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The Catholic Church Wants to Remind You That God Thinks Gay Marriages Are Gross
By Hemant Mehta
March 15, 2021
Given the chance to do the right thing the obvious thing the Catholic Church has, once again, failed.
The Vatican issued a formal response today to the question of whether Catholic priests can bless same-sex unions. The answer up to this point has always been no. After all, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says homosexual acts are intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law and that homosexual tendencies are objectively disordered.
But given that Pope Francis supports civil unions i.e. legal rights for gay couples maybe the Church had finally opted to move into this century?
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the office responsible for the Inquisition) said in a statement approved by the pope that the Church was still officially opposed to supporting same-sex marriages.

Tell me again how that organization inspires people to be good?

(18,876 posts)But god help you if you want a union of love between two consenting adults blessed. Religious institutions are a scourge on humanity.
(18,435 posts)kacekwl
(8,018 posts)bigotry, hate and selfishness of so-called Christians and other God fearing people and organizations there are. Someone said love your God hate your church.
(3,620 posts)...just an Athiest close observer of Catholics and former Catholics.
My observation is that sexual acts are seen by the church as inherently abomination inspired by Satan, only made necessary to create more Catholic babies. This construct is confirmed by priestly celibacy, and edicts against non-procreation sex, contraception, homosexuality, and abortion.
The community of Catholics would be much healthier if the early popes had borrowed more of the pagan traditions that honored our natural insticts...including our longing to enjoy our bodies and share the desire with others.
The issue with Rome is much deeper than the current political squabble over gay marriage. Catholics must come to terms with the un-natural quest to regulate our human needs and desires with the threat of eternal damnation.
Looking at life through the lens of bronze-age superstition and Roman Empire political intrigue carries a lot of baggage that is destructive to 21st Century life.
(113,131 posts)but the combination of the Plague followed by the Reformation seems to have done it. Barren sterility and asceticism are praised to the skies whole anything done to sustain life and make it bearable is seen as inherently evil.
My Irish granny was "churched" after the birth of my mother--that's where you go to beg forgiveness for the carnal sin involved in conceiving a baby. Men were never required to do that, they never bore the outward stigma of pregnancy--only pox, which they gleefully passed on to their wives and then blamed on them.
I was done with that rotten organization when I was ten and pitched a fit to get out of Catholic school, where the entire burden of guilt over the bad behavior of men was all our fault for being evil temptresses. As children.
Funny, most of the strongest atheists I know IRL are refugees from Catholic schools.
And you're right, the RCC is the last vestige of the Roman Empire, which gave it the rigid hierarchy and bad statuary, along with palace intrigues and kicking company people upstairs to become demigods.
(28,290 posts)👍