Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumGot a Question, it's about an emotional response I had.
As many know I woke up a couple of years ago. And yesterday a neighbor was showing me something they got in the mail. She took it out of the box, it was a cross.
It was pretty, but I got the same feeling that one would get from turning the TV on and there's Trump.
I held in the emotion so not to seem rude. First time I had an emotional response to an object like that.
Anyone else have such an emotional response to a religious symbol before?

(38,622 posts)Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)So I haven't been around any for a while. Was thinking that seeing it brought back the thoughts of all the time I wasted trying to empress a story.
(24,906 posts)I have always been fascinated about how powerful a graphic symbol can be, whether it be a cross, a swastika, etc. I guess Im sort of jaded, none of it is a big deal to me.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)seeing trump, pictures of trump, red baseball hats, as well with seeing Confederate and Nazi flags.
But after I I fought the feeling down and went back in, I was racking my brain trying to figure out why. I never had that problem looking at religious symbols before.
(5,258 posts)Even the beautiful Celtic cross her husband gave her because so many people react negatively to that symbol. She's there to give comfort.
(13,966 posts)walking inside cathedrals in the English countryside.
O.T.O.H., images of Bush II and Orange Anus do stir up negative emotions.... same with televangelists.
(12,284 posts)I want to puke. Does that count?
(35,078 posts)travel to Italy, don't go.
I have no emotional response to any religion, but that's just me. I do find them very interesting and worth study.
Beastly Boy
(11,784 posts)It is the act of someone barging into your life. It is the realization of how easily your private space can be so unceremoniously invaded against your consent and the feeling of helplessness to prevent such intrusions.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)She's a neighbor, and she was 6 feet away. Everything was fine till she showed me what she got in the mail, the cross.
(6,645 posts)However, I have always scoffed at the Pillow Pinhead when his commercial came on tv .....
And that was before he proved to the world what a COMPLETE IGNORAMOUS he is......
ms liberty
(10,028 posts)If Jesus was an actual historical figure, and he came back like they so desperately want, what would he think of his fan club...all wearing around their necks, and decorating their homes and possessions with facsimiles of the weapon used in his horrific torture and death.
It might just be me, but I'd want to get as far away from those freaks as possible.
(1,124 posts)I do a fair amont of restoration work on churches I admire the craftsmanship discounting the symbolism. Church groups are big social gossip centers.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)So I have neither affinity with nor particular aversion to religious symbols.
Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)I view them as the people who think I am going to hell. I also view them, from personal experience with a few, as people who would rather push their religion than keep their word. I don't know if they're all like that. I hope Jimmy Carter doesn't think I'm going to hell, but unless he's chosen to go with his own interpretation of the Bible, I don't see how he could think anything else.
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.
(2,453 posts)was anger for a few years. Now, many decades after "waking up," my response is just an overwhelming sadness. Pity is probably the word, for the still enslaved.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)So I'm not turning into a Vampire!
But jokes aside, I am happy to know I'm not alone, that a few have had that experience.
The experience had me a little worried about my sanity for a bit. It was just a piece of jewelry, nothing to get angry at.