(49,153 posts)of course Trump is afraid of being illegitimate ... after his 8 year
Crusade against Obama's legitimacy
There's a frail, paranoid, tiny mind inside ... very dangerous but fragile too
(9,605 posts)Wait. This guy is going to be president of the USA?
(15,720 posts)
(38,687 posts)
(92,498 posts)Chalco
(1,392 posts)that's why he kept accusing Hillary's camp of trying to steal the election. He was projecting onto her what he knew was going on on his side in order to distract. This would cause Hillary's camp to disavow any problem and be hesitate to go after him. Which is exactly what happened. Jill Stein decided to go first so Hillary could join in and not look like the bad guy.
This behavior on Trump's part is to be expected by a manipulative psychopath.
(9,549 posts)We need to look very closely there. PA has voting machines from the 80's.
But Andrew Appel, a Princeton professor of computer science, said that given a screwdriver and seven minutes with an electronic machine, he could install a vote-stealing program that would be hard to detect and shift a percentage of the votes.
In states like Pennsylvania, these voting machines are delivered to polling places several days before the election to elementary schools, churches and firehouses, he said. That creates the risk of tampering. This is not just one glitch in one manufacturers machine. Its the very nature of computers, he told a House subcommittee last month.
Feaser said state and local officials take precautions to ensure machines are kept secure and cant be tampered with.
But Appel nevertheless recommends that the nation eliminate the use of paperless touchscreen voting machines after this years election.
(2,607 posts)DFW
(57,417 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 28, 2016, 03:38 AM - Edit history (1)
I would think you would have to acquire some before you can lose it.
(847 posts)I hate it, but that's the way it is.
And, yes, he will meltdown often while in office.
(24,889 posts)after he's secured his totalitarian powers, those twitter meltdowns will be followed by swift and thorough vengeance upon the objects of his discontent
(47,113 posts)
(3,216 posts)Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)@realDonaldTrump RESIGN. You and your cast of two-bit sideshow freaks are making a mockery out of the Presidency and our country. #RESIGN.
(7,963 posts)Oh. This recount is so on!!!