Facepalm of the day: Bigfoot hunters in Kentucky hope to save 'beast'
Bigfoot hunters in Kentucky hope to save 'beast'
Bigfoot is big news again in the United States. Not since the late 1960s, when grainy footage first emerged of a giant, ape-like creature walking upright through the woods, has there been so much interest in proving its existence.
So how exactly do you go about tempting a creature most believe is just a myth out into the open, where it can be filmed and studied?
The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization is a group of friends who spend their spare time investigating sightings and attempting to communicate with the elusive beasts some call the Sasquatch. They demonstrated their methods for the BBC.

(25,497 posts)tell it Mitt Romney and Dick Cheney have organized a hunting party for it in the woods...
(4,281 posts)The BFRO is a great organization, and there's nothing more fun than going sqatchin', try it out one day.
(14,860 posts)Ian David
(69,059 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)As is inevitable when a Big Foot body is "discovered".
Question: What is the plural of Big Foot?
Now that is a real chair throwing argument.