Mirror matter and "souls"
Hello all,
Here is extract from one website,where the proponent claims that there are indications that humans have 2 information systems,one on material level another one on mirror level:
This theory is based on the assumption that living organisms make invisible mirror copies of themselves (parallel dimension, mind, dark matter, mirror particles).
Benveniste´s experiment and Kirlian photography of a cut leaf are indications that mirror copies of molecules and atoms are a reality.
Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level.
Libet´s Sensory Experience Backwards in Time-experiment is a good demonstration that humans have two information systems: 1. The nerve impulse to cerebral cortex + 0.5 sec to consciousness in the material brain. 2. A fraction of a second (faster-than-light) on the unconscious mirror world level to mind brain.
Consciousness appears where mind brain is connected to the materialistic brain. Neurotransmittors act as body-mind transducers.
My interpretation of Benveniste´s experiment: Every molecule has a corresponding mirror copy of the molecule. A copy ("key" can react on a specific receptor molecule ("lock"
on body level according to the immunological principle."
What do you guys think?Is it worth some serious attention or mere speculation?
My major point here is this: ""Libet`s experiment, blindsight, endospores, seeds, phantom limbs and tardigrades are examples which indicate that organisms have developed a second information system on mirror world level."
We got a claim here.Can it be refuted?I think claim on phantom limbs can be refuted,what about the rest?"
Thank you,

(14,860 posts)The article references a lot of stuff, none of it meaning what the author thinks it means.
The best part is when Hahnemann (the inventor of homeopathy) is referenced.
Let's do a checklist:
-Magnetic fields? Check.
-Quantum mechanics? Check.
-Long discredited pseudoscience? Check.
-Germ theory denialism? Check.
Yeah, I'd say it's bullshit. It isn't even worth refuting since the claims aren't even internally functional.
(19 posts)"The article references a lot of stuff, none of it meaning what the author thinks it means."
To me it seems that the author simply mis-represents what he is quoting in order to "fit" his idea
(6,452 posts)It's not up to us to refute the claim. Instead, the person making the claim has to provide proof that the claim is reasonable and backed by data obtained in correct methods. This person is making incredible claims with little to back it up.
I agree with laconicsax - it's mostly bullshit.
(41,318 posts)Blindsight does indeed suggest more than one system for visual perception. The term refers to people who are blind in (usually part of) the visual field because of damage to the visual cortex, but who still show some response to stimuli in that part of the visual field: e.g. they may guess when a light appears there, more often correctly than would be expected by chance. It is thought that this reflects the functioning of a more primitive part of the brain, the superior colliculus, which allows people and animals to orient to visual stimuli, but is not nearly as sophisticated as the visual cortex.
But 'more than one system for visual perception' does not equal 'living organisms make invisible mirror copies of themselves'!
Phantom limbs occur because the brain representations for sensations from a limb continue to function even if the limb is amputated. Again, nothing to do with 'invisible mirror copies'.
Overall, individuals have a lot more than two 'information systems'; the brain is very complex, with numerous systems for handling and representing different forms of information. None of which has anything to do with 'mirror worlds'.
(19 posts)...about this guy,the more it seems that it even doesn't fit the level of pseudo-science...
(6,452 posts)The problem with a guy like this is that he'll present something to the gullible and include lots of "sciencey" stuff that most people either don't understand or won't bother to check. It's easy for a quack like him to dupe the credulous.
(19 posts)I'm not sure he by himself understands what he is talking about,especially "mirror matter".I've read that mirror matter,if exists,just barely interacts with normal matter,and from my personal correspondence wuth 2 scientists,Robert Foot and Maxim Khlopov,both authors about "mirror matter" ,both stated that we hardly can expect presense of "mirror matter" on Earth,and if yes - it will be in small amiunt and will be concentrated in the central part of Earth.Not to mention that the mind boggles - what mechanism needs to be postulated to create mirror matter copies?
I think I am gullible and credulous - this is the reason I posted it here in hopes that people will help me to realize that it is not something to be bought into...
(6,452 posts)The fact that you posted it, saw the wrongness of the idea, and changed your thinking shows that you are far less gullible and credulous than most, and probably far less so than you think. That's something to be applauded, although some probably don't think so (those people don't post in this group).
(19 posts)... is that biological organisms make invisible copies of themselves.How?By what mechanism?
(16,594 posts)Shouldn't there be an extra effect on our side, when mirror things interact?
And what happens to those mirror-selves when an organism dies? Are we surrounded by the inperceptable mirror-counterparts of everything that has ever died?
(19 posts)Seems like this is part of his "theory".Mirror "self" is immortal
(19 posts)"The arguments for that the soul is a mirror image of the body
1. The crossing of the nerves in the medulla oblongata means that the memory of
the brain is situated in the mirror copy of the brain.
2. Heart chakra: physical heart on the left, spiritual heart on the right and heart
chakra in center.
3. The energy channels (nadi) in the etheric body are mirror images of the nerves
in the physical body.
4. Chiasma optica: the crossing of the optic nerves"
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