RFK, Jr is a loathesome idiot
Can antivaccinationists knock it off with the autism Holocaust analogies already? (RFK, Jr. edition)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is despicable.
I just wanted to get that off my chest. (Do clear Plexiglass boxes full of multicolored blinky multicolored lights even have chests?) The reason for my outburst will become painfully apparent all too soon, but I just had to say that. Theres also one other thing that I just have to say as well, and thats this. When the managing editor of the antivaccine crank blog to rule all antivaccine crank blogs gives me a blogging topic and practically begs me to blog about it, in general I usually blog about it because, well, how can I resist? Think of it this way. When Dan Olmsted says something like Im well aware Im handing Orac his next feces-flinging column, I feel as though it would be downright unsporting, unchivalrous, even, not to take him up on his offer. I also feel that I owe Olmsted my sincere thanks. its not every day I get such a massive, juicy target so deserving of a heapin helpin of the not-so-Respectful Insolence that Ive become known for over the last eight and a half years.
Of course, I must admit to some mild insult that Olmsted apparently thinks that my carefully crafted not-so-Respectful Insolence directed at cranks, quacks, and loons is akin to the sort of poo-flinging that Age of Autism (AoA) bloggers throw hither, thither, and yon upon anyone with the temerity to suggest to them that maybe, just maybe theyre off base in their fanatical belief that vaccines must cause autism. My criticism, Respectful or not-so-Respectful, consists of precision jabs fired exactly where I want them to land. In comparison, AoA bloggers are about as subtle as a brick to the head and even less fun.
In comparison to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., AoA bloggers are veritable Shakespeares of clear and witty thought.
So offensively stupid on many levels. I have relatives killed in the holocaust and I fucking HATE these "as bad as Hitler" stupidities. This level of ignorance is an embarrassment to the Democratic party and its trying to brand itself the intellectual and rational party.
This is Michelle Bachmann level dumb and offensive.

(3,908 posts)and it took 5 years to get the FOI documents on Federal efforts on Lyme Disease policy and half of it was blacked out.
They used the Polio vaccine program in Afghanistan to find Ben Laden, the consequences be damned.
LymeRix happened.
By law, they can force you to take any vaccination, hold you indefinitely and take all your assets without due process and there is no recourse.
The "all vaccination efforts are golden" is not put out by health people it is put out by the people who want total control and boy is it working.
The idea is ingenious, it will work and there is nothing to stop it from happening and that is a real problem.
(42,998 posts)I am A VACCINE SCIENTIST. And what he is saying KILLS PEOPLE. And I want ALL PEOPLE TO BE VACCINATED. Those who are healthy enough. My sister got goddamn pertussis from unvaxxinated children.
Please take your HIGHLY OFFENSIVE AND ILLOGICAL BULLSHIT ELSEWHERE. Does not belong in this group
Response to TZ (Reply #2)
kickysnana This message was self-deleted by its author.
I work in pharmaceutical research (human drug/vaccine) trials and I completely agree with you.
I am currently working with clinical sites on an HPV vaccine and some of the bullshit on DU regarding the HPV vaccines is totally annoying.
I worked as a microbiology supervisor in the pediatric setting years ago and we would see entire families come down with pertussis. Not only should infants be vaccinated against pertussis but older children and adults. During my tenure in that setting we say a tremendous amount of spinal meningitis. This was just before the pediatric vaccines started rolling out. There were some excellent scientific articles from Australia in the late 80's showing adults with chronic bronchitis were highly associated with pertussis.
I currently work for a pharmaceutical company which has a large vaccine group but in my training class there was someone who was an anti-vaxer. He actually found a pediatric group in Minneapolis who supported his views and none of his children have been vaccinated. When I heard that I had to leave the table because I got so angry at his stupidity and inability to protect his children.
Pale Blue Dot
(16,834 posts)...of logical fallacies.
I hope you've vaccinated your kids, because I've contacted the authorities and they're about to find you, seize your assets, and hold you indefinitely.
Dr. Strange
(26,021 posts)
(12,272 posts)You are of course, correct in your desire to eradicate communicable diseases. I hope you are doing well.