5 Easy ways to Spot a B.S News Story on the Internet
The Internet, while awesome, is also a mind-boggling marvel of bullshit production and dissemination. A misleading or outright fake news story can get forwarded on Facebook a million times before Snopes.com can even write up their rebuttal (no, oral sex does not prevent breast cancer). Since the rise of social media, we get more and more of our news from each other, and far, far too many of us aren't asking ourselves the important question:
"Is the amazing news I'm about to share even fucking true?"
Because most of the time, we don't need somebody else to debunk these stories for us -- not if we know what to look for.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-easy-ways-to-spot-b.s.-news-story-internet/#ixzz2M87j6yI2
Damn but Cracked just hit it out of the park. Almost everyone of these things I find myself screeching out a whole lot on FB. I figure peeps here could get good use out of this too.
I know Leftish Brit is happy to see the major smackdown of the Daily Mail.

Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Excellent advice. Amazing how Cracked, an inferior Mad Magazine rip-off (anyone remember Crazy magazine as well?) has transformed itself into such a great sceptical website.
(20,620 posts)Had the guy with a bomb plunger as a mascot?
Yes, Cracked has become very worth reading.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)I thought the guy with the plunger was the Cracked mascot, but I'm not sure.
I'll have to dig these old magazines out of the closet one of these days...
(20,620 posts)Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Yeah, that's the one I remembered, actually. I read your post too fast and missed the 'bomb' part. Didn't the Cracked guy carry a plunger, or is my memory playing tricks with me?
(20,620 posts)zappaman
(20,620 posts)This is good advice for everyone!
It will most likely start a shitstorm though. People here think NaturalNews is more accurate than any scientific site. LOL.
(20,620 posts)But it will certainly spark conversation!
Looking forward to rec'ing it again.
(41,318 posts)The author has indeed sussed out the Daily Fail and the rest of the British tabloid press!
It is frustrating that people take that effing rag as serious journalism.
(8,040 posts)Cracked is pretty awesome. Of course, I'm quite critical when I read their posts and info, but for a comedy site, they are quite an awesome source of interesting facts.