Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumSuck on it, atheists! Evolution has been disproven!"God did it." Short and easy to understand.
"Tiny random changes over time." Nobody knows what that even means and nobody understands it.
Boom! Checkmate, atheists! Evolution is too hard to understand and therefore it must be false!
Also, Earth is hollow and Hell is at its center.

(35,077 posts)Or, has it ever been explained so I could.
(4,033 posts)...?
Mr. Deity and the Identity Crisis:

In Summary:

I'm must be a Unitarian..
(63,497 posts)so it can't be answered. So there!
(15,359 posts)That's one of my favorite willfully ignorant oversimplifications. I hear something like that and I don't even bother to respond. Don't even think starting to explain mutations, natural selection or any of it even a simply as possible, will have a prayer of getting through to them.
(13,897 posts)through to them. So if we pray for them to understand they would have to understand, right? That's it. God will do it. Suck on that religionists.. your conclusion has been disproven. Theist logic is such a fun game... Let's see 0 ÷ 0 = 5.. anything ÷ anything = God, therefore God = 5... wow, I know everything.
(15,359 posts)they are embarrassed to be descended from, probably had to understand natural selection fairly well. Or things real close to it. Their descendants figured out how to domesticate and selectively breed animals. Who knows how far back for some of them. That kind of thing keeps getting pushed back in time the more we learn.
They had the knowledge of their environment, and the plants and animals they relied on to survive, that would rival out surgeons in expertise. They saw when a new bull, or cow for some animals, took over a herd. They saw the things that happened, and the new offspring, good and bad. They probably knew right from the start to breed their livestock with wild stock when they needed new blood. We know the plains tribes would hobble their mares where the wild stallions could get to them. No telling how long ago people knew to do that.
(2,107 posts)Lint Head
(15,064 posts)Did the flat earth just evolve? Did God create Planet X?
(13,897 posts)Sex
(16,594 posts)defacto7
(13,897 posts)rurallib
(63,497 posts)that should make you celibate.
(13,897 posts)It's like Harold and Maude only inside out... I'm gonna barf, thank you very much.
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)
(13,897 posts)OriginalGeek
(12,132 posts)that Stanford researchers have disproven evolution. That it's too impossible but a god-creator is a given.
I often wonder about that boy.
(NB: Nope, not once has he linked me to a study or published article or even a footnote from Stanford researchers but he still believes it.)
(16,594 posts)1. Kurt Goedel's philosophical proof. It's a mathematical masterstroke, but it rests on ridiculous, unrealistic premises, like that we can clearly divide the world into good and evil and that good only begats good and that evil only begats evil.
2. The God-Particle. Yes. The Higgs-Boson has the nick-name "God-Particle" (because it was so hard to find), and some people took the name God-Particle as proof that scientists have discovered God.
(12,132 posts)he's repeats often how it takes more faith to believe in evolution than in god. We heard that dumb shit all throughout our youth in baptist churches.