Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumHello fellow vermin!!
Apparently calling members of the DU A&A group vermin is acceptable in the echo chamber that is the 'Prayer Circle'...
Mighty "christian" of them.
But at least we know there's no religious privilege here...

Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)truebrit71
(20,805 posts)...of Atheist by some of the "christians" on this board.
My other favourite part is this "Take comfort in the knowledge that most of us, including atheists, are praying in our own ways "
Um, no. Entirely and utterly, NO we're not praying.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)a "tactical atheist".
(12,799 posts)I'm not even "visualizing." Some atheists are neither militant nor atheist.
(36,392 posts)DU has some idiosyncrasies
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Can you give me a clue? Were there boats involved? goats? Ducks?
(12,799 posts)Followed by a huzzah from the host.
(113,131 posts)and now I have to go take a shower for getting near that group and I hate taking showers these days because I'm afraid I'm going to break my other leg and now I have a hunk of cardiac flotsam attached to me that needs care and feeding.
(36,392 posts)DU has gotten bizarre through the years
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)
(51,079 posts)I should have read all the posts first.
(103,206 posts)However, the worst bit of the contents of the offending post are on record, even if the person who called DUers 'vermin' also self-deletes.
By the way, you should have highlighted the word 'vermin' in the alert (I assume it was you who alerted, given the URL you've posted). I seem to have been the only juror to notice the 'vermin' remark.
Ignore them. They neither help nor hinder
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
This is meta. SOP of the Prayer group specifies no meta.
"This room is not for meta. This room is not to settle scores. This room is not to mock believers or non-believers."
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Wed Apr 29, 2015, 02:46 PM, and the Jury voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This isn't an OP; it's just a reply. If it were a violation of the SOP it still wouldn't be up to jury to decide if it belongs here or not.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: While the comment is very broad it does not violate any other standards.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Wha??? meta for the jury?? There is nothing wrong in this post. It is up to host of the group to hide threads that don't belong, but this is not even an OP. Come on, alerter! Get a life outside if you have to troll the Prayer Group.
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Don't go to the Religion
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I'm hiding this for the comparison of some DUers to 'vermin'. That is rude, over-the-top, and dehumanising.
(20,805 posts)I tried, but was informed it had already been alerted on.
Seems I'm not the only one that thinks that it isn't appropriate to call fellow DU'ers "vermin"....
(103,206 posts)I assumed by the timestamp that it had been your alert I served on. It would be interesting to know what the jury would have said if 'vermin' had been pointed out in the alert (juror #1 may have hidden for that reason, of course, and I can't work out what #5 was saying).
(20,805 posts)...but you never can tell sometimes with DU juries...some just don't bother to read, or get the context of the post that's been alerted on.
(7,579 posts)Isn't that the definition of people who pray?
(13,029 posts)if an atheist in our safe haven had referred to Catholics as "vermin". Or Mormons. Or Native Americans. Or Blacks. Or multi-racial people. Or homosexuals. But apparently those in the God-loving, oh-so-charitable prayer circle think it's perfectly appropriate to refer to atheist DUers that way. And not a word of protest from any of the self-righteous preachers of 'civility' that inhabit those spaces. Why am I not surprised, given who is in charge over there?
(28,151 posts)Because...reasons!1!!
(13,029 posts)Nice to see you my friend! Hope you're warming things up there
(28,151 posts)The weather is now fabulous here! Hugs to you and Mrs. Skeptic!
(33,982 posts)Vermin is etymologically derived from Varmint.
"Varmint or varmit is an American-English colloquialism, particularly common to the American east and South-east within the nearby bordering states of the vast Appalachia region. The term describes farm pests which raid farms as opposed to infest farmsmainly predators such as foxes, weasels, and coyotes, sometimes even wolves or rarely, bears, but also, to a lesser degree, herbivores and burrowing animals that directly damage crops and land."
tl;dr Don't touch me.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)From the Latin "vermis", via old French to Middle English. I would have thought that "varmint" came from "vermin", not vice versa.
Sorry to contradict you but we vermin are an disruptive lot. Ask any sailor.
Response to truebrit71 (Original post)
Post removed
mr blur
(7,753 posts)there really are some disgusting excuses for human beings around, aren't there?
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)If I was married to someone like that I would be too ashamed to lecture anyone about anything.
(9,356 posts)...or not...
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)It's certainly much worse than anything I've ever seen DU atheists post about believers.
After the poster got shut down in that group, they decided to follow up with a thread in the other forum.
To show atheists who don't pray that we're clueless because he prays and you know, he's an atheist too.

(49,533 posts)I was trying to think of the worst thing any atheist has called a believer here on DU. Apologist, accommodationist, "religionista," I can't think of a single thing that even comes close to labeling a group of people as something that carries disease and/or needs to be exterminated. What horrible hatred. So glad I have that individual on ignore.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)I should have used "vermin", as that is more acceptable to the religionistas, apparently. Who knew?
(49,533 posts)Response to beam me up scottie (Reply #29)
deucemagnet This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,476 posts)That was a righteous rant!!!
(9,629 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal]Some of the comments coming from people back then made me physically ill.[/font]
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)From now on that's whose voice I'll hear in my head whenever I read his posts.
You will respect his authoritah!

(49,533 posts)When one's hatred turns one into a caricature, perhaps it's time to go get some therapy.
(9,356 posts)I'm pretty sure the other half of that couple once referred to us as "vermin," too.
This was a few years ago, and I think the post was in the old "Meta/Hosts" group.
It stuck in my mind at the time because of her constantly chiding other people about civility, etc.
Old-timers: this was back when yet another member of the family was posting. You may remember that he suddenly popped up in the Religion group asking for "Fresh New Perspectives On Religion" etc.
Well, that turned out to be the same stale old perspectives for A/As - sit down, STFU, and just marvel at the awesomeness of our religion. Oh, and please join us in fighting our common enemy, the Religious Right, after we get finished insulting you. Yeah, I'll sign right up for that...
That family member also barged into the A/A group, shaking his cyber-finger at us and demanding that we respect his inane God-bothering. But that didn't last long.
I think I may still have that other "vermin" post archived somewhere. It's so old it may not still be searchable with normal methods. I'll post it in this thread if I find it.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)It took me a while to find the thread but here it is:
Angry onager is very sexy, btw.
That family's rise to power preceded my extended break from DU.
(49,533 posts)Anti-atheist bigot, thought everything good in the world was brought into it via religion. So glad he took his bigotry and left.
(4,713 posts)On Thu Apr 30, 2015, 09:45 AM an alert was sent on the following post:
ZOMG!!! I remember you getting VERY ANGRY at his intrusion on DU2!
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Personal attack on fellow DU members and family and call-out of members not participating in this thread
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Thu Apr 30, 2015, 10:16 AM, and the Jury voted 3-4 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Agree with alerter, enough of these personal attacks on DUers, the place is becoming hostile to those who are here to discuss issues.
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: It is so obtuse that unless you know a great deal more than I do it just seems like a tantrum which liberals can certainly deal with.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Stupid ass, really should be banned for their behaviors, never nice, always stirring shit.
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: Seems personal.
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Seems acceptable
(33,982 posts)Fascinating.
(4,713 posts)& was then chastised for using such harsh language. It's all a damn crap shoot.
(49,533 posts)Now that's funny.
(9,116 posts)...looking for posts to hide.
BMUS' ultra-specific post must really have raised the ire of some random passerby, no?
(33,982 posts)Curmudgeoness
(18,219 posts)seems to have very little authority, huh?
(9,116 posts)And honest to boot.
I'm sure we're just imagining this whole alert thing.
(18,219 posts)All the alerts here in A&A are really being done by us.
(103,206 posts)it's surprising - and worrying. Some jurors seem to take the word of an alerter for it without even reading the post, let alone ones around it.
And it pisses me off in all kinds of DU situations that alerts whine 'call-out!!!!' when there is absolutely nothing about call-outs in the DU rules.
(33,982 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,206 posts)Every single alert that uses the phrase 'call-out' needs to explicitly justify why it's a problem for 'community standards', as far as I'm concerned. This idea of "never talk about DU on DU" doesn't make any sense as a principle. Perhaps starting threads to trash someone is 'disruptive'; but pointing out relevant poor behaviour is not, I think.
(9,356 posts)Trigger Warning: Attack on Family Member:
(4,713 posts)I got a hide yesterday for saying "fuck your link, what's the question?". Then lectured by the jury members about my language.
(6,452 posts)But fuck it - Justin's a bully and deserves the criticism.
(19,705 posts)deucemagnet
(4,549 posts)Outspoken atheists are vermin. Cartoonist-murdering zealots are victims. We have always been at war with Oceania.
(51,079 posts)LiberalAndProud
(12,799 posts)
(27 posts)Sort of about how silly religion folks react to facts
(49,533 posts)it's far better to be on the side of people who are called "vermin" than it is on the side of people calling them "vermin."
Proud to stand with you guys against the assholes!
(9,356 posts)
(27,985 posts)AtheistCrusader
(33,982 posts)Don't bother me none.
(49,533 posts)If you're hated by someone that foul and nasty, it's a great sign you're doing something right.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Calling out misogynistic homophobes gets your post deleted. Calling the people who point out your misogyny and homophobia "vermin" is fine.
Gotta love DU.
(9,356 posts)This is not just a shameless way to BUMP this most enjoyable thread. Nah, I wouldn't do that...
Just wanted to pass on the vaccination offer from FEMEN, at their anti-Le Pen protest yesterday. And after the Charlie Hebdo clusterfuck, I completely expect the American media to describe that protest as "topless Nazi women invade Paris" or something equally stupid.
From the FEMEN Facebook page:
Here's a story about the protest: