Related: About this forumMy twin sister died yesterday.
She fought like hell but she was no match for a very aggressive bone cancer, metastasized from stage 4 breast cancer. She had a few good years before the tumors started growing in her bones, first her legs and finally her neck where a bone actually fractured.
She was in agony the past 4 months and docs couldn't seem to be able to gauge her pain and prescribe something to make her comfortable. She told me she just wanted to die in her sleep, so she did.
Jane had a total of 2.5 days in hospice, her lovely husband took care of her at home the rest of the time until he couldn't any longer.
She was more than ready, and I am so thankful she is no longer in pain, but I will miss her the rest of my life.

(8,514 posts)I've read that bone cancer is extremely painful. What an insidious disease. My deepest sympathy.
(65,595 posts)
(27,460 posts)My heart goes out to you.
My sister also died of cancer. She never found peace, before she died. That haunts me, still.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)For your Pain and loss. Go with my thoughts and prayers that you be comforted.
(54,515 posts)You are in my heart.
(32,024 posts)Jane was a great friend to me, I'm so sorry she's gone, but glad her suffering is at an end. Sending love and light to you and your family.
(31,745 posts)Cancer sucks.
(73,248 posts)Hugh_Lebowski
(33,643 posts)We're here for you
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Goddessartist
(2,067 posts)May she fly high. Big hugs. I lost a sister a year ago to cancer. She was 61.
ms liberty
(10,029 posts)Sending vibes your way.
(7,265 posts)As a breast cancer survivor, I will always wonder why I am still around and others are not.
(49,157 posts)Cancer sucks. Pain sucks. Doctors and their meds ... to be gracious, are not always effective. They ban pain meds for side effects, then give us meds that kill 150,000 Americans. Pain is a personal battle, and it's good to know all of Pharma is on our side.
Cherish the siblings moments. They are like no other.
(10,114 posts)
(35,080 posts)I'm from a very small family with only one brother alive. Can't imagine how you must feel.
(49,931 posts)I can't imagine losing a twin though. I'm glad she's no longer in pain.
Scottie Mom
(5,815 posts)While I am not a twin, in my mid 30s I learned that I have half sisters who are twins. Their love for each other and closeness is something very special.
(6,672 posts)I'm so glad that she's released from her pain. Sisters are the best. Cannot imagine losing a twin.
Take care of yourself as best you can. Write when you need to.
Your DU family is here.
(1,922 posts)I am so very sorry for your loss.
(12,256 posts)
(97,998 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,461 posts)louslobbs
(3,416 posts)experience, a few good years and then the cancer metastasized .it was a relief when she was no longer in pain. I wish you peace and continued strength. #FUCKCANCER
(177,384 posts)A friend who was virtually a sister to me died of that in 1987. The level of pain that she endured was beyond .belief. That was clear to all.
Fuck cancer.
Solly Mack
(94,362 posts)I can't say it gets easier because I don't know if that's true or not yet.
My sister was sudden, and your sister was expected but that changes nothing. Someone special in our lives is no more.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
I agree - Fuck Cancer.
(281,696 posts)Deepest sympathy babylonsister
(31,170 posts)
(8,491 posts)My deepest condolences to you and her husband, and may you both find peace on the other side of this pain.
(12,189 posts)I'm so sorry for you, babylonsister. My heart holds you.
Wicked Blue
(7,698 posts)Words aren't enough to convey how very sorry I am.
Holding you, Jane and all your loved ones in my thoughts.
(1,872 posts)cate94
(2,940 posts)And relieved for her passing. Some things are worse than death.
The night my mom found out she had untreatable lung cancer, she died of a heart attack. We would have liked more time with her, of course, but not at the cost.
Fuck cancer.
(3,797 posts)

