Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumTalk me down, please.
I'm considering wearing a Satanic Temple t-shirt to our local school board meeting. That, or take a collapsible colander and pirate eye-patch (Flying Spaghetti Monster) and put them on during the public comments. Why? Because Praying Lady, a Moms for Liberty (gag--the misuse of that word!) continues to spew a prayer, almost a sermon, when it's her turn to talk at the podium.
Moms for Bigotry started right here in Sarasota, FL, and the Proud Boys Ladies Auxiliary is vengeful, like their demi-god DeathSentence the Tallahassee Tyrant. One Bigot Mom continues to attack the sole left-leaning member of school board, personally and abusively, for being gay during her comments--every damn meeting. They are the stormtroopers for the education privatization conservative donor class who are trying to privatize public education, public hospitals, prisons, you name it--but they believe they're doing the dirty work so god can takeover our secular institutions and turn US into theocracy--like the Founders never intended, btw.
Phew! OK, helps to vent here.
Oh, forgot to add--during the public comments a lbgtq person/ally spoke about the fear and hatred promoted by DeSadist causing families of non-cis-gendered to feel like they aren't wanted in FL and should move out. A Moms for Bigotry seated behind me muttered, "Good. Leave."
So hard to continue fighting here. Again, helps to vent here--I know DUers get it.

(47,230 posts)
(38,622 posts)FSogol
(47,230 posts)The message isn't for the nutjobs, it is for everyone else.
(38,622 posts)But what do you do when just about everybody at your meeting is a nut job
(47,230 posts)Other than that, I got nothing.
(38,622 posts)
(32,109 posts)Speak after she speaks.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)If my wife protests anything I am about to do, I usually rethink it. I use her to keep me from embarrassment. Sometimes I still do whatever I was going to do anyway.
If you are not an embarrassment, and no one close to objects, stick it in their face.
(4,985 posts)for our own hyper-patriotic made-up organization, like "Mothers for the Defense of Freedom," and wear them to school board meetings. We've let the RW co-opt religion and The Flag with their stupid self-proclaimed Patriotism and Godliness, and it's time to fight back. They proclaim themselves Defenders of the Constitution (But Only the Good Parts) (Like the Second Amendment); why can't we declare ourselves the True protectors of Mother and Baseball and Apple Pie (and the First Amendment)?
If we wore t-shirts advertising that we are the Good Guys, who would stand against us? (insert sarcasm emoji) We could even put a photo of Jesus in the background--you know, one of his elementary school Picture Days photos--or maybe the Ten Commandments (double sarcasm emoji).
(30,236 posts)belittle them. make fun of them. show clearly how nonsensical they are. make sure they get the point. and post video if you can!
i'd rather lift you up than talk you down about this.
I'm in NC and have to say i only feel some of your pain. even so, i'm devastated on this day over what the republicans are doing here.
fuck republicans.
(10,565 posts)why not don your cap and gown? and the highly coveted hood?
(1,714 posts)from his "48 Laws of Power": "By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him." I would just pretend that she doesn't even exist.
Good luck and best wishes!
(3,032 posts)remember to pay attention to local school board races. That's where MAGAts start their infestation of government. Most important, don't let DeathSentence Florida our US democracy!
(51,079 posts)I'm in Iowa and this state is spiraling down the tubes too. We just aren't on the national news every day about it. Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight.