Related: About this forumnext month will be a year.
I'm having a hard time.
Was going to quit my job last
year before my husband passed
and get something else, plus
some other goals that would require
two incomes...or at least him working so I could
do the things I had planned for my next moves.
I really want to resign, but don't
have it in me to look for something else.
It's getting harder and harder to show up for work.
I work from home, and it's also hard to give that up.
Plus coming up on a year is a lot harder
than I thought it would be.
Almost willing to consider another round of FMLA
leave other than quitting.
I'm genuinely grateful my housing situation is squared
away...and honestly my dogs are what get me up in the morning. As bad as I feel, I don't know how I'd be without something to care for.
I don't know that there's anything anyone can do.
Maybe I just need to vent.
This heat is just awful, that's not helping.
It's supposed to be 108 all week in DFW, and
that's pushing it, even for us.

(14,138 posts)cate94
(2,940 posts)I hope it helps to know that someday it wont be as hard.
(4,786 posts)Please continue to share your feelings. Everyone goes through grief differently. I know you didnt ask for advice but I cant scroll by without trying to help. I really think theres a depression stage. Its been almost 2 years since my husband passed. Ive had some health problems and had to say goodbye to my pup. It was easier when she was there to be with me. But now I feel as if Im seeing some light. My only advice is to keep some friends close and try to get out of the house once in awhile and just ride out the dark days. Dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it. What youre feeling isnt unusual. The indecision is natural. Im sending you lots of good thoughts.
(64,178 posts)
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(162,408 posts)hang in there imavoter, we care
(38,623 posts)You think you cant go on living but you do anyway. Its really not a choice. I hope you find some relief somehow. Its very difficult to continue with your life after a loss like that.
(18,141 posts)It felt like I hadnt moved past his death at all. But then a couple of weeks later the dark cloud lifted. Death might be an event but grieving is definitely a process. It often feels like two steps forward one step back. The best advice I got after my husband died was dont do anything for a year that you cant get out of that you dont absolutely have to do. If FMLA is an option use it. Hang in there. I promise it gets easier.