The "Examiner" has a real winner on it's staff of writers...
"VAXXED the movie is coming to Atlanta"
The author is:
Tina Ranieri
Atlanta Holistic Health Examiner
"Vaccines and the perpetual fall from grace, when will this bad history of killing children be over and written out of history? Deliberate cover up and concealing vital information regarding vaccinations and autism, those words set a fire under parents that will not go out. Andrew Wakefield once a doctor is now a hero. The movie VAXXED is about his findings detailing the cover-up and the whistle blowing documents. A document that appears to show that JCV made continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions and contraindications to vaccinations from parents and health practitioners in order to reach vaccine rates which were deemed necessary for critical money payoffs."
(17,505 posts)I wonder if any victims of polio or small pox will be there to see it?