Related: About this forumNumb....
My Best Friend was a guy. An Ex-Boyfriend, not Husband. He died on Monday and with each passing hour, its getting more real he's never coming back. Twenty two years. Two in a relationship, the last twenty just friends. He was my the person always there when a ear was needed or to hang out with just to get away from it all.
I felt so numb and miss, my Best Friend

(9,314 posts)The numbness is a blessing for awhile. I'm just coming out of the numb stage.
(7,006 posts)Today, I can't sleep. Barely ate (forced a peanut butter and jelly sandwich down). Just kinda there -- numb if that makes sense.
Sorry for your loss and thank you for the kind words.
(9,314 posts)I do know what you mean by numb and it's normal. So is not feeling like eating. Be gentle with yourself. Eat when you can, sleep when you can, and cry when you need to. Be assured that what you are going through is normal for grieving. There's no time frame for grieving so don't push yourself.
I hope you get some rest. Hold on to friends and family to help you through it and we are here for you.
(31,745 posts)The not coming back part is very hard.
Please try to eat and sleep and take care of yourself.
(7,006 posts)Will try. It's hard but, gotta do it. Thanks again.
(2,825 posts)Best friends are golden. I hope you have others in your life who you are close to and can be supportive. But a best friend is a BEST FRIEND!
(7,006 posts)He was my Best Friend and I'll will miss him. The family needed money for the service and before his Sister got out the words, I had already said I would donate. Basketball season will be real hard this year, and I lost my buddy to go back and forward about the games with.
It will be quite different going forward. Quite different. Appreciate your kind words.
(17,258 posts)You will miss him forever. It doesn't really get any better but it does get different. You're a long way from that right now. I hope that you can take some solace in the joy filled memories you hold dear in your heart.
Friends go beyond forever I think .. You can still talk to him and your heart will always hear his voice.
my sincerest condolences to you and to those who loved and knew him.
(7,006 posts)Much appreciated. The service is next Monday and I'm still wrapping my head around going. I'll hope to be ready by then but, not looking forward to it.