Related: About this forumTonight I got some very good news.......and now I'm sad.
How can it be that something good can make me smile and hurt deeply all at the same time?
Normally I would be sharing my good news with my dear newly passed friend......but of course, I cannot. Oh boy and it hurts.
This is the first big piece of good news since he died, and I know there will be more times that this will happen. I only hope the pain that comes with it will ease.

(26,795 posts)You are grieving, and it seems, doing so mindfully.
That's a good thing.
(153,134 posts)He would normally be one that I would share good, or bad news with immediately. He always wanted to know how I was doing. It is so tough.
I was a nurse, so grieving is something I know a little about. Knowing helps.
Thanks, my dear Wilms...
(31,745 posts)want to share something with that person. We hear a joke, or some news we know would make them smile. We visit a restaurant we know they would have liked.
I hope your pain eases.
(153,134 posts)Just not tonight. It's too raw.
It'll take some time. And that I have plenty of.
(9,314 posts)a way to ease your pain. You're such a kind and loving person and it's sad to know that you are in pain. I know you blessed me when my Dad died..
Grieving is not only painful but exhausting. Please get some rest and take care of yourself. Know that you are special to many of us.
(153,134 posts)One of the big things about grief is that you feel so alone, as though nobody ever felt this way before, and of course that's not true. So when someone you like and respect comes along to help, that sense of loneliness diminishes.
You are so right about it being exhausting! It takes my joy and my strength away. I am taking as good care of myself as I can...
Thank you for all your good thoughts.
(9,314 posts)is so tough. I've always been quick to laugh and joke until May.
Wish we could exchange hugs.
I guess we just need to believe it gets easier. I saw a Garfield comic that I know my Dad would have cut out and put on my refrigerator - we would have laughed over it together. I cried and then was sad because nobody else got it like he would.
Grief sucks.
to CaliforniaPeggy
to all of us grieving.
(153,134 posts)But I always remember that the deeper the love, the deeper the grief.
And that helps too.
Thanks for the hugs..........
(9,314 posts)
(2,760 posts)It will never really go away, but just be less sad as time goes on. I've had some opportunities to learn about that one, the latest being my sister's passing earlier this year.
Take care and be strong.
(17,258 posts)is that I need to share with my Mum.
As with the passing of family and dear friends, the grief is different each time.
I'm sorry your friend isn't here to share your news.
Time heals all they say ... 'they' don't know what they are talking about!
The pain eases a bit but never goes away. You'll find other ways and different people to share with but it will never be the same.
I hope you find some solace in the good memories held close in your heart.
(153,134 posts)Today marks six months...
It feels like forever.
(35,737 posts)i read your first line & burst into tears.
seems i go through "okay" times & then i have this downward spiral that i do.
monday will be six years ago my mom went into the hospital. closer to the end of the month will be six years since she's been "gone"
you're right about that "time heals" business. i would ask "how much time?"
my friend recently asked me something to the effect of "doesn't remembering those good things make you happy?" (regarding my mom & various things). i told him it makes me sad because those happy times are gone & it makes me sad because she's not present in my life like she was. (always a glass half empty person i guess)
i just miss her so damn much, kesha. i miss her so much.
it's as if nothing is right, and nothing is very good, and (as she used to say about certain things) nothing means anything.
hope you're doing okay.
(17,258 posts)It's been 18 years and still it's so fresh in my mind. Fresh enough that I still want to pick up the phone and say "whatcha doin' mum?"
I too must be a glass 1/2 empty person. Remembering the good times only makes me long for them. I still cry a LOT. I've been so ill the last 2-3 years and when I'm at my worst I think how wonderful it would be to join her.
Many well meaning folks assure me she's 'waiting up there for me' and 'what a happy reunion you'll have together' I dunno, I can't wrap my head around all of that.
Life goes on though, different as it may be.
My heart goes out to you Orleans, we are kindred spirits I think. Sharing this horrible journey that so many have been forced to share with us.
I'm thankful for the people in this group. They say misery loves company. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Misery needs understanding and understanding comes from experience, experience that none of us have enjoyed.
So, while it does get different, it never gets better. I think.
(35,737 posts)maybe he'll even let you know--in some way, somehow--that he heard you
"I recently let a grieving wife know that her deceased husband had followed her progress as she renovated the kitchen in the house they had shared. He loved the new look! She was comforted by the show of support, and the entire audience felt closer to Spirit knowing that their loved ones were never far away.
"When grieving the loss of a loved one, its easy to lose sight of the fact that, although they are not participating in your day to day lives as they once were, they are still very much there. As a medium, I help people to heal by proving that while the person who has passed may not be able to join you for coffee, their Spirit will be there to provide love, support and comfort for the rest of your life"
(153,134 posts)A couple of times I have felt something indefinable in my study. This is the room where we did so much talking: on the computer, or the phone. A couple of times I have felt a warmth somehow here.......and I thought maybe it was his spirit.
I hope so.
Thank you!
(2,825 posts)I remember that saying from some literature class but can't remember who wrote it.
Beloved could also mean beloved friend and beauty could also be expanded to something nice or wonderful.
So many of us go through this.
By the way, I "talk" to my mother and other deceased people all
the time-- very privately and briefly, of course--when the spirit moves me.
(153,134 posts)It's certainly true, too.
I talk to my missing friend too......also privately and briefly. We always had so much fun talking...
Dante Gabriel Rossetti apparently said it...
(9,314 posts)My Mom says that sometimes when she prays now she is praying to Dad. She thought she was weird but I knew exactly what she meant.
My Mom is a very pragmatic person, so when she told me she kept finding toothpicks on a clean carpet I had to laugh. Dad always had toothpicks in his shirt pocket. It comforted her to think he dropped them there and if such things are possible, I'm sure he did.