Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWicked motorcar analogy quote
No man treats a motorcar as foolishly as he treats another human being. When the car will not go, he does not attribute its annoying behavior to sin; he does not say, "You are a wicked motorcar, and I shall not give you any more petrol until you go."
He attempts to find out what is wrong and to set it right. An analogous way of treating human beings is, however, considered to be contrary to the truths of our holy religion.
- Bertrand Russell, philosopher, mathematician, author, Nobel laureate 1872-1970.

(855 posts)Bertrand Russells The Doctrine of Free Will" - Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? (1930)
If I bought this for a relative in repayment for all of the religious books that were foisted on me there would be pursed lips and barely withheld sneers. I will consider it as a parting gift if we go our separate ways indefinitely
(122,596 posts)I used to give it to friends in comparative religion or theology majors, as an antidote.
(25,497 posts)give them "Why I Am Not A Christian."
(4,111 posts)Leave it to a philosopher. Thanks, for that post.
(3,524 posts)I have observed many persons (almost all men) who take better care of their cars than their families. Talk about misplaced priorities.