(108,339 posts)I'm definitely with you: #FUCKCANCER
You will both be in my thoughts and I hope the happier memories of earlier times will soon take over your own thoughts.
(7,893 posts)and her love and spirit remain with you.
(5,458 posts)tragic last months. Heartbreaking.
(23,315 posts)loved your sister Jane. May every good memory of times together comfort you .
(11,084 posts)I'm glad she is finally at peace. Wishing you much strength at this heartbreaking time.
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)I hope you are finding some comfort that her suffering is over. Peace to you, your family and her family.
(6,663 posts)It is so hard when we lose loved ones, especially to cancer. Please take care of you as you grieve the loss of your sister. There are many of us who support you in any wat we can.
(13,514 posts)I always wished for a sibling. I will never have the pain of losing a sister, but I envy you the joy and love you shared with yours and will continue to share until you cross to join her. ❤️
(10,567 posts)May you find peace some day.
(37,137 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)her, be at peace. Your DU family is here for you.
Dr. Shepper
(3,132 posts)Im so sorry for your loss.
(72,174 posts)im sorry for your loss. i lost my next older sister 5 yrs ago. we were pretty much twins born apart.
she spent her last decade in a nursing home w ms. like your sister, her passing was a relief.
miss her a ton, tho.
(92 posts)I read your posts always and enjoy them. Thank you for your presence here and your opinions on events of the day. You are a gift.
Take care of yourself.
(8,084 posts)Thank god the pain is gone.
(95,919 posts)

(41,743 posts)May her memory be a blessing.
Much love to you and all your family and those who loved her.
(15,804 posts)your loss. My mother is a twin and understand the connection between twins.
(3,673 posts)May your sister travel with you. I find my sister in the colorful light the crystal hanging in the window shares. She makes me smile every time. Your sis will show up. My heart goes out to her for the pain she went through. Love to you. 💗💗💐🙏
(9,614 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)

Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)Neck and back pain can be excruciating. She must have had a terrible time. Rest in peace.
(31,320 posts)in the worst way, in a lot of pain and agony.
It was during Covid and she wouldn't see a doctor.
I hate Covid and Trump in the worst possible way
(15,470 posts)Hugs to you.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)Fuck cancer indeed.
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)
(2,244 posts)PatrickforB
(15,177 posts)sellitman
(11,698 posts)Most of us at a certain age have lost family or loved ones to Cancer. Losing a twin has to be even harder if that is even possible.
Glad she is out of pain now though.
(8,238 posts)

(691 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,359 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,134 posts)Losing a sibling is always hard, but a twin is so much harder.
You have lost part of yourself, and my god, it hurts!
My deepest condolences, now and always.
(160 posts)llashram
(6,269 posts)missing a loved sibling is a process to go through. May she have and you find peace
(8,047 posts)Its in her breasts, lymph nodes, eyeball and bones. She went strict vegan 10 years ago after her first breast was removed and refused all but minimal radiation and has lived another 10 years.
She was given just a few months to live in 2016 and so we are amazed she has managed to stay with us this long. She was moved to hospice (Canada) months ago after she feel and broke a femur but is up with a walker and back home now. She is one tough bird.
I feel your pain and share it with you. I know its coming but hard to get my head around it.
I know you will miss her terribly. Consider yourself hugged. 💗
(14,893 posts)

Captain Zero
(7,733 posts)I've known a twin who lost their twin in adulthood. It is a deep grief, because the twin bond is much more than a sibling bond, it really is. It's ok to acknowledge that this deeply affecting you because you two were closer than siblings, actually closer in a different way than a spouse or partner. Please take care of yourself and support her husband as well. Sending good vibes, all that I can...
(8,982 posts)
(16,458 posts)and I do understand your feeling thankful her pain is over.
(10,561 posts)Tumbulu
(6,507 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)My heart goes out to you and yours.
(26,243 posts)and glad for her relief.
(11,349 posts)
(56,126 posts)
(9,294 posts)I've had two people I loved die of bone cancer, and, yeah, #FUCKCANCER!
There are no words.
Sending you healing hugs
(36,594 posts)

Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)CrispyQ
(39,212 posts)Yes, fuck cancer. I lost a good friend a few weeks ago to it. Think if we redirected some of our military budget to finding a cure, or even a way to diagnose it before it's already stage 4. My friend was stage 4 by the time she was diagnosed.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
(66,282 posts)kimbutgar
(24,478 posts)Sounds like your sister was a real fighter.
(54,665 posts)it would be to lose a twin sister. Condolences to you and Jane's husband and all her loved ones.
(12,713 posts)I am glad your twin sister died in her sleep, but the loss you must feel would be gutting. I am so sorry.
(1,230 posts)

