So I've been told all the weird weather is caused by a shift in the magnetic poles
This was in response to me noting that climate change doesnt necessarily make the weather warmer, it makes it stranger.
Are they teaching this in fundamentalist churches or something?

(47,039 posts)We have got FEET of snow as of now in Wisconsin, and to those who say "Global climate change is a hoax," I say to them shove it up their ass.
(718 posts)I kinda used paranormal/occult and CT "truther" vids as a placeholder when I was leaving religion.
Magnetic pole shift is a HUGE thing in the CT crowd; it's actually one of their favorite end of the world scenarios. I doubt many churches are talking about it, but if you (and please dont) go to places like Above Top Secret, its a pretty consistent topic of discussion.
(You'll also see this drivel talked about as Cataclysmic Pole Shift Theory* or CPS Theory)
*it's a hypothesis
(27,430 posts)What makes them say the magnetic poles are shifting right now?
Facts. Deal in facts.
The truth is, that while the magnetic poles do periodically switch places, and it may be possible we are due for such a shift, at the present there is no indication that such a thing is currently happening.
(32,825 posts)Dont chide me about facts.
The original question was about where are people getting this information.
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)and, apparently, moving slower again but still messing somewhat with animal migration patterns. Not sure this is what's currently the situation, but according to this article from Sept 2019:
For the first time in 360 years, some compasses will actually be right
[snip] But in recent years, the magnetic north pole has been an especially unreliable guide. In fact scientists say it's moving at a faster rate than any time in human history which could mark the beginning of a catastrophic pole reversal.
Fortunately for Earth-dwellers, that process would still likely take around 10,000 years. Still, the dramatic shift is already causing problems for the countless animals from birds to bats to sea turtles that rely on magnetic north for migration.
And possibly the few adventurous humans who still navigate this world with nothing more than a compass.
Then again:
So, of course, if you're game you could sign up to go for a walkabout to the North Pole of Inaccessibility =