Related: About this forumWell we've been hit hard here on DU, lost a few good members these last
few weeks.
How are you all doing?
Jeanette, I know you read here. How are things for you since losing SystemicChaos (Kirk) just a short time ago? I think of you often.
Those of you who knew those who have passed on .. I'm thinking of you also.
I'm not particularly well right now and everything is hitting me pretty hard. The 'why' questions come up. Why such good people, why not those of us who are sick, why so sudden? ...
I'm rambling. Taking more meds and going back to bed for a while.
love to all of you.

Little Star
(17,055 posts)You are a heaven sent host for this group & DU. Thanks for all you do
(17,258 posts)You've all shared your pain and sorrow in such a way that it's broken down barriers and allowed others to grieve and heal along side you.
I know you've all helped me on more than one occasion.
You are all such an open bunch !
I've tried posting on some of the other groups, the chronic illness, mental health support group and the health group without a reply. In other words, I don't know why they call them support groups.
Anyway ..
thanks for your very kind words. I only hope I continue to be of service and friendship to anyone (yes anyone) who needs me.
(72,300 posts)
(17,258 posts)
Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)I want you to know that I think of you with great fondness and appreciate all you have done for me and others. I wish you the best with thanks for all you do.
(17,258 posts)I hesitate to start these 'check in' type of threads for fear that it might trigger sadness and longing in the hearts of members here. But I have all of you on my mind a lot at times.
take care of you
(1,352 posts)Every mass shooting incident brings up memories of the one at my college back in '92. Pulls all those feelings back up out of storage and sticks them front and center for a few days. I freaking hate it.
(17,258 posts)Post traumatic stress is very real for a lot of us.
I have a hard time with deaths of innocent people via murder. Having been very close to a horrible situation involving the death of a very dear and much loved 18 year old girl (child really) I can truly understand the call for the death penalty from those who read the news reports.
Having been that close I find myself explaining over and over again that even having looked into the dark hollow eyes of a cold blooded murderer, knowing 100% his guilt, I would not grant him the death penalty! He should and will rot in jail.
The cost? .. cheaper to jail for life than it is to carry out an execution. The facts and numbers are readily available.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hi-jack your post.
I'm really sorry that you're having to relive past horrors. I hope this go round passes more quickly for you. They say time heals all things. "they" lie.
(1,352 posts)... sounds like you know just where I'm coming from. And I had the same experience, of knowing the shooter, knowing the people he injured and killed, wanting him dead dead dead and still knowing I could not support the death penalty, for him or anyone else.
And oh yes, they lie. They lie about many many things when it comes to grief.
(153,134 posts)Fortunately I have a great support system around me.
I am still fighting my huge sense of loss over WCGreen's death. We always talked to each other and it was really good for both of us. The vacuum that his death created has been very hard to get past.
I relied on him to explain things to me, and now that's gone. He really understood how the world worked, and he was able to tell me as well. And to think that he will never return is the toughest part of all. But that's the reality, and I am slowly getting used to it.
Thank you for being here...
(2,825 posts)But you did, so I can only imagine.
Strangely, I still think of Beau Biden whom I use to receive e-mails from. He sent them out to his constituents and people like me who had supported his father back in the primaries but didn't actually live in Delaware. You could e-mail him back and he would answer your questions.
Also, my brother-in-law was part of the medical team that counseled the young Biden family when that tragic accident happened during Beau's early childhood.
I've learned, particularly at DU, that one has the capacity to care about and grieve for people we never meet.
(2,825 posts)We all care about you so much!
(31,745 posts)My youngest left a lot of pictures here for me when she moved to Toronto. I found some pictures of her with Elizabeth Edwards, whom she admired greatly.
Elizabeth is still missed. Our departed loved ones are still with us.
(23,315 posts)DUers personally, but felt as if I did (having been a member since March 2004). There's an emptiness in the heart to know we will never see any new posts from them. Once in a while, someone resurrects a thread and that brings laughs and tears.
My heart goes out to those who met and became friends with any of our deceased members.
(5,946 posts)and a place where people could leave messages about or for that person who passed.
messages fade so quickly from our memory some times and yet some will have missed the notice of their passing. I wish there was some place like a posting cemetery where we could occasionally show our respect.