You are strong and brave and dearly loved.
May love and light enfold you, bringing you strength and sweet Shalom, Peace be with you and with your family.
(159,690 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,980 posts)Peace, strength and healing to you and your family.
Wild blueberry
(7,475 posts)May her memory be a blessing. She will always be in your heart.
Vinnie From Indy
(10,820 posts)I recently lost my dad and I think about him every day.
(7,466 posts)You're in our thoughts.
(18,998 posts)My dad had similar experience originating from liver cancer. I found comfort in him saying he had a wonderful life and preferred quality over quantity and was ready to go and then no longer in pain. I cant fully imagine the bond among twins though Ive watched documentaries about it.
(29,540 posts)Wishing you a blanket of treasured memories, and extended periods of strength and peace in your heart.
((dear babylonsister))
🌺 Jane 🌺
Desert grandma
(1,062 posts)I have identical twin granddaughters that are 20 now. We raised them since they were home from the hospital. They are so close. I cannot imagine the sorrow you must feel. May you be comforted by your happy memories of her and your knowledge that your friends here at DU send you warm and caring thoughts.
(2,613 posts)

brer cat
(26,838 posts)I can't imagine the pain you are feeling. If it helps, know that we are keeping you in our hearts.
(43,489 posts)3auld6phart
(1,456 posts)Go out to you. Iisalways hard to lose ones we, love and hold loose. . Take care and deepregards to your sisters husband. Take care.
(29,409 posts)Holding you in my heart today, and will light a candle for your sister.
(30,237 posts)words fail. Look for the signs.
(5,360 posts)May sweet memories of your beloved sister bring you comfort and peace.
(6,091 posts)mahina
(19,535 posts)Peace and aloha to her. I am sorry.
(1,983 posts)My sister means the world to me.
I can't imagine what it would be like to lose her.
I'm glad she is no longer in pain
(36,837 posts)
Yes I agree wholeheartedly ... Fuck Cancer! I've lost both parents and 3 of my 4 grandparents to cancer.
Your sister is finally free, and may she rest in peace. May you find solace in your memories of her from happier times.

(308,421 posts)

(40,102 posts)My deepest condolences and empathy. I lost my sister last year. She loved DU. Also cancer.
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)
(6,012 posts)
(786 posts)So very sorry for your loss. I lost my sister several years ago and while that pain and that hole in your life doesn't really go away remembering all those great years we did have still brings a smile to my face and makes it bearable.
Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)AmBlue
(3,452 posts)I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother to melanoma. He was just 52yo. They told us when cancer makes it to the bone marrow it's just the worst. I'm just so sorry... but glad she has escaped the pain.
May you find peace in your memories.
(34,502 posts)such a big loss in your life. Losing a sibling is very hard. She was very lucky to have a husband who would care for her and such a kind and loving sister to be with her and help her.
Many hugs to you when you need them, they are out there waiting for you to call for them.
(1,017 posts)Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way you always used
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort
Without the ghost of a shadow in it
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner.
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
- Henry Scott
connecticut yankee
(1,730 posts)Please accept my condolences on your loss.
(85,364 posts)Her pain and suffering - and fear - are over. Thats OVER. Mercifully, for her. And hopefully a wee bit of comfort for you and those who loved her.
Mme. Defarge
(8,651 posts)
(1,477 posts)TygrBright
(21,058 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,269 posts)kentuck
(113,312 posts)She had a wonderful Sister.
(14,138 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)wryter2000
(47,755 posts)But shes not suffering anymore. It must be really hard to lose a twin
(26,158 posts)So many hugs.
(44,211 posts)mzmolly
(51,992 posts)for your loss.
(24,310 posts)Im so so sorry for your loss. Of course you will miss her forever.
(138,724 posts)

(11,263 posts)Heres a hug, just for you
(171,893 posts)You made today less lonely for me.
(5,369 posts)so sorry for you, bablonsister.
My deepest condolences.
(10,036 posts)Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)Peace and healing to you.
(65,743 posts)diva77
(7,880 posts)

(732 posts)To me, the "gauging of the pain" means a physician should prescribe enough medication to the patient to keep him/her comfortable - the hell with the feds when a person has stage 4 cancer. Who cares if s/he becomes an "addict" for a few weeks at best? Kudos to your BIL, not many (male or female) can/will care for his/her ill spouse/partner.
(96,607 posts)May she cross gently and rest in peace. May your memories be a blessing.
(22,018 posts)AllyCat
(17,605 posts)Peace to you all.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Deuxcents
(21,264 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)
(20,036 posts)🫂😞💜
(10,334 posts)cayugafalls
(5,789 posts)#FUCKCANCER
(18,435 posts)(((hugs)))
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)Such heartbreak to see a loved one suffer so.😥
Heartfelt condolences to you. May you find increasing measures of peace. 💜💜💜