Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumCatholic Crisis! A preist has sent thousands to Hell by saying "We baptize" instead of "I baptize".
The Vatican instructs priests to say, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, but a priest incorrectly substituted we for I, the church said.We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Father Arango said, his voice echoing in the church as he poured the holy water.
But there was a problem.
Saying we baptize was incorrect. The Vatican instructs priests to say I baptize, and if it is not said that way the baptism is deemed invalid.
Church leaders investigated and determined last month that Father Arango had incorrectly performed thousands of baptisms over more than 20 years, meaning those he had baptized in Phoenix and at his previous parishes in Brazil and San Diego were not properly baptized.
Clearly the being credited with creation of the Universe must be very upset about this, and will no doubt severely punish those who, many as babies, chose an incompetent priest to carry out their baptism.
An eternity in Hell is too good for these baby sinners!

(5,916 posts)Another thing to keep me awake at night!
(51,079 posts)The church will have to put that whole pedophilia thing on the back burner again and get this sorted out!
(15,275 posts)all because the grifter held the omelette pan backwards.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)
(540 posts)So now that we have condemed these souls to hell, why not look for volunteers of "good morals" to also go to Hell?
This way in time we could kind of take over, we would be the majority!
Unless of course they have an electoral college.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Literature abounds with the consequences of casting spells incorrectly.
Who said this God fellow was fair anyway? He's probably been having a merry chuckle about all the innocent bebbies being sent to Hell accidentally. Feeding those fires is what keeps Heaven from freezing over, I would imagine.
(12,961 posts)how totally fucking absurdly ridiculous.
Slip of the tongue! hahahahaha
(10,547 posts)(for a price, of course). They could call it. . . oh, I dont know. . . maybe an indulgence?
(7,579 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)unlike the rest of us who are monkeying around with those air hand dryers in bus station bathrooms, trying to remove those invisible holy water marks on our foreheads.
(5,485 posts)
Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)Can't somebody just give a dispensation for it in retrospect? I mean, really, a pronoun?
(1,787 posts)and have my attorney send a letter to the archdiocese demanding proof that it was done correctly.
(22,439 posts)There are not enough emojis in the Ethernet.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)
Look beyond words, see the message.
In response to this news, several readers have directed me to a blog post by Rabbi Mike Harvey, in which he shares the fable of a poor, uneducated boy who attended synagogue with his father on Shabbat. The child could not read, but his mother had taught him the Hebrew alphabet. Moved by the beautiful service of chanted prayers, he joined in by reciting the alphabet, one letter at a time.
His father cautioned him to stop, but soon enough he was moved again to recite the letters, even louder. As Rabbi Harvey tells it, after catching the attention of everyone, the child prayed aloud:
Ruler of the Universe, I know I am only a child. I want so much to sing the beautiful prayers to you, but I dont know them. Please, dear God, take these letters of the alphabet and rearrange them to form the words that mean what I want to say to you, what is in my heart!
Tears formed in the eyes of the father, the rabbi and the congregation. Together, they joined him. Aleph, bet, gimmel, daled, hey, vav ...
Amen, and amen.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)Sometimes the boy and his father would go to synagogue on Shabbat and they would sit in the back as the boy could not read the prayers or sing the songs. But the boy sat there listening and feeling happy just being there, knowing that he was a part of the Jewish people. That much his father had taught him, for the father himself did not know many of the prayers. It was the boys mother who had taught her son to recite the aleph-bet. She had learned it from her own mother. And so, the boy loved to repeat the letters over and over. He loved the sound of each one.
One Shabbat, the boy went to synagogue with his father. He listened to the cantor chant the beautiful prayers to God. He listened to the rabbi speak such wonderful-sounding words. He looked around at all the people in their prayer shawls speaking directly to God. Suddenly, the young boy began to recite the aleph-bet. At first he spoke softly, but then his voice became louder and louder. His father stopped him. Be quiet! he commanded in a loud whisper. You dont know how to read the prayers. Stop talking nonsense. Show respect! Youre in the synagogue.
The boy sat quietly but after some time he began reciting the aleph-bet again. Again the father stopped him, telling him The rabbi will hear you and throw us out for what you are doing. Sit without making a sound!
So the boy sat quietly. But how long could he sit there when all around him he saw and felt the holiness of the day?
All of a sudden, the boy started to recite the aleph-bet again, even louder than before. Then, faster than his father could catch him, he jumped up from his seat and ran to the bimah.
Ruler of the Universe, I know I am only a child. I want so much to sing the beautiful prayers to you, but I dont know them. Please, dear God, take these letters of the alphabet and rearrange them to form the words that mean what I want to say to you what is in my heart!
When the father, the rabbi, and the congregation heard the boys words, tears formed in their eyes. Then they all joined him in reciting, aleph, bet, gimmel, daled, hey, vav .