From someone on an FB thread I was on (warning: reading this may seriously damage your sanity!)
It's all about the Deep State/Bill Gates proclaimed 90-95% depopulation program through 5G radiation poisoning and a subsequent poisonous CV vaccine. The so-called coronavirus is the cover-up hoax for 5G poisoning, not an airborne disease-causing virus that just happened to come out at the same time with the exact same symptoms.
Worse, 5G is weaponized and was used by the military in Iraq and can easily be used against all of us. The power output, frequency, modulation, and radiation direction are all easily remotely controlled.
What most people in the anti-5G/vaccination community dont realize is that not only is the so-called coronavirus nonexistent, but ALL disease-causing viruses are also nonexistent. The whole disease/virus/germ theory is based on Louis Pasteurs fraudulent research. Click on the Virology section of my website.
Even the leading doctors within the pandemic-exposing community do not understand this and continue to acknowledge the perceived legitimacy of the virus theory while taking issue with only the treatment and statistics of the CV victims. Read the Virology section on my website for documentation about the truth about disease-causing viruses. We should be laughing at the coronavirus, not cowering in fear behind our carbon dioxide masks.
Watch the videos at the top of my site and read all of the articles. Click on my name, then select my vaccine/autism website link, the largest on the Internet. If you dont see it, click on About and it is on the right.

Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)Girard442
(6,564 posts)How can people too dumb to put their socks and shoes on in the right order still use Facebook?
(10,362 posts)YOUR over-blown digital high school yearbook turned 21st century identity theft platform has turned into a soapbox for fools, knaves and louts. YOU have dumbed down society BENEATH the lowest common denominator to the flat our fever swamp morons spewing invective and venom without even a basic understanding of reality.
You are a fucking cancer on humanity and I hope you, your bitch wife and everyone else at your bastardized spy company go down in fucking flames and painful deaths.
(41,318 posts)Social media does facilitate it, but a lot of the basic lunacy and dumbing-down preceded Facebook and modern social media for a long time.
(10,362 posts)If a depressed person is handed a gun, even a super nice new and shiny one, and they proceed to shoot themself, who bears the responsibility for giving them the tool to end themself?
Our dumbed down society existed before Social Media and Facebook amplified it, yes...but the way Zuckerberg and the rest want to keep their profits and ignore their responsibility to control the way their companies are weaponized...I still say FUCK THEM...
(869 posts)Turn them into Facebook for spreading fake news..
(177,383 posts)It's someone I used to work with, and I can't help but wonder if she was always this way. She also seems to be anti-vax, but I'm not certain if it's just a Covid vax or all of them. So far, I haven't asked.
(38,528 posts)We're supposed to believe that Pasteur committed scientific fraud over a century ago, and all the people who studied microorganisms and communicable diseases since then HAVEN'T CAUGHT ON ??
BTW, Pasteur didn't discover viruses, and the first viruses to be discovered were associated with plant diseases. So that's one Hell of a deep conspiracy.
(7,629 posts)Perpetrated by the Queen, the Illuminati, and Col. Sanders to control us.
That's what the voices tell me at any rate.
(38,528 posts)qazplm135
(7,629 posts)After they banned his tasty chicken. Too much competition with Col. Sanders.
(12,282 posts)The rest of us use it sparingly.
(25,124 posts)It's not all Zuckerburg's fault. Every time someone shares a post on FB, it goes to all their friends, family, and friends of friends if they are open to that. Even posting it here amplifies the message by sending it to every DU member. Bots monitoring the web pick up every time a particular message is shared to another user, and that amplifies the power of the message. Something to think about.
(41,318 posts)Nitram
(25,124 posts)way to do that. In the absence of facts, I'd suggest caution in repeating speculation.
(51,079 posts)Response to LeftishBrit (Original post)
CatLady78 This message was self-deleted by its author.