Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumTenacity Does Not Impart Truth
The persistence of an idea, whether it be unicorns, snarks, grumpkins or gods gives no validity to that idea.
The tenacity of an idea as a human construct for 3 years, 30 years, 300,000 years or 3 x10^google years, does not provide or bestow any shred of cogency upon that idea.
Ideas are only valid if they pass repeated tests as falsifiable hypothesis.
An argument of validity by Tenacity is without merit when one truly seeks to to understand what is real, and the world as it is, in opposition of what one may want to be real.
Fantasy is as it always has been: fun and sometimes comforting but, ultimately, false.

(24,906 posts)is how long they've been at it.
(4,033 posts)...that the founder is dead.
It is good for morale if you can rally around a martyr.
(4,261 posts)Is a cult with an army?
(49,533 posts)is a very old and persistent one, too. Just to confirm that yes, persistence of an idea has NO BEARING on its validity.
There are some who simply cannot grasp this concept though - in their desperation to validate their religious belief, they will latch onto ANYTHING to justify it to themselves.
(4,033 posts)...that is misunderstood, misapplied and all too often conflated with culture and one that I would love to see eradicated, almost as much as all the versions of super-naturalism.
While "species" is also a human construct, it is a useful one, for now. It would be something worth witnessing to see the next, metaphorical, Linnaeus present an improved framework (i.e. a better representation of nature and more useful to humans) to categorize all our known biota. I suspect that day wont come until we meet our first extra solar life form (sigh).
(2,453 posts)put me in mind of points in Michael Shermer's The Believing Brain. Great book!