Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumIn carol season: The lord's prayer is just begging for food and money. Analysis:
I'm hearing all the carols, and this one arrives as a epiphany:
Boiled down from the flowery king-jamesey ruffles, it's only 3 things:
1. The sucking-up: "our lord who art in heaven, hallowed blah blah blah....thy will, blah blah."
2. The begging: "daily bread, forgiveness of debts, and other people's debt to us.
3. sex, fear (the evil crap)
4. Final sucking-up.
But, of course, it's dressed up in silken finery, with ethereal strings and bliss-inducing harmonies, carried on world-class voices and instruments, making it out to be something totally profound. Instead, when you think about it: hunger, fear, horny.

(24,906 posts)Dear God, we bought all this food ourselves so thanks for nothing.
(22,488 posts)scream, "gawd had nothing to do with it! how about thanking the cook, the shopper, the kitchen organizer, the kitchen/dishwasher, the delivery service (same person) and the person who worked hard to afford it all!!!"
(23,362 posts)The Lord's Prayer is ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew (6: 9-13) and Luke (11:2-4). Nice of them to be somewhat consistent.
It's interesting that he never refers to himself in the prayer.
It's interesting that the prayer is actually not Christian-specific, that is, it doesn't invoke a specific god or faith.
It's also interesting that it's intended to be the archetype of prayer in general.
Frankly, I don't believe any of it today but I was deeply educated and indoctrinated in Christianity as a child and teenager.
(65,582 posts)Where is the horny part of this prayer?
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)Maybe it's just me...
(65,582 posts)No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)(Got so excited I posted twice!)
(22,488 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,582 posts)Probably said it hundreds of times.
I always thought it meant to be led into general evil.
Never realized it was about specifically sex.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)The greatest of the seven deadlies is pride.
Lust, which is illicit sex, is number three.
Likely learned a little (very little) about that around grade 6 or 7.
So yeah, temptation is general - or all variety- of evil.
(22,289 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,692 posts)He said the prayer is misinterpreted. It was meant as an actual goal for the early Christians. A goal they would chant at their meetings.
1. The early Christians wanted to create a heaven here on earth, Not wait until they died. Thy kingdom come.....on earth as it is in heaven. Yeah, they wanted a heaven here on earth.
2. They expected this heaven on earth to include free food or bread and that no one would have any debt or owe a rich man. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors. Yes, it was real debt they wanted to do away with. It was not about people trespassing against each other. All debt would be wiped out when Christians developed this heaven on earth.
How very socialist of them.
old as dirt
(1,972 posts)... by militant Catholics burning Selective Service Draft records with homemade napalm.
It was part of the struggle of Church and State.
The footage below in which the Lord's Prayer is recited was deemed too dangerous to broadcast at the time.