The Flat-Earth community is at all-out war with itself.
It is fractioning more and more into rivalling factions fighting over followers, Youtube-viewers and donations.
There are a few Flat-Earthers who have tried to position themselves as THE unofficial leader of the FE-community, trying to push their pet-theory as the way how things really are.
Their problem is, the war over followers and donors has escalated to the unthinkable: Criticizing the pet-theory of a fellow Flat-Earther.
There used to be an unspoken rule that you do not attack the belief of a fellow crank. You were supposed to respond with a diplomatic "Yeah, you could be right."
But now they have started scrutinizing the pet-theories of others (not their own, of course), and as the pet-theories of others inevitably fall apart, the attacks start.
The FE-community is now at a point where these factions accuse each other of being unscientific hacks and/or double-agents of the deep state trying to make Flat-Eartherism look bad.

(4,261 posts)
(21,000 posts)...would accuse someone else of being an unscientific hack... boggles the mind.
(189,228 posts)If the Earth was flat, cats would have knocked every loose object off the edge by now.
(13,966 posts)you wouldn't see it in a few minutes. It would be gone.
(103,206 posts)I can't work out how a flat-earther has spare money, being so stupid and unwilling to learn. Did they inherit it?
(16,593 posts)You want to be special? Not a generic anybody but someone who really matters? Easy: Believe that you have the truth and that everybody else is too stupid to get it.
I'm in a Flat-Earth-forum and it's really, really hard to talk to these people because they imagine themselves as critical thinkers and skeptics while lacking any ability to imagine that FE could be wrong. Their thought-processes are full of holes, because they consequently ignore anything that might conflict with their "truth".
For example, they consider Flat-Earth as the default-position that the rest of mankind must disprove, while having no idea how empirical proofs actually work AND while constantly shifting goalposts.
(4,261 posts)"Is how we know the world to be banana shaped."
"This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere."
Response to DetlefK (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(65 posts)We must battle to defeat the army guarding the ice wall!