South Dakota
Related: About this forumMore on the GOP, Russians and John Thune's campaign funds, Mikey's endorsement...
... I wonder how many of the locals, ie... west of the Jim River, know about Thune taking NRA money, or is that Russian money?
And now:
And their is Torshin and Ms Butina back in 2015, showing the Young Republicans how to do things:
And of course, Mikey has his NRA endorsement:
I had not noticed anyone here on DU putting much mention of this back scratching between these folks.

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)that question. His Newpaper Friends in Souix Falls has his back and as the Largest read paper in the State,they will do anything to protect the GOP to no end.
Most of the Electronic Media in the State is owned by Sinclair and in that lies the problem.
(3,146 posts)... and is working hard to ruin KMEG, disregards the FCC laws with Comet...
But I did not know that Sinclair had bought any of the Sioux Falls stations.
Anyway, I do recall how Thuney would not give interviews to the Argus or KELO if they did not kiss his keister on reporting. And now, they let him ask his own questions for the most part. It turns my stomach.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)in South Dakota. Thune and Rounds have turned that State into a Toxic Waste Dump. And not Nuke Waste,but Garbage Dumps,Food Processing Plant Lagoons. The worse is,run off from those Lagoons into the Creeks and Rivers.
Thune pushed his Business Friendly idea into law.