Related: About this forumInvitation to help host this group.
This discussion thread was locked by oxymoron (a host of the Buddhism group).
I would like to invite you to help moderate the group. I am hoping to get as many time zones covered as possible. I am in Seattle and work during the day so I will be here mostly early mornings and evenings. We will need some day time coverage and hopefully some coverage for the rest of the planet.
I hope the group can be a positive, safe place to discuss all things Buddhist, where all traditions and paths are respected. I feel strongly that we don't want to turn this into a discussion of the merits of one tradition over another. I see it as a non-sectarian group where we can safely discuss our paths, meditation techniques, the Buddha's teachings, and perhaps involve some people in Engaged Buddhism. Suggestions and comments about the purpose of the group are not only welcome, but much appreciated.
We have had one applicant that is a Christian, but is Buddhist friendly that has asked to be a co-host. What are thoughts on that? Do we only want Buddhist hosts, or should we open it up to supportive non-Buddhists? What should the requirements be for a co-host?
I look forward to meeting you, and hope that you will consider serving. Just send me an IM if you are interested.
A lotus for you, Buddha to be,
Oxy _/l\_

(27,773 posts)I think DU is generally pretty open although there is a history of anti-religion, anti-Dalai Lama, and yes, even anti-Buddhist comments.
I think perhaps one of the more interesting prospects is to use the relative newness of this group as a platform for some interfaith initiatives to open DU at large's heart toward religious tolerance.
I am happy to put my name forward as a co-host. I think the one requirement is that a co-host must be active in a group in advancing its purpose and not simply seeking to have position. I too am now West Coast but check in during the day and am often on DU late into the night.
Edit: I would also add that tolerance to the viewpoints of others is a prerequisite - it is not the right of any of us to criticize each other - this group must be a big-tent, but that does not mean tolerating resentment or any other sort of unbecoming personalization.
(9,137 posts)Criticism can also energize dialogue and make the little stars of Indra's net twinkle a bit brighter... everything is precious. And if there were no quarrels to be pacified, how would peacemakers get blessed? If there was no sickness nor suffering to ease, what would healers do?
(53,521 posts)
(1,915 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 11, 2012, 02:02 AM - Edit history (1)
Even though I'm not a Buddhist, Ive noted that Odin is very objective and informed when it comes to Buddhism/religious subjects in general and imho would be a great host
(53,061 posts)What exactly is a Buddhist?
there is no catechism or initiation fee so I define that as anyone who earnestly seeks the truth (dharma) and uses Buddha as a compass as 'Buddhist' in attitude if not in all its aspects. They can use other compass points, as we all should.
If they pass that simple test then that is enough for me.
If it would be helpful then I would agree to be a host but ask that if any Buddhist Group subscriber has an objection to PM oxymoron and I will remove my name as I don't want it to be contentious for anyone in the group.
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)If you need help hosting I volunteer, if you think it should be restricted to those are more oriented to Buddhism I am cool.
(4,053 posts)We have enough hosts at this time. I am keeping a list of all that volunteered, and will contact you in the future when we have a spot open up.
A lotus for you, Buddhas to be. _/l\_